January 2024
Dear SJF Jr. Community,
Eve-Marie Durand
Here is the link to our Facebook page, if you want to follow us. New postings will be up soon as we embark on this new school year.
Jan. 6th: school resumes
Jan 10th: PEF fundraiser - Pyjama Day
Jan 11th: Fran Lowry Blood Drive from 9 am until 4 pm - see pdf below
Jan 15th: HandS Meeting @ 7 pm - Junior Campus
Jan.16th: Open House - see pdf below
Jan. 24th: Pedagogical Day
Feb.7th: Pedagogical Day
Feb.17th: Pedagogical Day
Feb 19th: HandS Meeting @ 7 pm - Senior Campus
Feb 28th: Spring Dance by the Fence @ 9:15 am
March 3rd-7th: Spring Break
Governing Board
We will have our GB meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30 pm.
The link will be shared in the next School Bulletin.
SEED and Lunch news
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful time with their family and friends. We would like to wish you all a happy, healthy, and safe 2025.
Important dates:
· January 24 S.E.E.D is closed for professional development.
· February 7th - In house ceramics Deadline will be January 31st by 6 pm
· February 17th -Mega Maze field trip. Deadline will be February 7th by 6 pm.
I ask that you please respect the deadlines. Late registrations will not be accepted.
Official Income tax receipts will be ready at the end of February 2022.
Please send in an extra pair of socks and mittens for the students as well as a warm sweater to wear. We do open windows from time to time to circulate the air and it can get chilly if they aren’t wearing sweaters.
Thank you !