Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 14th June 2024
Super Sports Day
Sports Day 2024
We were blessed that the rain held off for us on Sports Day and it was fantastic to see so many parents and carers who came along to support the children. As always we started the day with our Early Years races and in the afternoon Years 1 - 6 competed for their teams to win the Sports Day Trophy.
It was a really fun day and the children demonstrated amazing perseverance and team spirit.
A huge well done to Isaac, Felix and Imogen who won our Year 6 mile race and congratulations to Sharks who were announced at the end of the afternoon as our winning team.
For more photos from the day do click on the video below.
Grow Your Money Challenge
Enterprise Week
Across the school the children are going to be entrepreneurs as part of our Grow Your Money Enterprise Challenge. The children have designed and put together products and services to raise funds through our Enterprise Day which will be taking place on Friday 28th June in the afternoon and at home time. Children can bring money to purchase items and parents and carers are welcome to come along and join in the fun from 2.45pm.
Next week each class will share with you what they have been doing to prepare for Enterprise Day!
Inter School Dodge Ball Competition
Year 2 and Year 3 Dodgeball
On Tuesday morning, a group of children from Year 2 and Year 3 went to a dodgeball competition at Outwood Academy Ripon, organised by Sporting Influence. They played against other schools in the area and had a great time, showing great teamwork. Well done to the Year 2s who won overall in their age group and also a huge well done to William and Tobias for receiving the bands for being the most encouraging in their teams.
Year 6 Visit Ripon Wetlands
Wetlands Visit
Thank You Mrs Kyle
Congratulations on your new job!
This week we said a huge thank you and farewell to Mrs Kyle who has worked as a midday supervisor at Ripon Cathedral School for over 11 years. She has shown such support and care for all the children and we will miss her humour and kindness. We wish her every success in her new job.
Summer Productions
Litter Muncher by Key Stage 1 and Early Years
In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the children are making great progress in learning the fabulous songs for their performance of 'Litter Muncher.'' The story of a village who need to learn that everyone needs to help to keep things neat and tidy. Next week we will be sending home a letter to parents and carers so that they can obtain tickets for the performances on Tuesday 2nd July (at 2.15pm and 6.15pm) and Wednesday 3rd July (at 2.15pm).
We are sure that you will be wowed by our youngest performers.
Please note that nursery pupils will only be performing on the afternoons shows.
Return to Pantomime Planet
The children in Years 3 to 6 are working hard at putting together their show about Captain Jack Giant Slayer flying on Beanstalk 1 to Planet Utopia!
They are enjoying learning lots of songs, lines and dance moves for their performances which will be on Tuesday 16th July (at 1.30pm and 6.30pm) and Wednesday 17th July (at 6.30pm).
We are sure you will enjoy this fabulous show, full of upbeat songs and drama!
Stars of the Week
We always enjoy sharing who our Stars of the Week are in our special Celebration Worship on Friday.
Ezra for increased confidence in all provision areas.
Jack for working really hard on his phonics to write sentences about Town Mouse and Country Mouse. Well done.
Year 1
Jonah for working hard to improve his letter formation in his booster sessions. Well done Jonah.
Year 2
Edward for taking part in Sports Day and trying his best. He showed resilience and perseverance. Well done Edward.
Year 3
Hugo for his perseverance and determination at Sports Day, he kept going even when he found it tricky. Super effort for his team.
Year 4
Amelia for her fabulous effort with preparation and planning for a newspaper report.
Year 5
Mia for her excellent determination in Sports Day as well as showing fantastic sportsmanship.
Year 6
Felix for having a fantastic attitude on Sports Day and for taking pride in his classwork too.
Reading Den
The children in Nursery have been enjoying books in their new reading den.
Compassion in our World
In worship this week we thought about people who show great compassion through actions. In our worship on Friday the children shared some of their thoughts about where and when they have seen compassion.
"When I fell in Nursery a friend helped me and made sure I was ok."
"When my sister saw a homeless person she got food together and toothpaste and brush and gave it to them."
"I have seen compassion and love at the park when someone hurt themself and my brother helped them and showed love."
"One day I saw a nice lady in town who said nice things to me in Sainsburys."
"At Sports Day when a Year 6 pupil finished the race they hugged the person who came second."
"When people got upset at Sports Day it was lovely to see arms going around them to support them, even if they lost."
Parent Governor Election
We are delighted that three parents have completed the nomination and self-declaration forms to stand for election as parent governors (start date 1st September 2024) and will be holding an election so that eligible parents and carers can vote for their preferred candidate. On Monday, please look out for an email explaining the election process and envelopes coming home with the children containing all the necessary information to vote. This applies to all parents/carers who will have a child in school in September so Year 6 will not be sent the papers.
Duck Race Wednesday 26th June
New Date for The Duck Race
The poster date is incorrect as we had to postpone due to weather that was too awful even for ducks! We are more hopeful for Wednesday 26th June, 5pm at Fisher Green. Many of you have already bought your duck's number, but more will be on sale soon. Just look out for the Friends in the playground, recognisable with the duck fishing pole!
Dates for Diaries
Week of 17th June - Spanish students visit us from Segovia
Monday 17th June - voting papers for parent governor election to be sent home
Thursday 20th June - Year 3 visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Week beginning 24th June - Enterprise Week
Wednesday 26th June - Duck Race 5pm Fisher Green stepping stones
Monday 1st July - deadline to return ballot paper for parent governor election
Tuesday 2nd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 production of the Litter Muncher (2.15pm and 6.15pm)
Wednesday 3rd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production of the Litter Muncher(2.15pm)
Thursday 4th July - Year 6 go to Crucial Crew Roadshow
Tuesday 9th July - In school transition day
Thursday 11th July - Reception visit Newby Hall
Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Leavers Event at 6.00pm
Tuesday 16th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (1.30pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 17th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Wednesday 17th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (6.30pm)
Thursday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship
Friday 19th July - School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th July - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th August - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. As a school we try to communicate these in advance to support families, however at times dates and times can change due to a range of circumstances. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
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Twitter: @riponcathschool