Soaring Eagle Times
Bi-Monthly Newsletter, Issue #19 May 17, 2024
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Upcoming Events
School News
Families are invited to attend the Spring Sing & Art Show. Art will be on display as you enter the gym. K-2 students will have a musical performance from 6-6:30. A short intermission will follow. Students in grades 3-5 will perform from 6:45-7:15pm. We hope to see you on Wednesday, 5/22!
Career Day at Skyline
Calling all parents! If you would like and have time in your schedule to be a presenter at our annual career day we would love to have you come and share your career with our students. Our career day is scheduled for Thursday May 23rd at the end of the day starting at 1pm. If you are interested in presenting please reach out to Nora Brooks immediately: nbrooks@pps.net
5th Grade Exhibition
Dear 5th Grade Parents,
For those who don't know me, my name is Sharon Morgan and I am the IB Coordinator for Skyline. Part of my position here is to work with the 5th grade class on their research project called, Exhibition. The Exhibition is a student-led research project that gives kids the opportunity to show off their skills and share their passions. Topics can vary from plastic in the ocean to access of feminine products in schools. Once a topic is chosen, kids begin to research, interview experts, design models, send surveys and gather as much information as possible. From there, students decide how they can take action and become change makers to make the world a better place. For instance, if the chosen topic is clean energy a student may research the impacts of cities building green roofs and then develop a proposal to share with a Portland architecture group in hopes of encouraging green building designs. The student could then build a model of a building design to share with the Skyline community. The options are endless and are driven by the student.
We work on this project every Wednesday morning plus some open times during time with Mr. Ramos however, additional support in time and resources are appreciated if parents and guardians are able. Students are working in small groups or as individuals and are incorporating scheduling and calendar planning to ensure they have enough time to complete their project. The showcase for this project is on June 6, parents and guardians are welcome to come to Skyline and see all the hard work the kids have put into their Exhibition - details about the showcase will be shared when we get closer to the date.
Please reach out if you have any further questions or if you are an expert in something (bee keeping, guitar, electrical engineering, sewing...) because we might have a project that could use your knowledge! Looking forward to seeing all of the kids' projects come to fruition.
Thanks! Sharon Morgan shmorgan@pps.net
Successful School Survey
We are excited to announce that the Successful School survey will open this Monday 5/6!
Families please select your site from the drop-down list at the following URL. Families with more than one student can respond for their eldest student or take the survey more than once. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/portlandor/familyspring24/surveys. Questions? Email Counselor Kristi Loupe at kloupe@pps.net
Technology update - transition from School Messenger to Remind
PPS is formally switching communications away from School Messenger and to Remind beginning next school year. Skyline will start implementing more communications through Remind in the coming weeks. If you have not already installed the Remind app, please do so.
News from our classrooms!
6th Grade
- Design Class: Mr. Childress
- Espanol: Maestra Isa
- Math: Ms. Tilt
- Science: Mr. Childress
- Social Studies: Mr. Fanning
- English Language Arts: Ms. Fondse
7th Grade
- English Language Arts: Mr. Fanning
- Espanol: Maestra Isa
- Math (Common Core): Ms. Tilt
- Math (Compacted): Ms. Tilt
- Science: Mr. Childress
- Social Studies: Mr. Fanning
8th Grade
- English Language Arts: Mr. Fanning
- Design: Mr. Childress
- español - 8th/8th : Maestra Isa
- Heath & PE: Mr. Jepson
- Math (Common Core): Ms. Tilt
- Math (Compacted): Ms. Tilt
- Science: Mr. Childress
- Social Studies: Mr. Fanning
Community Action Project
- Bryce T
PTA & Community News
Please welcome our new PTA President, Melissa Stern! She is the mom of three awesome Skyline kids and has been an active volunteer for several years. Thank you, Melissa, for stepping up to lead PTA.
2024-2025 PTA Board
Melissa Stern, President
Susan Heffernan, Vice President
Liz Kelly-Campanale, Treasurer
Alissa Leavitt, Secretary
Deb Babkes, Communications Coordinator
All are welcome to PTA meetings, whether or not you are a member! Our website is full of great information for families, visit at www.skylineschoolpta.org. You can find meeting agendas & minutes there anytime.
Skyline Carnival
Mark your calendars for Carnival - Friday, 5/31 from 5:30-8pm. We'll have inflatables, food and carnival games galore. PTA could use one or two more volunteers to help plan this event. Join the team! Please reach out ASAP to skylineschoolpta@gmail.com.
Area construction news
Helpful Links
Previous Newsletters
- Issue #1 (Aug. 27th, 2023)
- Issue #2 (Sep. 1, 2023)
- Issue #3 (Sep. 15, 2023)
- Issue #4 (Oct. 6, 2023)
- Issue #5 (Oct. 20, 2023)
- Issue #6 (Nov. 3, 2023)
- Restart of School (Nov. 27, 2023)
- Issue #7 (Nov. 21, 2023)
- Issue #8 (Dec. 1st, 2023)
- Issue #9 (Dec. 15, 2023)
- Issue #10 (Jan. 6, 2024)
- Issue#11 (Jan.23, 2024)
- Issue #12 (Feb.2, 2024)
- Issue #13 (Feb 16, 2024)
- Issue #14 (Mar. 1, 2024)
- Issue #15 (Mar. 15, 2024)
- Issue #16 (Apr. 5, 2024)
- Issue #17 (Apr. 19, 2024)
- Issue #18 (May 3, 2024)