Back to School!

Welcome to Ms. Joines and Mrs. Parker's First Grade Class!
Ms. Joines
My name is Ms. Joines! I am so excited for this upcoming school year. This is my second year of teaching. I graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne University in 2023 with a bachelors degree in elementary education. My favorite thing to teach is reading. I am passionate about reading education. On the weekends, you can catch me curled up on the couch with my dog Zelda, and a good book. I live with my boyfriend Avery and my 11 year old dog Zelda. Some of my hobbies are reading, cooking , and playing pickleball. I am so excited to get to know all of my new students!
Mrs. Parker
My name is Patti Parker. I am married and have a son. I love dogs and have two rescues of my own. I love spending time with family and friends and I love children. I have been working as a teaching assistant for several years because it is my dream job. I love helping children grow and learn. I love making connections with their families. Those connections have made lifelong friendships. I can’t wait !
Contact Information
Mrs. Parker and Ms. Joines are both available through Class Dojo. Mrs. Parker will be able to answer quicker than Ms. Joines during the day.
- Mrs. Joines will be available on Class Dojo between 7am and 4pm. Outside of these times, responses may be limited.
- Mrs. Parker is available any time on Class Dojo!
If you have a transportation change, PLEASE send Mrs. Parker a message AND call the front office by 2:30pm.
Schedule Information
Green Folders
Students will bring home a green folder on the first day of school. This green folder will be used to send homework home each day. We will also keep our behavior calendar in this folder. The green folder should come to school with your student each and every day. We will use this folder to send home finished work and important papers.
Behavior Calendar
Each student will have a behavior calendar in their green folder. Each day, your student will receive a sticker for good behavior at school. If your student doesn't receive a sticker, but instead receieves a number. Please refer to the bottom of the behavior calendar and talk to your student about the corresponding behavior. When you see a number, you will need to sign on the date that your student received a number.
Homework Routine
Homework is a big part of first grade. We will send homework home with your student the first day of school. We want to start getting students into a routine early on. Your student will complete Letterland homework and read a baggy book each night. Students will get Dojo points each morning for completing homework from the night before. An adult will need to sign the homework log each night.
Supply List
- 3 wide ruled composition Notebooks
- Scissors
- 2 Crayons (24 pk)
- Colored pencils (1 Pack)
- Book Bag (no wheels)
- Pencils (1 pack)
- Dry Erase Markers (low odor)
- 2 pocket folders w/prongs (1 folder)
- Glue Sticks (1 pack)
- Clip Board
- Large Pencil bag/box
- Headphones (no ear buds)
- Personal Water Bottle
- ZipLoc Bags (2g.,1g,1qt)
(Classroom Items optional)
- Tissues
- Clorox Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer (big bottle)
- Small drinking cups
- Snacks
- Small individually wrapped candy