The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Dear Imlay Families,
From Principal McCalley
It is with great excitement that I share information about our return to school plans which most likely will occur right after Spring Break!
Here are upcoming important dates:
- 3/22-3/26: Spring Break
- 3/29: Planned return date of K-2 students to hybrid instruction
- 4/5: Planned return date of 3-4th grade students to hybrid instruction
- 4/12: Planned return date of 5-6th grade students to hybrid instruction
- 4/9: End of 3rd quarter & No School Day
Imlay's school day will be 8:45-1:00 pm daily, with health checks occurring between 8:35-8:45 a.m. for each student. During the day, students in hybrid and CDL instruction will have reading, writing and math whole group and small group instruction. Students in hybrid will also have recess outside with their classmates. Just a reminder: Students in both CDL and hybrid will have a schedule change when their grade level has the opportunity to return to hybrid instruction.
Launching Wednesday will be a video to help parents and students "see" what exciting things are in store for them as we move to Hybrid instruction. Be watching for it!
Below you will find a black out Bingo board! I encourage your family to make a copy for each Imlay student and each day complete one task on the board and mark it off. Students who turn in a completed bingo board will earn a small prize! The Bingo board is to help students transition back to school; some of the squares might require a few days practice in order to be "school ready" when the first day of hybrid school starts!
Please reach out to the office staff or myself if there is anything you need. We are here to help.
Yours in Eagle Pride,
Jen McCalley
Health Instruction Information
Dear Imlay Elementary Parents/Guardians:
The Hillsboro School District (HSD) recognizes the importance of supporting the physical, emotional, and social health and well-being of our students, and provides health education lessons to our students on an annual basis. Oregon’s Health Education Standards require the instruction of health-enhancing skills (such as accessing information, analyzing influences, decision-making, goal-setting, and interpersonal communication) and concepts that are meant to build students’ health literacy and prepare them to live healthy lives. Performance Indicators related to each of the Standards cover the following topics across all grades:
Injury Care & Prevention
Promotion of Healthy Eating
Disease Prevention
Mental, Social, & Emotional Health
Promotion of Physical Activity
Environmental Health
Drug Prevention
Sexual Health & Violence Prevention
All instruction is based on Oregon Law and the comprehensive Oregon Health Education Standards and Performance Indicators adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education in December of 2016 and is delivered by skilled, caring, and dedicated staff who are committed to supporting each student’s academic and personal growth in a safe, inclusive environment.
Per Oregon law, school districts are required to develop a more specific plan for the provision “Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” Three key laws guide our sexuality education efforts:
Human Sexuality Education (2009),
Healthy Teen Relationships (2013), and
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (2015)
In communication with superintendents and principals, the Director of the Oregon Department of Education, Colt Gill, explained that “These laws provide for consistent instruction, are based on the most current evidence and best practices, and equip students with the knowledge and skills to realize their health, well-being, and educational goals. Sexuality education supports young people with skills to delay sexual initiation, prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), promote their own health, and reduce sexual violence, harassment, and bullying.”
5th and 6th grade parents/guardians- Students get lessons on adolescent development and human reproduction in groups by gender. In our Comprehensive Sexuality Plan, we have tried to not reinforce gender binary, nor do we intend to exclude students who identify as transgender or non-binary from any part of our instructional programs. For the purpose of these specific lessons, we predict that some students will feel more safe and more free to ask questions if they are allowed to experience the lessons in gender-specific groups. We will allow students to attend the lessons of the gender with which they identify, and we will offer a small group setting facilitated by Ms. Zephirin, school counselor, for students who do not wish to attend the boys group or the girls group.
HSD’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education Plan includes the right of parents/guardians to be notified of upcoming sexual health lessons (as is the purpose of this letter), to review instructional materials, and to propose alternative learning activities for their student(s) if they choose to.
Below, you will find information related to our delivery of sexuality education this year:
All grades April 26-30th, May 3-4th, 2021 First 20-30 minutes of the day in every grade level
As a parent/guardian, we encourage you to learn more about our K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Plan and teaching materials. To make this as easy as possible, we have posted documents on our Comprehensive Sexuality Education Plan website that outline the standards, curricula, and instructional materials used at each grade-level. (Note: If/when materials cannot be posted online due to copyright restrictions, you may call the school and make an appointment to view them in person.) Remember, parents/guardians have the right to utilize our opt-out process if they wish to have their student(s) participate in alternate activities during sexual health instruction (Opt-Out Form).
If you have any questions/concerns about the health curriculum, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Principal Jen McCalley, Imlay Elementary School
Additional Information
HSD’s Health Education Overview
ODE’s Health Education Website
ODE’s Sexuality Education: Frequently Asked Questions
HSD’s Resources for Families
*Link to the 5th & 6th Grade “Always Changing” Co-Ed Video on Adolescent Development from P&G
PAX Tools Workshop (Free) for Families
I am excited to share that a free, virtual PAX Tools workshop for families with children in Preschool-6th grades is scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 5:30-7:30pm! This is a one-time workshop of 2 hours full of evidenced-based tips and tools for families to learn how to enjoy more peace, productivity, health, and happiness.
The training will be offered in two sessions. One for English speaking families and one for Spanish speaking families. Jenny Cary and Jennifer Ranger will be hosting the English session and Salo Acosta Campos, Dorotea Lopez Perez, Jessica Servin will be hosting the Spanish session.
I thought your family might be interested in this opportunity. Once registered, you will receive a PAX Tool Kit to use and follow along in the workshop.
I have attached the flyers with the details.
Century Feeder PAX Tools - Spanish
Century Feeder PAX Tools - English
Kindergarten Registration for 2021-22
Dear Imlay Families,
It is the time of year when we begin to identify children who qualify to attend kindergarten in September 2021. In the State of Oregon, children must turn 5 years old by 09/01/2021 in order to attend public school.
Kindergarten registration starts March 1st, 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year. If you have a child who is eligible for kindergarten in September 2021, please contact the school office or the HSD website at for online registration information.
If you know of a family who may have a child who should start kindergarten in the fall, please pass this information along to them or ask them to call 503-844-1090 for more information.
Thank you for your assistance, and we look forward to welcoming the graduating class of 2034!
~Principal McCalley
Community Action Resources
Need help paying rent? Paying bills? Getting into housing?
Community Action is here to help!
Visit their website, or use the phone numbers below for specific needs.
Help paying rent: 503-615-0770
Help getting into housing: 503-640-3263
Help paying utility bills: Utility Assistance Application Request
No heat or electricity? 503-615-0771 and leave a message