Tiger Tracks
October 2024

October Edition
Admin Announcements
Attendance Matters
At RPS so far this year we have a total of:
506 tardies
1,190 absences
616 Early Dismissals
For a total of 464, 885 minutes of missed instruction.
Upcoming Events
Kindergarten Holiday Lunch
Red Ribbon Week
PBIS Fall Festival
Veterans Day Program
RPS Annual Veterans Day Program
We would love to honor our Veterans! Please read the flyer and use the link below to submit your information. More information about the program will come home soon.
Title 1 Parent Engagement
School Family Compacts were sent home at the first of the month and I am happy to say we have had a great participation rate! Having 80% or more signature sheets returned helps to keep us Title 1 compliant and we have surpassed that. Thank you for all you do to help your child succeed!
The Parent Resource Room is available for you to visit during school hours, Monday-Friday. Stop in to help with preparing materials for teachers or grab some resources on several different parenting topics. Room 804 welcomes you to come visit!
I look forward to seeing you!
Volunteer Opportunities & Events:
Room Parent (contact your teacher)
Parent Resource Room
PBIS Fall Festival
PTO Momster Ball
Kindergarten Parent Lunch
Tracy Wilson, Parent Involvement twilson.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Music Notes
Join us for the First Grade Christmas Concert on December 9th at 6:00pm.
This is a public concert and will be held at Rockbridge Church in Ringgold.
$2 Admission per person (12 and under free)
Donations are welcome
Library Lessons
Gym Chat
Make sure to wear the appropriate shows on P.E. days!
Coach Mc.
Let's Talk Lunch
You can apply for free or reduced lunch by using this link: www.lunchapplication.com
Make sure to put money on your child's meal account. You can use this link:https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/ or send in a check to your child's teacher.
Notes from the Nurse
The Vision Hearing screening will be held October 8-9th. All of 1st grade will be screened. Kindergarten and 2nd grade screened upon request.
If you have further questions, email Nurse Lunn at mlunn.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Counselor Corner
Character Education Trait
- Character Education Trait for October is LOYALTY which means being faithful to a person, organization or your country.
- Holiday Assistance- Several organizations in our community will begin accepting referrals/ applications soon to assist families in need this holiday season. If you are in need of assistance this year for Thanksgiving or Christmas, please contact Dr. Karen Farmer by phone (706-937-5437), by sending a message on Class Dojo, or through email kfarmer.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us so I can send you information about these opportunities once I receive more details.
- Parents/guardians will need to contact the school to request assistance for the holidays. No application forms will be sent home with students without a parent request.
- The deadline for all forms to be turned in is November 15th .
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a research-based framework for
teaching and supporting positive behaviors for ALL students. This school-wide approach
to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students
can learn. The benefits of implementing PBIS include improved school culture, reduced office discipline referrals, reduced suspensions, increased instructional time, improved
social and emotional development, improved school safety, and increased student
At RPS, our PBIS Expectations for all students are Responsible, Polite, and Safe. Our
behavior charts describe expected behavior in each setting of the school. Each area has
its own behavior chart posted in that area. Classroom teachers also have created a chart
specific to that class so students understand the routines for each classroom.
Throughout the school year, students are taught what it looks like to be responsible,
polite, and safe in every setting during the school day. These lessons will be re-taught
and reinforced throughout the school year and become a part of the instructional
PTO Happenings
RPS Wins Duck Derby
Thanks to all that supported the Duck Derby for our RPS team!
Every coin that was sent in for the penny drive went to purchase a duck, and it paid off!
I hope all that attended the event had a blast!
Connect with Us!
Whitney Hood, Principal
Michele Cribb, Assistant Principal