Principal’s Weekly Update
December 13, 2024

Upcoming Events
December 13th: Winter Choir Concert 7:00 pm
December 16th : Winter Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
December 23rd - January 1st: Winter Break
January 15th: Winter Band Concert 7:00 pm
The Holidays/Winter Break and College Admissions
Just as holiday and winter break planning is in full swing, so too is the college admissions process. At a time when family and friends are gathering, emotions can be running high for our college-bound high school students. Seniors are receiving decisions from early admission schools and trying to process this news, which can be cause for celebration, or unfortunately, disappointment. Others are enduring the long wait for decisions in the spring that can feel never-ending.
The collision of family gatherings and the college admission cycle has the potential to create great angst for your high school senior, as they may be trying to distract themselves from the uncertainty surrounding their future. Conversations at get-togethers could involve an overwhelming number of questions about where students have applied, if they have been accepted, what colleges other relatives or friends are going to, and usually others’ opinions of various schools. While well-meaning, these dialogs could create some challenging moments. Before this occurs, here are some tips to share with your senior:
- Don’t be afraid to move the conversation in a direction that’s more comfortable for them.
- Focus on successes in their current classes or interesting topics they’re studying.
- Talk about what they love to do outside of the school day.
- Rather than where they will go, talk about what they are looking forward to in college, such as majors, minors, activities, study abroad opportunities, and internships
- Turn the focus of the conversation to the other person and ask questions about what’s going on with them.
- If necessary, respectfully exit the conversation.
Encourage them to share only as much as they feel comfortable about their college admissions journey, emphasizing that the choice is entirely theirs.
SAT Prep Information Class of 2026
Downingtown High School East Campus will again be offering courses to assist students with preparation for the upcoming Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). College-bound juniors typically take the SAT in the spring of their junior year and may repeat the exam in the fall of their senior year, if necessary.
- Please see the 2024-2025 SAT Prep class letter below for more information.
Job Opportunities
Exton Senior Living needs part-time help!
Exton Senior Living needs part-time help with their dining services! Help with setting tables, folding napkins, filling water glasses, providing and refilling condiments, food prep as needed, serve meals to residents in a courteous and professional manner, and remove dishes from tables to kitchen. They hire at 14, offer a flexible schedule, and pay $13/hour! Contact Marti Drozel at mdrozel@integracare.com or visit https://jobs.integracare.com/positions/
Faraway Farms Country Corner needs a part-time cashier!
Faraway Farms Country Corner in Glenmoore needs a part-time cashier 1-2 days a week from 3:30-6:30 p.m. and every other Saturday. Must be 16 years + to apply. Please contact Cara at fafcatering@gmail.com if you are interested.
Other Opportunities
Attention students in ALL grade levels!!!
The Greater Philadelphia Youth Conference will be held on Sunday, December 22, 2024, at 3 p.m. at Upper Merion Middle School. This is an amazing opportunity for high school students to build their resumes, connect with industry leaders and college mentors in a variety of careers, participate in panel discussions, learn about internships and more! The cost to attend is $10, but the first 100 signups will be sponsored at no charge–use the code FIRST100 in the payment section to claim this offer. Dinner is included. Check out the website for more information and to register: http://gpyc.us/
Join the Teen Advisory Board at Chester Springs Library and make your voice heard!
- This is your opportunity to shape future library programs, explore exciting volunteer roles, and even create new clubs that match your interests. Whether you want to help run fun events or come up with fresh ideas, your input will make a real impact.
- For more info or to get involved, contact Ms. Sam at sheckleroconnor@ccls.org. Don’t miss out on the chance to make a difference and connect with other passionate teens!
- The Teen Advisory Board allows students to gain leadership experience, develop organizational skills, and build connections with peers who share their passions. I believe it would be an excellent fit for many of our students who are eager to contribute and grow. Thank you so much for your time and please let me know if you need any additional information.
Lockheed Martin Summer Internship
The Lockheed Martin Summer Internship application will open November 26th, 2024, and end on January 5, 2025. An information session will be held on Tuesday, December 17th, 5:30 p.m. Once a registration is submitted, their team will follow up prior to the information session with the virtual link to attend.
Students must be 16 at the start of the internship and capable of demonstrating knowledge and passion for a STEM career.
Registration link: https://app.smartsheetgov.com/b/form/a98e8da349df4d98b902cbcfec4e315d
JUNIORS….The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) is a rigorous, highly selective, summer enrichment opportunity focused on science with instruction in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and more. The application is now open to current JUNIORS, and the deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. The program is free to students, and students live on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University. For more details on the program, visit https://sciences.pa-gov-schools.org/. Application link: https://pgss-applications.pa-gov-schools.org/users/sign_up.
A Message from the Home and School Association
All Night Senior Party (Post Prom)
- If you have a certain skill set that may be helpful we would love to have your input and assistance!
- Please sign up if you are interested in helping with future planning of this event!
- Scan the QR code in the flyer or visit this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfggXm_KeC3VOguisrr6Oe2Kq4G4vLX3w0GwAfHK0FSQ-E6hA/viewform?scrlybrkr=673c5e57
Yearbook Sales
- Please visit https://prod.yboc.varsity.com/ to purchase a yearbook.
- Yearbook purchase center Access code: 4846
Varsity Games- Go Cougars!
- 12/14: Wrestling at Pequea Valley Invitational 9:00 AM
- 12/14: Boys Basketball vs. Upper Merion 11:00 AM
- 12/17: Girls Basketball vs. West 5:30 PM
- 12/17: Boys Basketball at West 5:30 PM
- 12/18: Swimming vs. WCE 3:30 PM
- 12/18: Wrestling vs. Upper Perk 6:30 PM
- 12/19: Boys Basketball vs. Henderson 5:30 PM
- 12/19: Girls Basketball at Henderson 5:30 PM
- 12/20: Swimming vs. Great Valley 3:30 PM
- 12/21: Boys Basketball at Upper Perk 11:00 AM
- 12/21: Girls Basketball at CB South 11:00 AM
Cheer on the Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team!
The Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team would like to invite you to watch their games!
Come out and show your support to our team!
- Friday 12/13: Henderson vs. DE 9:30 PM Ice Line Rink 3
- Friday 12/20: Unionville vs. DE 6:20 PM Ice Line Rink 1
- Friday 1/24: DE vs. WCE 9:45 PM Ice Line Rink 1
- Friday 1/31: DE vs. Avon Grove 6:15 pm Ice Line Rink 1
- Monday 2/3: DE vs. Kennett 8:00 pm Ice Line Rink 1
Support the Boys Basketball Team!
- East Boys Basketball team gear available for the entire family.
- Shopping window - Sunday 12/1/24 - Sunday 12/15/24 (delivery after the New Year).
- Visit: https://www.promoplace.com/dehsboysbasketball/Apparel.htm to order merchandise. Please share this link with others as a portion of the sale goes to our team.
Other Events
Blood Drive
In Honor of Ella
When: December 30thTime: 10am to 3pm
Where: Downingtown Middle School 115 Rock Raymond Road Downingtown PA 19335
Schedule an appointment by visiting https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time
Administration and Other Staff Contact List
Counselors Contact Information
Ms. Kristina Cole: 9th - 11th Grade Students: A to Col
12th Grade Students: A-Cov; krcole@dasd.org- Ext. 41041
Ms. Stephanie Chupela: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Con- Gan
12th Grade Students: Cox-Gl; schupela@dasd.org- Ext.41040
Ms. Katherine Dill: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Gar- Ke
12th Grade Students: Go- Ke; kdill@dasd.org- Ext. 41042
Ms. Angela Hanna: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Ki- McD
12th Grade Students: Ki- Mar; ahanna@dasd.org- Ext.41043
Mr. Michael Matta: 9th - 11th Grade Students: McE- Ras
12th Grade Students: Mas-Pl; mmatta@dasd.org- Ext. 41045
Ms. Caroline (Gregory) Hallam : 9th - 11th Grade Students: Rat- Sta
12th Grade Students: Po-So; cgregory@dasd.org- Ext. 41046
Mr. William Davis: 9th: 11th Grade Students: Ste- Z
12th Grade Students: Sp-Z; wdavis@dasd.org- Ext. 41044
Prevention Specialist
Athletic Director: Corey Sigle – csigle@dasd.org
Associate Athletic Director: Michael Semar- msemar@dasd.org
Assistant Athletic Director: Renee Harty – rharty@dasd.org
Administration Contact Information
Paul E. Hurley III, Principal – phurley@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Lakesha Costello: 9th grade and 10th grade: A thru Ha – lcostello@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Eric McComsey: 11th grade and 10th grade: P thru Z – emccomsey@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: (Frances) Jill Whalen: 12th grade and 10th grade: He thru O– fwhalen@dasd.org