Upper Dublin In Review
Legislative Briefs - April 2024
Upper Dublin Board of School Directors
Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, President, Mr. Mark Sirota, Vice President
Ms. Jenna Evans, Mr. John Held, Ms. Jennifer Iannitti, Ms. Alima Redding, Ms. Titia Scherpbier, Dr. Mary Beth Thomas, Mr. Stu Warshawer
Call to Order - Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
President's Welcome - Mr. Wallack welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a summary of recent Anti-bias training and professional development that Board members and administrators attended. Mr. Wallack introduced the two student representatives participating in the meeting and reported on the MCIU's Legislative Breakfast on April 26, 2024.
Student Government Association Report - Anthony Soriano briefly thanked the Board and reported on the Student Government leadership and their further education after they leave UDHS. Isabelle Fishman, new student representative, reported on various happenings at the Upper Dublin High School.
The Board wished Anthony well in his future beyond Upper Dublin High School.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Laurie Smith, Superintendent, recognized Anthony Soriano's contributions to the Board. Superintendent's Report which included information on PDE's School Breakfast promotional video in which our schools were chosen, Baden Powell Council's Community leader award for UDSD, Arbor Day commemoration at FWES, Anti-bias training, and addressed the events that took place at UDHS and the safety and security response. Additionally, Dr. Smith briefly discussed safety and security training, assessments, and personnel.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for action items and presentations included on the agenda only. Public participation included the following topics:
- Additional positions under personnel recommendations;
- Budget presentations;
- Safety and security;
- New position job descriptions; and
- Enrollment.
Minutes - The March 18, 2024 legislative meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
*Education Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Agreement with Professional Learning Partnerships for professional learning services;
- Professional development conferences; and
- Student activities.
*On the agenda, a purchase of IEP Writer software, was tabled until next month's legislative meeting.
Finance Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Routine matters - Treasurer's Report, the list of bill payments, and budgetary transfers;
- Bid award recommendation for the UDHS softball field;
- Van purchase;
- Pool Counsel Legal Services Agreement with Sweet Stevens Katz and Williams; and
- Donation from GIANT Supermarket through the Feeding School Kids program.
Personnel Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Personnel Report inclusive of appointments, resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, changes of status, Extended School Year (ESY) and Summer STEM, Car Pool and Bus Duty, and extracurricular activities; and
- Positions Created - Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Assistant, Safety Officer, Social Worker, and a Special Education Teacher.
Pupil Services Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Two (2) confidential student educational agreements.
Policy Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following second readings:
- Authority and Powers (Board Operating Guideline 002);
- Functions (Board Operating Guideline 003);
- Student Records (216);
- Homeschool Education (137);
- Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students (137.1);
- Co-Curricular Participation by Home Education Students (137.2);
- Career and Technical Education Participation by Home Education Students (137.3); and
- Classroom Observations (907.1).
The Board affirmed the following first readings of policies:
- Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care, and Other Educational Instability (251);
- Drug and Substance Abuse (351);
- Records Management (800);
- Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification (830);
- Data Governance (830.1); and
- Visitors to Schools (907).
The Board affirmed the following first reading repeals of policies:
- 451 and 551 Drug and Substance Abuse (Professional and Classified Employees)
Solicitor's Report - Mr. Diasio reported that the Board met in executive session prior to the April 29, 2024 legislative meeting to discuss the personnel report and the Act 93 agreement. Additionally, he announced that immediately after the meeting's adjournment the Board will meet in executive session to go over the process for the annual Superintendent evaluation and matters related to the creation of the Assistant Superintendent position.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for any topic. The topics included:
- Anti-bias training and professional development;
- Holocaust curriculum;
- Tax increases and tax increase history;
- Budget; and
- Transfers to Capital Reserve Fund.
Comments from the Board and/or Superintendent - The Board and Superintendent commented on the following:
- Budget.
The following informational items were included on the agenda:
- Enrollment Report;
- Liaison Committee Reports;
- Monthly committee meeting approved minutes; and
- Schedule of upcoming meetings.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM.