It's almost that time!

Principal's Message
First, on behalf of the school, I must again thank all of our parents, families, friends and community members who supported our Jog-A-Thon! I know that it wouldn't happen without the community effort. It was our most successful event ever!! It took some time to plan the award assembly and I've thanked the students for their patience, but it was for good reasons! Days after the skies cleared and the kids ran, donations were still trickling in! Again, a good problem!
Today we had our annual Jog-a-Thon Awards Assembly. Congratulations to all of our students who ran their hearts out last month! It really is a congratulations to everyone, because the funds we raised all go to new curriculum for our students and teachers.
The Class Lap Winners are:
Harper with 11 laps
Dylan with 10 laps
Thang & Maverick with 16 laps each
Ximena with 16 laps
1st Grade
Felix with 15 laps
Eloise with 18 laps
2nd Grade
Eva with 17 laps
Jimbo with 24 laps
3rd Grade
Stephen & Josef with 17 laps each
Salma with 17 laps
4th Grade
Aria M and Emily R with 17 laps each
Adam with 20 laps
5th Grade
Anna with 18 laps
Carter with 20 laps
6th Grade
Elizabeth with 16 laps
David with 23 laps
8th Grade
Sianlen & Sam with 19 laps
Top Runners of the School:
Liv (8th Grade) & Lola (7th Grade) with 24 laps each
Braylon (7th Grade) with 27 laps
Father Gabriele with 25 laps
Top 3 Classes who raised the most money:
Kindergarten raised $6,228
2nd Grade raised $7,157
8th Grade raised $8,239
Top Student Money Raiser:
Solari (8th Grade) & Eva (2nd Grade) raised $2,250 each
As a whole school we raised $58,000! Way to go Eagles!!
As we look forward to the long weekend, let us not forget to honor and thank our veterans. At St. Therese we strive to foster a spirit of service and servant leadership in our students. We can hope to also instill in our students deep gratitude and respect for those who are called to serve in the armed forces. If you are interested in a family friendly way to honor our veterans, check out the Veteran's Day Parade which takes place Monday, here in northeast Portland.
Have a wonderful weekend. We will see students back on Tuesday.
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
Keeping Things Cozy in Kinder! Pajama day!
Virtue Award Winners!! In October, students focused on "foresight."
Parents Club Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 6PM
Join us this upcoming TUESDAY evening in the PSC! Our monthly Parents Club meeting will be November 12th at 6:00 PM in the PSC! Join us to hear more about the upcoming Christmas Pageant, CYO Basketball season, our annual Food Drive and Lunar New Year! All parents are encouraged to attend! Each monthly meeting counts as Fair Share Hours! We can't wait to see you then!
Musical Notes
Exciting news coming from our very own Ms. Bavaro in the music department!
1. Send us your paper towel and toilet paper tubes!
For Native American Heritage Month, music classes have been learning about Native American music. To continue the discussion, I would love to have the kids make their own rain sticks. In order to do this, we need toilet paper or paper towel tubes, plus bags of dry lentils or small beans. I am hoping to collect 125 tubes and 10 bags of beans. If you are able to contribute, please send these items to school with your kiddo by Monday, 11/11. Many thanks!
Thank you for your help with this!
2. Christmas Children's Choir
St. Therese Church is looking to form a Children’s Choir for the Christmas Day 10AM Mass. No prior experience necessary, ages 6-12 preferred but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis. There will be an optional rehearsal on Friday, December 20 at 4PM, and a rehearsal on Christmas Day, December 25th from 9-9:40AM. Please reach out to Emily Bavaro at ebavaro@archdpdx.org or in person at Mass to sign up.
3. St. Therese School Christmas Pageant
Please follow the link below to read the letter detailing the Christmas pageant, from Ms. Bavaro.
Thank you!!
Emily Bavaro
Director of Music
St. Therese Church and School
Famous Composer Danielle Olana Jagelski visits St. Therese Students!
Thank you, Ms. Bavaro for inviting your amazing friend, Ms. Jagelski!
Musician Danielle Olana Jagelski came to talk with students on Thursday about her career as a Native American composer and conductor. Ms. Bavaro asked her to come chat with the St. Therese students as a supplement to their studies on Native American musical traditions. Danielle is currently based in NYC and is in demand as a composer and conductor. She recently received a grant from Opera America for development of her opera, Little Ones, which is currently being workshopped in Portland by Renegade Opera.
First Family Group Activity of the Year
This week we had our first Family Group Activity. Every year, our students fall into different family groups. 8th graders are the leaders of each family group. They work with the classroom teacher to lead exciting activities. This week was the first activity of the year. The students colored different shoes to match their interests while the 8th graders kept the conversation going with silly "Would you Rather?" questions.
3rd Grade Scientists
Third graders have been learning about Life Cycles and now they are creating a project to show their understanding that all organisms share certain stages in their life cycles.
Pre-K Fun
6th Grade Students Become the Teachers
Athlete's Foot(notes)
Open Gym
OPEN GYMS for 3th - 8th grade on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. These will be managed by Coaches Avery Robinson and Trey Harry who coached the 6/7 Boys team last year.
This is free and open to all interested athletes. Students outside of St Therese are welcome to attend! You will be required to sign a waiver for your student the first time your student participates.
Sign up for Basketball Now!!
We need 8 Players per team minimum. Tell your friends!
Basketball registration is now OPEN and we want to fill out our teams as soon as possible. The deadline to register for a team is Monday December 2nd. If you are interested in playing again this year, we want to make the links available to you:
We need a minimum of 8 players to make a full team, and we would like to have enough players to hold full teams at each grade level. Scholarships are available through CYO so please don't hesitate to participate!!
Please reach out to athletics@stthereseschool.org with any questions, we are here to help!
Hot Shots registration is now OPEN and we want to fill out our teams as soon as possible. The deadline to register for a team is Monday December 2nd. If you are interested in playing again this year, we want to make the links available to you:
HOT SHOTS basketball for Grades 1&2: REGISTER HERE
We already have had a great turnout, but we have an option to have an all-girls team and an all-boys team, or two full teams. We want to have as many young athletes as possible join us on the court this season!
We would like to have an informational meeting for Winter sports on Thursday November 21st from 6:30-8pm in the Parish Center. We will cover the following:
- Volunteering for fair share hours (site monitor, concessions, and general help)
- Expectations for the upcoming season
- Important dates and information
We will also provide a Zoom link for those not able to attend in person! Hope to see you there!
Dates to Know
- 11/11 No School in honor of Veteran's Day
- 11/22 Last Friday of the Month: Free Dress
- 11/27 1/2 day, with noon dismissal.
- 11/27 School mass changed to 8:30 a.m. Join us!
- 12/9 School mass at 1:15, Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Recurring Events
- Vietnamese classes has changed from leveled classes, to one class from 3:30 - 4:30
- School mass: 1:15 - 2:15 (subject to change based on holy days of obligation, feast days etc.)
- Sacraments classes with Sister Martina: 2:45 - 3:45 in the PSC.
- Open Gym Time, 6 - 8 pm. St. Therese Students from Grades 3 - 8 are all welcome! Free!
Christmas Ornament Ordering Info
Hard to believe that we're already closer to the Christmas season, than not!
Last year Mr. Rymer showed his students the new Glowforge laser cutter, which he got for the school through a grant. By showing the kids the hardware, Mr. Rymer and the kids came up with the idea of making Christmas ornaments for their families. In doing so, the students are learning about engineering, design, and production. They are handmade by the students, with Mr. Rymer's guidance.
Post-pandemic, the prices of materials have gone up significantly and Mr. Rymer uses Baltic birch for these, which isn't cheap. It's a great way to get a custom made keepsake for loved ones and support the school at the same time. The price is $30 per ornament, or $50 for two ornaments.
Please see the links for a video with more information from Mr. Rymer, and the order form.
<a href="http://www.thenedshows.com"><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/60f9d11908866a0b6a25adac/60feed4a7a054a3b778c0f7e_believe-in-ned-button.png" alt="The NED Shows" height="175" width=“267” border="0" /></a>
Thank you to all of our corporate Jog-A-Thon sponsors!
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400