Student Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Student Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

Student Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Building Hours
Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m
Every day, students can be dropped off starting at 7:45 a.m. (8:45 a.m. on Wednesdays), report to a cafeteria, or go directly to their 1st-hour class. Student IDs will not allow students into buildings any earlier than 7:45 a.m. (or 8:45 a.m. on Wednesdays). For student safety, please do not drop students off before this time.
Office Locations
On our campus, we have three offices, each serving a specific purpose: the Main Office, the Academics and Counseling Office, and the Annex Office, which is dedicated to registration, withdrawals, and transcripts/diplomas. See the image below indicating the location of each office.
Our DCHS Main Office is located off MacArthur, between the DC Administration building and the PAAC. This entrance will be where all visitors will report, and students will check in/out. This is an adjustment from previous years, and it will provide one secure location for all to access.
The office formerly known as the 11th-12th grade office will become our Academic and Counseling office. For visitors to use this entrance, an appointment must be made with a school counselor.
Student Drop Off
The map below indicates where car-rider students can be dropped off in the morning and picked up at the end of the day. Please do not block areas when dropping off or picking your student up. The bus loop is for bus traffic only from 7:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Thank you for helping us keep students safe on our campus.
Yellow= Bus Loop
Red= Car-Rider Drop Off
See the map below for designated areas for student drop off and pick up
Bus Riders
If your child rides the bus this school year, please download the My Ride K-12 app to view their route, live track the buses, and more. Routes are now available to view in the app; however, please be sure to check the app again before the first day of school, as there may be some changes between now and then.
All returning students will need their bus badge to ride the bus. Please purchase a new bus pass if your student has misplaced your bus badge. If you need to purchase a new bus pass, you can click here on this link for directions.
Do you have a question that wasn't covered in this newsletter?
Reach out to your students assistant principal or counselor
9th & 10th Grade A-K
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
9th & 10th Grade L-Z
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
11th & 12th Grade A-K
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
11th & 12th Grade L-Z
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
Francis Tuttle & College/Career Counselors
Francis Tuttle -
College, Career, & Concurrent -
Testing & Academics
Academic Assistant Principal -
Testing Coordinator -
Athletic Director -
HS Athletic Director -
HS Principal
Principal -