From the School Board President
A message regarding a resignation on the Board
March 19, 2025
Dear Winnetka Families, Staff and Community Members,
I am writing to inform you that one of the members of the School Board, Ms. Katherine Myers-Crum, submitted her resignation on the morning of March 18, 2025 in advance of last night’s regular Board meeting. Ms. Myers-Crum has served on the Board as a member at large since her election in April 2023.
Per School Board Policy 2:70, the Board has the right to appoint a member to fill the vacancy. Given the close proximity to the coming April 1, 2025 election, this appointed person would serve in the role for the remainder of the unexpired term, which in this case would be until April 2027. The Board must fill this vacancy within 60 days of the receipt of a resignation, which in this case would be no later than May 17, 2025.
The Board will discuss this vacancy and a process to fill it; however, no action will be taken in advance of the coming election. Any interested community members may submit their interest in serving on the Board to board@winnetka36.org. The Board is working to schedule an open meeting to discuss process some time after the April 1 election. This date will be posted and open to public attendance.
Despite this unexpected change in Board leadership, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the work that our dedicated administrative team is championing and are confident in their continued ability to guide staff, students, families and community members through that work in the service of students. We thank you for your partnership and support.
Dan Waters
Board President