Tiger Time
November Newsletter

A Letter from Mr. Vandell
Greetings HFMS Families,
Well, believe it or not we are already a quarter of the way through our school year. The arrival of fall is a great time to display gratitude and at HFMS we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I am extremely grateful for the students and the families of Harpers Ferry Middle and want to personally say thank you for all of your efforts so far this school year. November is also a great time to recognize our community including our veterans for their ultimate commitment to our country and the lasting impact they have had on our school and community. I would also like to take this time to thank the Harper Ferry High School Alumni Association who recently donated the stuffed tigers to help us kick off our recent Spirit Week and Homecoming festivities, and who are always finding new ways to support our school. And finally, to the teachers and staff of HFMS who I will always be forever grateful for all that they do to make HFMS the special place that it is.
I hope everyone has a great November as we head toward the holiday season. As always, please do not ever hesitate to reach out to myself or our admin team if there are questions or concerns you have at any time throughout the school year. We are here for you and it is my hope that we continue to work together for the success of all students.
Take care,
Eric R. Vandell
Principal, HFMS
Attendance Update
November is a season for gratitude and we am so THANKFUL for our students, families, and community members and their dedication to improving our school attendance. With the support of our community and business donations, we have been able to reward 23 home rooms for 10 or more days of PERFECT ATTENDANCE. Thanks to our students and their families, our attendance rates have continued to get better. To compare, our Chronic Absence rate in October of 2023 was 23.02% and this year, our October rate is down to 20.99%. The Average Daily Attendance rate in October 2023 was 92.87%, and this year it has increased to 93.32%. We ended the first nine-week period with over 130 students with PERFECT attendance, meaning they missed 0 days!
Thank you for your continued dedication to our students and our schoolwide goal of 95% attendance-we are almost there!
Let's Roar to Success, and Miss 9 Days or Less!
Note from Nurse Boone
Flu season is among us!
Why is it important to wash your hands during flu season?
Washing your hands is easy, and it's one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community—from your home and school, to workplaces & public spaces!