The Weekly Update #5
December 1, 2024
➡️ 12/02: Mid-Marking Period
➡️ 12/04 to 12/20: FBLA Basket Fundraiser
➡️ 12/05, 12/06, 12/07: Fall Play: The Games Afoot (LHS Auditorium) @7:30pm
➡️ 12/08: Fall Play: The Games Afoot (LHS Auditorium) @ 2:00pm
➡️ 12/10: Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) meetings in Library
➡️ 12/18: Senior Class Meeting 7:30am - 8:30am (All Seniors must attend!)
➡️ 12/18: LHS Winter Concert 7:00pm HS Auditorium
➡️ 12/19: Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) class in Library
➡️ 12-23 to 1-01: Students/Staff Vacation, No School
➡️ 1-02: Students/Staff return to school
FBLA Basket Auction
This year FBLA will be hosting their annual basket auction to benefit the American Red Cross. Tickets will go on sale December 4 at evening activities and during lunch periods. Tickets can be purchased at these events or online from FBLA through the district’s webstore using a debit or credit card. Ticket prices will be 25 for $5. If you purchase your tickets online, FBLA members will make sure your tickets are entered into the drawing. Baskets will be located in the high school lobby trophy case and online once the auction begins. The drawing for the baskets will occur Friday, December 20. Winners will be notified that day. Look for more information regarding the auction in December on our social media outlets and help LHS FBLA raise much needed funds for the Red Cross.
For more information contact Mr. Scott Staub.
LASD Updated District Calendar
LASD District Calendar
The last day of school for students will be Thursday, May 29th.
Fall Play
Save the date for LHS Theatre Fall Play, The Game's Afoot.
DECEMBER 5-7th @ 7:30PM
DECEMBER 8th @ 2:00PM
TICKETS: $5.00 @ the door
About The Game's Afoot: It is December 1936, and Broadway star William Gillette, admired the world over for his leading role in the play Sherlock Holmes, has invited his fellow cast members to his Connecticut castle for a weekend of revelry. But when one of the guests is stabbed, the festivities in this isolated house of tricks and mirrors quickly turn dangerous. It is then up to Gillette himself, as he assumes the persona of his beloved Holmes, to track down the killer before the next victim appears. The danger and hilarity are non-stop in this glittering whodunit set during the Christmas holidays.
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honor Society) will be selling handcrafted bracelets, known as pulseras, to support The Pulsera Project—an organization dedicated to providing education, housing, and healthcare for artisans in Nicaragua and Guatemala. See any member of the honor society to purchase one or email Mrs. Bernal.
Winter Concerts
Three great winter concerts to attend. Come out in support of our music students.
Serving Those Who Serve Us Appreciation Dinner
Littlestown Future Business Leaders of America is holding an appreciation dinner in the high school cafeteria for those who serve us! We want to show our appreciation to our Littlestown firefighters, police officers, district crossing guards and veterans in Littlestown who keep us safe everyday. As a sign of gratitude, we will be hosting an appreciation dinner on January 8, 2025. All those who serve the Littlestown community are invited to the dinner. Click here to RSVP.
Take the opportunity to speak with a representative from colleges/universities and the military when they visit Littlestown High School during lunches from 10:45am and 12:45pm. No appointment needed unless noted by a *. Colleges/Universities noted by a * will be by small group sessions. Students will receive an email to sign up for small group sessions.
Thursday, December 5th: Army
Thursday, December 12th: Air Force
Did you know LHS has a CARES CLOSET? We understand that sometimes families face challenges and could use some extra help. We have non-perishable food and hygiene products available for your student. We also have connections within our community and additional resources to share. Have your student stop by the Counseling Office or email us for more information. We CARE about our Thunderbolt family and want to help.
We are thankful to our students and staff who donated items during the month of November. Our Cares Closet initiative was a SUCCESS!
Are you a Sophomore thinking about a career in Allied Health, Culinary Arts, Criminal Justice, Building Trades, Early Learning Education, Computer Networking, or Diesel Mechanics? If so, now is the time to explore Adams County Technical Institute opportunities. Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are due by December 13, 2024.
- An ACTI Open House was held on 11/14/2024. Were you unable to attend? That's ok. Contact ACTI for a program visit.
- Things to know before starting your application: Application Information
Do you have a passion for cars and technology? Hanover Auto Team Tech Pathways is your gateway to an exciting career in the automotive industry. Designed for high school students, this program provides hands-on training, industry certifications, and direct pathways to employment with Hanover Auto Team. This is a great way to Launch Your Automotive Career!
How to apply:
- Sign up for a Tech Shadowing event here.
- After shadowing, submit your registration form by March 7th
- Contact Hanover Auto Team for more information
Scholarships and grants are available to High School Seniors. Check this webpage frequently as new scholarships/grants will be added throughout the school year. Each scholarship/grant has a specific deadline to apply.
Are you starting to explore post graduation options? Do you have questions about Financial Aid? Use this Financial Aid 101 information from the PA Higher Education Assistance Agency as a resource.
Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation & Pre-employment Transitions Services
What is OVR?
OVR is a government agency that provides services to individuals who have a diagnosed disability. OVR offers services that allow adults to "prepare for, obtain or maintain employment." At the high school level, OVR offers transition planning to students.
What are Pre-ETS services?
"Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) help students learn about themselves, practice work skills, explore training options and choose a job...A group of students may be referred to OVR by school staff in collaboration with their local district office. A completed Pre-ETS Referral Form is required for each student.
How do I connect with OVR and/or Pre-ETS?
- 12/10: OVR representative Hailey Miller will meet with eligible students
- 12/19: Pre-ETS representative Ashley Radar will meet with eligible students
How do I get more information about OVR and/or Pre-ETS & do I qualify? Contact Mrs. Rodriguez
More information about Transition Planning and Pre-ETS can be found at and
Senior Citizen Athletic Passes
Did you know?
Senior Citizen Lifetime Athletic Passes are available for any Littlestown Area School District Resident who is 62 years or older.
Fill out the linked application below and return it to Littlestown High School. Bring your license with you. $10 Cash or Check
Senior Citizen Pass Application
Winter Sports Schedule
Follow all Littlestown Winter Sports Schedules:
LHS Winter Sports
VARSITY: Adults: $5.00 Students: $2.00
JUNIOR VARSITY**: Adults: $3.00 Students: $1.00
FRESHMAN**: Adults: $3.00 Students: $1.00
JUNIOR HIGH**: Adults: $3.00 Students: $1.00
**Only when not followed by a Varsity contest. If a Varsity contest is played in conjunction with that event, Varsity prices will be charged.
Good for all sporting events & have no expiration date.
ADULTS - 10 events for $40.00
STUDENTS - 10 events for $15.00
With the holiday season upon us please remember that while we are enjoying time with family and friends that we maintain good health hygiene such as washing hands, covering coughs and if you are sick please stay home. Also, please remember that while enjoying all of the holiday parties, shopping, and celebrating that everyone is getting enough sleep to stay healthy and enjoy the holidays.
With winter weather fast approaching please be sure that your students are wearing proper clothing and footwear for the weather and being cautious when walking and driving in the winter weather. Also, remember that the temperature in the building can be unpredictable as well, so please be sure that your students have water bottles with them so that they can stay hydrated.
Reminder students can not carry any medications with them in school. This includes cough drops and over the counter medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, vitamins, or supplements. If your student needs to have medication or needs a cough drop, Tylenol or Ibuprofen, they can visit the health room for these medications. Students are not allowed to bring in prescription medication to the health office, according to school policy all medication must be bought in by a parent and guardian and the parent or guardian will need to sign the medication in with the health office.
The health room does not have any allergy/cold medicine. If your child needs allergy/cold medicine please be sure that they are taking it prior to coming to school and that it will last for 8 hours to get the student through the day.
If you have a student that is in 11th grade, please turn in their physical forms to the health office along with an updated immunization form if you have not already done so.
Please be sure that your student(s) are eating breakfast in the morning so that they can have the fuel they need to get through the morning and be ready to learn. Breakfast is free for all students this year in the cafeteria. Please remind students to stop by and grab something to eat so that they can be fueled to start their day..
Have a safe and happy holiday season.
🎓Save the Date: Littlestown High School’s Graduation Ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 29, 2025 at 7:00PM at Thunderbolt Stadium. If you have any questions regarding Graduation, please contact Mrs. Lisa Kraus . 717-359-4146 ext. 2232.
School Counselor Appointment Request
Pre-Approved Planned Family Trip Request
LHS Student Handbook 2024-2025