Midland Trail Elementary School
November News 2023
Midland Trail Elementary
News & Updates from MTE:
This month we will have a special Veteran's Day Program at MTE. Our students have been learning songs to recognize our Veterans who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the National Guard. We are proud of Ms. Funk for working so hard to get our students ready for this program!
Did you know that November 14th is Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day? Students and Staff are invited to part in the annual Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. MTE will join schools across the country who are continuing the movement to end racism and unify our communities. Wear PURPLE and join us!
Who is Ruby Bridges? In 1954 the US Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Brown v. the Board of Education ended racial segregation in public schools. However, southern states continued to resist. Ruby spent kindergarten in a segregated classroom. In 1960 a federal court ordered Louisiana schools to desegregate. The school district created an entrance exam to see if African American students could handle being in an all-white school. Ruby and five other students passed the exam. The six students were to be sent to two different all-white schools. The school district delayed their start and Ruby's first day of school was November 14, 1960. A few days before the start of school, the two African American students who were going to attend with Ruby, decided to stay in their home school. Ruby braved William Frantz Elementary School on her own.
We invite EVERYONE to wear purple (Ruby's favorite color) on November 14th. If you would like to walk to school with us, we will meet in the parking lot behind MTE near the soccer fields. We will begin walking to school at 8:10am.
Please RSVP for the event by using the button below.
Thank you,
Dr. Aron Attebery, Principal
Important NOVEMBER Dates:
6 - No School/Professional Learning Day
7 - PTA and Building Site Council meeting at 4:30pm
10 - Veteran's Day Program; Picture Retakes
14 - Ruby Bridge's Walk to School Day - WEAR PURPLE!
22-24 Thanksgiving Break
Get Involved!
Join PTA! Our PTA needs YOU! We need more support in order to keep PTA moving forward at Midland Trail. The commitment is small. We meet once a month, after school, for 30-45 minutes. We plan a few activities each year: Back To School, Classroom Parties, Teacher Treats, Candy Sales, and our biggest event is the MTE Carnival. We cannot do this without more support. Please consider joining PTA and offering to help out once a month.
TUSD Transportation ~ Bus Cards
Bus Rider Families,
As you are aware, our transportation department utilizes Traversa Ride 360 for our bus tracking platform. This technology allows parents/guardians to see information about their student's route, including the times that their student gets on and off the bus.
In order for this platform to work correctly, students are issued a bus card that they must scan when they get on and off the bus.
If you are not familiar with Traversa Ride 360, you can find more information here: https://www.turnerusd202.org/departments/transportation
Student/Family Changes in Informaiton
~ We Believe and Achieve in Order to Succeed ~
Midland Trail Elementary Info:
Doors open at 8:20 am
School begins at 8:50 am
Students dismissed at 3:50 pm
School Safety: Adults entering the building must have valid I.D.
Early Pick Up:
Parents/Guardians: Please remember if you are picking up your child/children to have ID with you. Visitors are only allowed in the school office.
When you fill out the Online Registration you will decide if your child is riding the bus or being a car rider. This information will be shared with the teacher. If you need to change daily transportation you must call the office BEFORE 3:15pm. This gives us enough time to notify the teacher and student of any change.