See Shaw Shine
Shaw Montessori Newsletter Week of May 2nd, 2021
- Message From Principal Engdall
- Message From Laura Hildwein
- Shaw PTA
- Shaw Yearbook Sales
- May Meal Menus
- Shaw Calendar
- Shaw Covid Dashboard
- District Information
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Message From Principal Engdall
Greeting Shaw Community,
We need your help!
The Shaw Montessori PTA supports and buildings strong relationships in our community between parents/guardians, the staff, and the administration…. all for the direct support of our students. Our PTA is partially responsible for the incredible climate at our school while also raising a significant portion of the school’s discretionary money. Our children and staff receive the benefits of those funds through the funding of “desirable” projects that would otherwise not be realized. Our PTA is 28 years old, has a rich and varied history and without it and its organizational capabilities, our school would not be what it is today.
I know you’ve all heard the phrase “we are looking for a few good people and it takes a village to raise the children.” We need your volunteer spirit, now more than ever. We have openings on our PTA board for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Before the start of our fall semester we must fill these positions to insure the continuation and continuity of our PTA. Please consider one of these positions for the 2021/2022 school year.
We are accepting nominations. If you are interested, please contact: Addie - addie.weddington@gmail.com
Heather - hrvittori@gmail.com
Here is the link for the Officer Nomination Forms https://forms.gle/xzcPTTGVwqa4ADQL6
All the best,
Principal Engdall
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Message From Laura Hildwein
Let’s Remove the Stigma Attached to Mental Health
Why is there such a negative connotation when someone mentions mental health, therapy or counseling? We get treatment if we break a bone, have diabetes or heart disease. Our mental health needs should be treated no differently. Mental health is part of our overall health. There are times in all of our lives when we will feel stressed, overwhelmed or unable to function. It is smart to seek support during those times so that we can lead full, productive lives.
People should not be made to feel ashamed for needing or seeking help. If people feel stigmatized they may be reluctant to seek help, they may fear being bullied or harassed if others know they are seeking help and they may find that others in their life do not support them in seeking help. Stigma can prevent children and families from talking about, exploring and addressing feelings that they have.
Mental health disorders in children are on the rise. Even with up to 1 in 5 children experiencing mental health issues many people are uncomfortable talking about it or seeking help. Here are some suggestions for how to normalize getting support.
-Have open and honest conversations about mental health. Recognize that talking openly about feelings is an important part of raising healthy and resilient children.
-Be non-judgmental – people can respond to the same event differently. It is ok if someone is struggling with an issue that you have been able to cope with.
-Educate yourself with facts about mental health, not speculation or what you see on TV shows. Use appropriate terminology when speaking about mental health issues.
-Role model for your children that it is ok to ask for help when you need it. You can seek support from family, friends or mental health professionals.
It is ok not to be ok. It is ok to ask for help.
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Shaw PTA
REMINDER: Please take a moment to #ThankATeacher during Staff Appreciation Week! Starting this Monday May 3rd, there will be bins for each staff member placed outside the front office at drop off and pick up. Let’s show our gratitude by placing a gift and/or a note in their bins. Thank you so much for your support!
Also, we need your help! Please seriously consider being a part of the PTA Executive Board for the upcoming 2021/2022 school year. A link to the volunteer form is located in the Principal’s section of this newsletter along with contact information for any questions.
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2020/2021 Yearbook - Last Chance!
2020/2021 Yearbook is currently SOLD OUT
Still want/need one?
This week is your very LAST chance.
Deadline to order is this Friday (May 7th)
Contact Christina Girard
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May Breakfast and Lunch Menus
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Shaw Calendar
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Shaw Community Covid Dashboard
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District Info
• District Updates phxschools.org/update
• Health & Safety Mitigation Plan phxschools.org/healthsafety
• Governing Board Agendas & Minutes go.boarddocs.com/az/pesd1#
• District Calendar phxschools.org/calendar
• Cafeteria Menus phxschools.org/meal-menus
• Shaw Montessori Website phxschools.org/shaw
• Previous Issues of See Shaw Shine phxschools.org/shaw-newsletters
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Contact Us
Email: Susan.Engdall@Phxschools.org
Website: https://phxschools.org/shaw
Location: 123 North 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-257-3914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614897512101327/?ref=group_header