American Charter Chats
September 30 2024
Classroom Highlights
Mrs. Kerkove's Class
Math time fun with Mrs. Kerkove’s class. The class took a break from their regular math time and played Candyland with dice. What a fun way for kids to learn many skills and have fun😊
Mrs. Ostendorf's Class
Mrs. Kotyk helped Mrs. Ostendorf’s class make cards to be given out to Veterans on The Last Frontier Honor Flight. The Honor Flight is a flight bringing WWII, Korea, and Vietnam Veterans to Washington D.C. to visit a monument built in honor of their service.
Mr. Deboer's Class
Upcoming Events
- Early Release - Friday October 4th 1 pm
- Picture Retakes - Wednesday October 23rd
- Conferences and Bake Sale - Thursday October 31st
- No School - October 31st and November 1st
- Session 2 of Quest Clubs Starts - Tuesday November 5th
- Early Release - Friday November 8th 1 pm
Running Club
Each week 3rd-5th graders meet to engage in a 2-4 mile run. The Running Club encourages kids to work hard and strive to build their stamina, perseverance, and positive attitudes.
Quest Clubs
Session 2 starts November 4th.
Quest Clubs are after-school programs for enrichment and support.
Sessions 2 options are:
- Games: Grade Level K-1st, Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Kerkove, Max 20
- Origami and Paper Crafts: Grade Level 3rd-4th, Mrs. Brouse, Max 6
Wednesdays (every other week):
- Yearbook: Grade Level 6th-8th, Mrs. Kotyk, Max 6
- Choir: Grade Level 2nd-8th, Mrs. Ostendorf, Max 12
- Math Hour: Grade Level 2nd-5th, Mrs. Beech and Mrs. Hoppe
- Made for the Stage: Grade Level 2nd-6th, Mrs. Ostendorf, Max 6
Principal's Corner
Hello AMC Families,
It's difficult to believe there are only three more weeks in the 1st Quarter! What a beautiful fall we have had, and I am so grateful AMC students were able to enjoy the weather on their field trips to the Butte and to Hatcher Pass! As we say goodbye to September, let's embrace October as a great month to focus entirely on learning!! October is also a perfect month to be reminded of American Charter Academy's vision and mission!
Mission Statement - Achieving academic excellence…… the American way!
Vision Statement – American Charter Academy students will excel in academics as well as in their chosen career. We will produce a generation of young people who possess the habits, skills, and attitudes necessary to empower them to succeed as contributing members of society, lifelong learners, and outstanding citizens.
Thanking you for ALL you do to make AMC a Wonderful place of learning!
Thank you for partnering with AMC as we Achieve Academic Excellence Together,
Ms. Farren
Are you interested in volunteering with AMC? Follow the link above and someone from the American Charter Foundation will be in contact with you about opportunities.
Staff Spotlight
Amanda Yuill was born into a military family in Alaska, on Elmendorf AFB. Growing up she moved about every 4 years, with one of the highlights being Ramstein, Germany. While there, her family did a lot of sightseeing and visited the Eiffel Tower four times. She also developed a love of softball and represented Europe two years in a row at the Little League World Series. One of her cool experiences was participating in a tournament against Italy, in a dormant volcano near Pompei. Her family returned to Alaska at the end of her junior year of high school.
She is a mom of three boys, two of whom attend AMC, and loves every minute. She enjoys all things outdoors with her husband and sons. They camp, hunt, hike, fish, bike ride, snowmachine, play sports, anything they can do together. Personally, she loves to garden, paint, wood burn, use her Cricut machine, and any kind of crafty stuff.
She joined the AMC community last year after homeschooling her twins for two years. Initially she did some volunteering and occasional substituting. The more she worked at AMC the more she loved it and solidified why AMC was where she wanted her kids. This year she is excited to have joined the staff as an SOA with Mrs. Voigt.
Jessica moved to Alaska with her family in 2019. She likes the outdoors, opportunities to be creative, and adventures with her husband and two daughters. When her oldest daughter started school, she enjoyed working as a building substitute at a local school. Last year their family welcomed another daughter and their oldest became a student at AMC. This year she was hired as a part-time administrative secretary and is looking forwards to serving the AMC community.