Fox Ridge News
CUSD 303 Early Childhood Department
January 13, 2023
- MON, JAN 16: No School (Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday)
- WED, JAN 25: Early Release Day
AM classes DISMISS EARLY at 11:05 am
If your child rides the bus home from our morning session, drop off at your home or child care will be 25 minutes early.
PM classes START EARLY at 12:05 pm DISMISS EARLY at 2:10 pm
If your child rides the bus to school for our afternoon session, pick up will be 25 minutes early from your home or child care and the bus at the end of the day from Fox Ridge will drop off 50 minutes earlier.
Hearing and Vision Screening
Greetings Fox Ridge Families,
Adequate hearing and vision are paramount to educational performance and the Illinois Department of Public Health mandates annual hearing and vision screenings for preschool children 3 years of age or older enrolled in any public school. I wanted to inform families that I will be starting the mandated hearing and vision screenings this month for our students at Fox Ridge. The screening will occur during your child’s school day.
The screening program helps identify students who need to see an eye or ear specialist for further evaluation to rule out any concerns. The district screening program does not provide a complete examination, it is just an initial screening. You may assume that your child has passed the hearing and vision screening, if you are not notified. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Nurse Sherry
Sherry Farmer RN, CSN, PEL-IL, Certified Hearing and Vision Screening Technician
(331) 228-2404
2023-24 Kindergarten Enrollment
Transition to Kindergarten: Spanish Edition
2023-2024 Preschool Program Lottery
Student Absences
If you know ahead of time your child will be missing there is also a pre-arranged absence form to complete (request from the front office). It is required to be turned in at least 2 days before the requested absence and applies for certain types of absences (family vacation, special religious events, etc.)
Bus Riders: There is NO NEED to call the transportation department to notify them of the absence. The bus driver will stop for 2 minutes at your child's stop and then continue on the route if you are not outside when they arrive. The department doesn't have staffing to field phone calls regarding absences or notify the drivers of the messages. Additionally, they need the phone line open for other purposes.
Fox Ridge Early Childhood Center
Location: 1905 East Tyler Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2400