What's Happening at School?
Graettinger-Terril/Ruthven-Ayrshire Schools Sept. 2019
The Beginning of the School Year....
...is a busy time for teachers and students! Creating relationships with new teachers and students, learning expectations and routines, and determining where to start teaching and learning are important for a great school year. The first month at GT/RA has been fun. This is the way to build a respectful and collaborative culture.
RA HS Leadership
The RA high school leadership team explains the Titan Way.
Recess Rules
Elementary students learn about recess expectations.
First Day Pictures
GT Kindergarten students drew a picture of themselves on the first day of school.
Mr. Simmelink
Visits with students in high school business class.
Mrs. Price and Mrs. Peterson
Mrs. Griffith
MS/HS Math teacher tells the students about her past work overseas.
Reading and Math Assessments
Teachers spend most of the first month learning about students. Students take computer-based reading and math assessments, fill out interest inventories, and other pre-assessments. One of the ways that this is done is by individual conferences. This picture shows Mrs. Fredericksen listening to a student count.
Standards and Objectives
Students are made aware of the learning that will take place in classrooms in many ways. Many times teachers may communicate them verbally. Many classrooms have the standards identified through "I Can" statements on a bulletin board or white board. Students know what they will be able to do at the end of the lesson. Students also show mastery of these standards through their work.
Mrs. Kirk' College Composition Class
ENG105 and 106, College Composition, is offered at G-T/R-A on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. Each of these students arrives early to get college credit for their English course. Students in the class delve into vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, and writing techniques by looking at mentor text and writing their own pieces. The face-to-face course is offered because it is easier to get help from an instructor and immediate feedback. Face-to-face also allows students more time to practice the skills they need. ENG105 focuses on writing skills and forms, and ENG106 focuses on literature analysis.
Activities and Materials
The teachers at GT/RA are constantly looking for student engaging activities and materials to cover the standards that need to be met in the classrooms. The activities should meet the objectives, be relevant and challenging, create curiosity , and incorporate resources beyond a text book. Take a look at the activities that are happening at GT/RA!
I Like it Here sung by the GT Kindergarten
September 9, 2019
Physical Education at GT/RA
Mr. Dyhrkopp's Class Researches the Presidential Candidates
Students in Mr. Dyhrkopp's class researched the platforms that the presidential candidates are standing on. Below the pictures are research papers to learn about the candidates.
Mr. Dyhrkopp's class uses their one to one computers playing Quizlet in team competitions learning vocabulary.
Which One Doesn't Belong?
Mr. Girres explains the activity that the Transitional Kindergarten will do by displaying it on his new screen
Simon Says
Mrs. Jeffrey's anatomy students play Simon Says to learn vocabulary.
GT Transitional Kindergarten Class
RA Kindergarten
Miss Doerder and Middle School Band Lessons
Learning Spanish with Ms. Magana
Mrs. Dreeszen's Second Grade Math Activity
Creating a Safe Environment
GT First Grade Classroom's Reading Corner
High Five Friday
September 9, 2019