Straight from Station
May 2024

October 4, 2024
Important Dates!
- October 8 - PTO General Meeting - 7:00-8:30 PM
- October 10 - Fall Play - 7:00 PM
- October 10 - Fall Play - 7:00 PM
- October 12 - Fall Play - 7:00 PM
- October 13 - Fall Play - 2:00 PM
- October 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30 PM
- October 17 - Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-7:00 PM - No Student Attendance
- October 18 - No Student Attendance
- October 22 - Orchestra Concert 7:00 PM
- November 1 - Teacher Institute Day - No Student Attendance
- November 4 - No Student Attendance
- November 5 - Election Day - No Student Attendance
- November 7 - Band Concert 7:00 PM
- November 8 - 7th Grade Dance
Parent Teacher Conferences: MORE Opportunities for Parents, Not Less…
This year, one of our core efforts is to build better connections with the parents of our students. You may have noticed more regular communications coming from your child’s Colt Time teachers, more regular information coming through these newsletters, and consistent updates from our social media feeds. The upcoming conferences will be another upgrade to our partnership efforts with parents, wherein we plan to have more in depth conversations through team conferencing. For any parents who were not able to get a team conference booked, please feel free to reach out to your child’s Colt Time teacher, or Mr. May, the Principal. A touch base with your child’s teachers can be arranged at any time, so please don’t wait for conferences, or walk away from this conference season feeling that you missed an opportunity. We have times available for all, and welcome the ongoing partnership. If you have any questions, please contact Mr May at cmay@barrington220.org.
What is it?
Snowflake is a unique opportunity for middle school students to come together in an informal setting and discuss issues of concern.
This is a drug and alcohol prevention program
Focuses on a variety of topics related to adolescent concerns
Enforces positive decision making and healthy behaviors
Students participate in small group meetings consisting of 10 students, 2-3 high school students and an adult leader
When: Friday, November 22nd, 2024
Time: 3:40-6:30PM
Students must stay for the entire program
Cost: $32.00
Includes: snacks, t-shirt, and program materials
Begins October 1st, 2024 on RevTrak-https
Ends October 31st, 2024 or when maximum capacity of 400 is reached
** No Refunds**
Counselor Connection
In September during our SEL lessons we spoke with all students about the importance of reaching out to their trusted adults when they are in need of support. Students were also either introduced to or reminded of their counselor’s Schoology page Counselor Connection which all students have access to and houses helpful resources for anxiety and stress management as well as other useful student information.
This month Station recognizes two national awareness campaigns: Blue Shirt Day on Oct. 7th (bullying prevention) and Red Ribbon Week (substance use prevention). It is fitting then, that October’s monthly SEL lesson will focus on bully prevention and how to support and report. For more information, please watch this Character Strong video. In addition to our SEL lesson, students will participate in activities to bring awareness to both bullying and substance use prevention to encourage making healthy choices.
DID YOU KNOW? Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t; yet, only a quarter of teens report having these conversations. Red Ribbon Week® (October 23-31), the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the nation, is your opportunity to get the ongoing conversation started. This year’s theme is Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.™ Visit www.redribbon.org to learn more about Red Ribbon Week® and get tips for talking to your kids about drugs.
Club Spotlight: SOMOS STATION
Get ready to put on your creative caps and dive into a colorful celebration! Next week, our club will be transforming the library into a vibrant “Día de los Muertos” altar, honoring the incredible Hispanic authors who have left their mark on the literary world.
What’s the plan, you ask? Here’s the scoop:
Decorate Like a Pro: We’ll be crafting a beautiful altar filled with papel picado, marigolds, and of course, some literary flair! Let’s give a shoutout to those authors whose stories have inspired us all.
Play Lotería Like a Champion: Get ready for a fun twist on Mexican Bingo! We’ll be playing a special Día de los Muertos-themed lotería game, where you can learn and have a blast at the same time. Who knew bingo could be this much fun?
So, grab your glue sticks and let’s make some magic happen! This isn’t just a chance to create; it’s an opportunity to explore culture and celebrate creativity.
Join us in honoring the past while having a blast! Together, let’s fill our library with color, creativity, and a whole lot of spirit!
Next meeting after school on Thursday, October 10th.
Station Athletics
Station's Early Winter Sports Registration Links
7th & 8th Grade Girls Cheerleading:
8th Grade Tryout Dates: October 14 & 15
Practice Begins October 21st, 2024
7th & 8th Grade Boys Boys Basketball:
Tryout Dates: October 28th, 29th & 30th
Practices after school each day
Competitive games 2-3 times per week
IESA Regionals: Jan. 25-30th, 2025 (7th)
IESA Regionals: Feb. 1st- 6th, 2025 (8th)
The final deadline is two weeks after retake day; if you do not pick an image, VIP will choose a yearbook/class picture image for you.
On Friday, August 30th, VIP sent out emails to all Station parents/guardians with specific links to view and purchase School Portraits taken of students on Thursday, August 22nd. Please click the link to view your images and select your image for your yearbook (please remember to do so before it's selected for you). All School Portrait orders will be delivered to your home. If you did not receive this email link directly from VIP, please contact their customer service department at 262-375-4457.
Please watch out for the Retake Portrait Day picture email as it will also be sent from VIP in the same format as the original School Portrait Day.
Participate in Early Voting this Month!
During the first half of 2024, more than 2,500 community members collaborated on a plan to continue to improve our aging school buildings. The final $64M community-driven plan will go to you, the voter, for approval as a referendum question on the Nov. 5 ballot. If successful, the referendum will:
- Increase Safety & Security throughout Barrington 220
- Build a New Community Auditorium at Barrington High School
- Enhance STEAM and Instructional Spaces for Students
Traditional early voting at polling locations in the Barrington area will open on October 21. Click the links below to find early voting information for the county you reside in:
Doctor’s Note Required for Medical Absences
Due to a change in school code by the Illinois State Board of Education, this school year a medical note is required for parents/guardians who select the: “MEDUE: Medical/Dental Appointment” excuse option for their student in Infinite Campus or call their student out of school for a medical/dental appointment.
The revised school code defines "valid cause" for absence as the following: Illness, including the mental or behavioral health of the student; attendance at a verified medical or therapeutic appointment; appointment with a victim services provider. Please note that the student’s absence will be marked unexcused in Infinite Campus until a medical note is provided.
We understand this is a change in practice from previous years. Please know that our front office is here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Sign Out Procedures
If you plan to pick up your child up early from school, we ask that you please put in an Absence Request in the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come to the front door with your cell phone. Ms. Jarva or Ms. Alters will buzz you in and you will scan a QR code (located on table near front door) that is linked to a sign-out form that you complete while you wait for your child to come down from class. Please note, only individuals listed on Infinite Campus (IC) will be allowed to pick up your child. If you need assistance with the parent portal, please contact the Infinite Campus Hotline at (847)-842 3580.
Thank you!
Visitor Procedures
In our district’s continued effort to keep our students and staff safe, remember to bring your driver’s license or state ID when you come to visit/volunteer at Station. The reason for this is we run your ID through our sex offender background check system. After your ID is scanned, you will be issued a visitor lanyard and visitor sticker before being admitted into the building. Every D220 school follows these procedures. For the safety of our students, there are no exceptions.