October 2024

Shark News: Seward Montessori's Monthly Newsletter
October 2024
Translation / Traducción / Turjumaada
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Haga clic en el botón Traducir: Este botón se puede encontrar en la parte superior del boletín.
Guji badhanka Turjumaada: Badhankan waxa laga heli karaa xagga sare ee warsidaha.
Note from the Principal
Happy October, everyone!
I’m amazed at how quickly our first month has gone by and continue to be inspired by the way our students at Seward are independent thinkers and problem solvers. We are raising great change-makers, and that gives me so much hope! I’ve also really enjoyed getting to know many families and appreciate your support and dedication to the Seward community. I left my first family picnic with such a warm heart and deep appreciation for the wonderful community I get to serve.
September was a time for learning rituals and routines. As administrators, we’ve also added some new Seward traditions. Friday dance parties are now part of the morning announcements, which happen daily through an all-school Google Meet. Ask your students about their favorite part of the announcements!
October also brings family/teacher conferences. This year, conferences will be held on the evening of October 15 and during the day on October 16. Please note, there will be no school for students on October 16, 17, and 18.
Family/teacher conferences give us all a time to pause and reflect:
How are our children doing?
What are we doing to support their academic and social growth?
How are we fostering a love of learning, independence, and self-agency?
These are questions I think about as both a parent and educator. Teachers are reflecting on these same things as they prepare to discuss your child’s progress.
Your child’s teacher will be sharing information about how to schedule your conference. We encourage all families to attend. Conferences are not just a time for teachers to share but also a chance for families to ask questions and share their thoughts. Through these conversations, we can work together to best support and empower our children to reach their full potential.
In partnership and gratitude,
Katie Hoffman
(612) 668-4951
Important Dates / Information
Thursday, October 3rd
No School
Wed., 10/2 or Tues., 10/8
Friday, October 4th: 8:00am - 9:00am
Site Council is an advisory board of parents and staff that help discuss school-based policies, decisions, and budgets. For more information, please visit the Seward Site Council webpage.
The first Site Council meeting of the year will be on Friday, Oct. 4 from 8:00-9:00 am in Room W222 at Seward Montessori. A Zoom link will also be posted on the Seward Site Council webpage for those who need it. Meeting dates for the remainder of the year will be announced following the first meeting and posted to the Site Council webpage.
Wednesday, October 9th: 8:30am - 9:30am in W222
Coffee and Somali Tea Social with the PTA. There will be room for kids to play too.
Thursday October 10th:
Picture day for students in these classes: Eve (H5: 110N), Kenza (N113), Melissa (E1: 116), Sue (E1: N201), Kaye (E1: N207), Sophie (E1: N208), Peggy (E2), Beth (E2), Lea (E2), Tamarack (Ness E2)
Firday, October 11th
Tuesday, October 15th: 8:00am - 9:00am
PTA Monthly Meeting: Budget Update, Principal/Assistant Principal Update, Upcoming Events, and New Business. You are welcome to bring kids, and adults can enjoy some coffee. We will be in W222 or join by Zoom (Meeting ID: 457 800 6016, Passcode: roundtable). All are welcome!
October 16th - October 18th
Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, October 15th & Wednesday, October 16th. There will be no school on Wednesday, October 16th through Friday, October 18th.
Wednesday, October 23rd: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
We will read "Raising Antiracist Children: A Practical Parenting Guide" by Britt Hawthorne. Our goal is to read the first 3 parts by October 23 (or as much as you are able to by that time). Join by Zoom (Meeting ID: 457 800 6016, Passcode: roundtable).
Every Meal
Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides bags of food to students on Thursday afternoons or the day before longer breaks. All students are eligible to participate in this program. Please complete this online form if you are interested in these food bags. Contact Michele Edwins (School Social Worker) at 612-668-4965 with any questions.
Available for all students
Blue Bag
Tailored for East African dietary preferences, this bag is pork-free and may contain items such as tuna, spaghetti, black-eyed peas, corn flour, and tomato products.
Green Bag
Tailored to offer the widest variety of food items, this bag may contain items such as chicken, tuna, pasta, rice, mac and cheese, chili/soup, and varied vegetables and fruits.
Orange Bag
Tailored for Latino dietary preferences, this bag may contain items such as rice, black beans, pinto beans, corn flour, fideo pasta, enchilada sauce, chipotles in adobo, and diced chiles.
Purple Bag
Tailored for Southeast Asian dietary preferences, this bag may contain items such as rice, rice noodles, coconut milk, bamboo shoots, curry paste, green beans, and mandarin oranges.
Yellow Bag
Tailored with all ready-to-eat items which require little or no preparation, this bag may contain items such as dried fruit, chicken salad, sunflower seeds, granola, pasta cups, and soups.
Volunteers Needed for E2 Biking
All E2 students will be biking in PhyEd and Science classes October 2nd - October 28th.
Sign up: http://e2biking.sewardmontessori.org/
We are looking for several volunteers each day to help with the following:
Unload and load bikes
Help fit helmets
Teach beginners how to ride
Encourage and cheer on students
Bike ride around with students
No biking experience necessary!
If you have any questions please email Nicolas.Collard@mpls.k12.mn.us.
Enroll in Seward's Extended Learning: Mondays & Wednesdays
Seward After School Classes are still open for registration. Visit Seward's website for our online registration forms.
Specialist Updates
Science: Children's House
Our Kindergarten students are budding geologists, discovering and learning about rocks in science!
Outdoor Classroom
Scavenger Hunt: Searching for bees, butterflies, yarrow zinnias, marigolds, asters, ants, dragonflies and even grasshoppers.
E1 Nature Journaling
Physical Education Update
"Gearing" up for our E2 bike unit! E2 parents, please read permission handouts and return them as quickly as possible. We will need them when we go off-campus at the end of the month. Reminder: help your student choose bike-appropriate clothing on their Science and PE specialist day.
E1 and Children's House (K) will be working on what it means to participate fully and safely while we develop locomotor skills. Locomotor skills are movements that help you move from one place to another, like walking, running, jumping, hopping, crawling, galloping, leaping and skipping.
REQUEST: Your gently used shoes for those days a student forgets tennis/gym shoes. Youth sizes 1-6 needed. You can drop these off to the main office.
Thank you for all your support!
Nicolas Collard (Nicolas.Collard@mpls.k12.mn.us)
Library/Media Update
Children's House: Kindergarten students are checking out one book every Thursday and Friday. If they forget to return their book, they won't be able to borrow another one the next week. Please help our young learners by making sure their books are in their backpacks on these days: Ellen and Kenza's classes on Thursdays, and Lori and Elizabeth's classes on Fridays.
E1 students are meeting with Dhaivyd in the Library Media Center every week. We’ve been learning about how to behave in the library, use shelf markers, put books back in order, and how to find books. We also had a lesson on how to take care of their iPads and Chromebooks. All third-grade students should have their new Chromebooks now. They need a username and password to log in. Temporary passwords have been given to them, but families should create and save a permanent password. Here are the instructions: tinyurl.com/MPSpwreset. New students will get their devices next week, and students with lost, broken, or stolen devices will get replacements soon.
E2: This quarter, three E2 classes are meeting with Dhaivyd and their teacher every week: Lea's class on Mondays, Peggy's class on Tuesdays, and Tom's class on Wednesdays. Families, please remind students in these classes to return their finished books on these days. The other classes will have library lessons in quarters 2 and 4 but can still check out books every other week. Kevin and Ness's classes check out books on Thursdays, and Beth's class and the one temporarily taught by Kelley Dean check out on Fridays. The three classes meeting this quarter have been learning about library rules and how to find resources. They also had a lesson on taking care of their Chromebooks, and were reminded that lost, stolen, or broken devices cost $300 to replace. Please help students keep them safe. Families should also create and save a permanent password. Here are the instructions: tinyurl.com/MPSpwreset.
Student Library Advisory Council: Applications have been turned in for our new Student Library Advisory Council. By the time you read this, we will have picked the members and had our first meeting. Congratulations to everyone who joined! Members will help in the library with tasks like checking out books, and they’ll also help decide things like library rules, decorations, and furniture. We plan to make buttons for members to wear when they’re helping in the library. We might even rename the group to something the students like better. We’ll also decide together if we want to start a book club. Meetings will be on the second Thursday of each month, until May.
Thank you for your continued support, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf
Seward's Parent Book Club
Seward parents have gathered since the 2018-19 school year. The purpose of the group is to build community and to reflect on race, racism, and identity within Seward Montessori and in our lives. Our first meeting of the year will be Wed., October 23 from 7:30-9pm on zoom. We will read "Raising Antiracist Children: A Practical Parenting Guide" by Britt Hawthorne. Our goal is to read the first 3 parts by October 23 (or as much as you are able to by that time). The PTA will purchase a few books, and those will be found in the main office. If you would like to join the book club google group to stay updated, email Seward parent Neota Moe at bookcluborganizer@sewardmontessori.org.
Penelope's Marigold
Students from Lori's Children's House class grew plants last spring in their classroom.
One parent shared photos of how big Penelope's one marigold plant grew over the summer.
Chickens and Eggs
Not sure, but I will try!
First eggs
Hanging in the Courtyard
Main Office Phone: (612) 668-4950
Direct Phone: (612) 668-4951
Email: Catherine.Hoffman@mpls.k12.mn.us
Website: https://seward.mpschools.org/
Seward Montessori School Facebook: facebook.com/MPS.SewardMontessori
Seward Montessori School Parents & Caregivers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sewardcaregivers