February 2025
Immaculate Conception School Newsletter
Mrs. Schrimpf's News
Dear Families,
As we transition from the joyful celebration of Catholic Schools Week at the end of January, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support of our parish, families, and community. This year's theme, Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community, reminds us of the strong bonds that anchor us in Christ and connect us to one another.
February is a month that calls us to love and kindness, not only on Valentine's Day but every day. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the ways we show Christ’s love in our words, actions, and service to others. As a school, we continue to grow in our faith and show compassion to others.
February is filled with lots of learning opportunities and events. We are at the midway point for the third quarter of school. Please be sure to check in with your child’s teacher with any questions on your child’s progress this school year. We will also begin the process of enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year. I cannot believe we are already planning for next year.
Lent will soon be upon us in March, providing another opportunity to journey deeper in faith. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community. Together, we make this a special place for students to learn and grow!
Mrs. Heather Schrimpf
Food for Thought
A Message from Fr. Matt: My friends, as we continue into the final stretch of this journey to transitioning to a Stewardship Model in our Diocese, we remember the three legged stool of Stewardship, which we are all called to participate in:
- Commitment to pray. That is, actively and regularly attend Mass on weekends and Holy days of Obligation.
- Commitment to participate. That is, offer our talents and a portion of our time to serve the parish community and be a part of its fellowship and opportunities for ongoing Christian formation.
- Commitment to sacrificially give. That is, generously and proportionately pledge a portion of the “first fruits” of material treasure to support the operation and ministry of the parish church. The goal for Christians is the Biblical tithe (10%) and all are called to strive toward that goal as they are able.
With this in mind, we have implemented the policy of assigning of roles for our parish school families as a way of participating in the weekend liturgies. Families are assigned to either be gift bearers or hospitality greeters. I have heard from several parishioners how delighted they are to see more younger families involved.
These assignments are an obligation on the part of school families. If you are unable to fulfill your obligation, please call Fr. Matt at the office to discuss this.
In the Union of Prayer.
Rev. Matthew Flatley, Pastor
Nurse's Notes and Reminders
Help Nurse Debbie get a jump on 2025-2026 school year! Many of our 7th graders have already received the immunizations that they need for admittance into 8th grade. As Nurse Debbie begins to communicate with 7th grade families about needed immunizations, having updated records for each student will help her tailor her communications. Feel free to send your student's most updated immunization records so that Nurse Debbie can determine what immunizations are needed for your student to be in attendance 2025-2026 school year.
Middle School Announcements
- 2/03 - EYES Program (7th)
- 2/04 - BAND; IC Spirit Shirt Day; STUCO
- 2/05 - BAND; Life Runners
- 2/07 - END OF 3RD MID-QUARTER; BAND; Diocesan Scholar Bowl (7th)
- 2/10 - NO SCHOOL
- 2/11 - BAND; IC Spirit Shirt Day
- 2/13 - BAND
- 2/14 - BAND; Valentine's Day Parties
- 2/16 - Father/Daughter Dance @ 6:30pm
- 2/17 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day; 2025/2026 SY Registration Opens
- 2/19 - BAND; Mathcounts
- 2/20 - BAND
- 2/22 & 2/23 - 8th Grade Bake Sale (Annex Rooms)
- 2/24 - BAND
- 2/25 - BAND
- 2/26 - Scout Shirt Day; Art Club
- 2/27 - BAND
Home & School News
Dear IC Families,
Spring Fling will be here before we know it! It is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th and will again feature dueling pianos, an auction, and lots of fun! To make this a successful event, we need all hands on deck! It is not too late to fill out the PARTICIPATION FORM and contribute to this event. If you have already committed to contributing a donation, business sponsorship or auction item, please send those items in as soon as possible. Tickets for the Spring Fling are on sale now!! Thank you in advance for anything and everything you can do to support IC Home and School!
**Please contact any of the Spring Fling Chairs if you have any questions. Contact info is included on the attached letters.**
Counselor's Desk
We’ve covered a lot of great topics so far this school year. Most classes completed their Diocesan personal safety requirement in the month of January. However, there are still a few classes who will be covering this topic in February. Other topics we will be covering include diversity, empathy, and friendship.
Tip for the Month:
As a society, we are seeing an increase in anxiety struggles. Here’s an article addressing 10
ways to help your child cope with their anxiety: How to Cope With an Anxious Child | Anxiety in
**Reminder to check out our Counseling Virtual Classroom! There are lots of resources and fun
activities for families!**
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
SW-PBS (Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support):
Have responsibility. Act safely. Live Christ-like. Offer respect.
SW-PBS Purpose Statement
We, the students, staff, and families of Immaculate Conception School, will create a climate of responsibility, safety, Christianity, and respect for growth in faith and learning.
January Character Trait Winners
Calendar and Menu
Administration Contact Information
Mrs. Schrimpf
Mrs. Boessen
Mrs. Wyrick/School Office
Mrs. Jennings/School Office
Mrs. Hilke/Nurse