Jaguar Journal
February 7, 2025
Weekly Updates
Visitors Bring Government IDs: At the start of the semester, our school district launched the Raptor Visitor Management System as part of our efforts to provide a safe and secure environment for staff and students. Please click here to view a letter from Orlando Thomas, Executive Director of School Support and Student Assignment. Please ensure you have your State ID or Driver's License when visiting Jefferson.
NAAPID: We want to invite our families in on Monday, February 10 for National African American Parent Involvement Day. Please see this flier for more information.
Community Connection: Unit 4 is pleased to introduce the Community Connection Newsletter! Please visit https://www.champaignschools.org/page/newsletter to view the newsletter and sign up to receive future editions.
MTD IDs: Students MUST HAVE their ID in order to ride the MTD bus. If a student loses their ID, they will need to get a new one at a cost of $2. New IDs can be purchased in the main office. IDs will not be sold during or after dismissal time.
Community Events: Here is the link on the Unit 4 website of different events happening in our community. This will be updated each month so please be sure to check it out.
Focused Learning Statement
Focused Learning Statement
Jefferson Middle School students will expand their content area vocabulary knowledge in order to increase reading comprehension of informational and literary texts.
Words have power; use them wisely.
Important Dates to Know
NAAPID, February 10
President's Day, February 17 (No School)
Early Out (12:35), March 3
Family/Teacher Conferences, March 13 & 14
Spring Break, March 17-21
DANCE TODAY: Friday, February 7th
NAAPID: Monday, February 10th
Winter Weather Reminders
Please be sure that students are dressing for the weather. If the feels like temperature is above 20 degrees we may be going out for recess. It is important that students are wearing protective winter attire. If you know someone in need of a coat, hat, or gloves reach out to the school.
Main Office
Please know that the offices can no longer pass messages to students past 2:00pm. We risk students not getting the message.
If you need to get a message to your student through the offices, please call us before 2:00pm.
Thank you!
Attendance Matters!
Please use the following phone number when calling in your student for an absence: 217-351-3786 or email Mrs. Madden at maddenli@u4sd.org.
Jefferson Needs Mentors!
Have you ever considered becoming a mentor with CU 1 to 1 Mentoring? We currently have several students who could benefit from a little extra support & encouragement from a caring adult. Mentoring involves meeting with the student 1 hour a week during the school year to play games, talk, do crafts or play sports. There are upcoming training sessions in January and February. If you’re interested or have questions, contact Erica Kirstein kirsteer@u4sd.org.
Clubs and Activities Information
Yearbook Art Submissions Due February 21, 2025
Do you want your art featured on the cover of the yearbook? Enter the yearbook cover art contest. Submit your work to Ms. Wood in room 611. Entries will be accepted through February 21st.
Athletic Information
Athletics Social Media
Keep up to date with Jefferson Athletics on Facebook! Follow for try-outs announcements and schedules/game updates!
Registration Opens February 1st
Champaign Central Maroons Girls Basketball Camp will be on March 17th, 2025 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM at Central High School.
6th Grade: Field Trip to Krannert on Feb. 27th
Our second field trip of the new year is almost here! Our visit to Krannert is on February 27th and we will be watching a historical play called Boy From Troy, focused on the history of civil rights leaders. Another big thank you to all the parents that donated funds so all students could attend both of our field trips so far!
8th Grade: Summer Start 2025
Social Probation
Jefferson Jaguar Swag
If you would like to purchase some Jefferson Apparel take a look at our school store!! The store has a large variety and you can order ANYTIME. Order soon to get 20% off with code COZY20
Administration & Counselors
The following are the names and contact information for the administrators and counselors who will be working with each grade level. They will be your first point of contact for any student concerns, questions, etc. that should arise.
Principal: Kyle Freeman (freemaky@u4sd.org)
Associate Principal: Megan Kirby (kirbyme@u4sd.org)
6th Grade:
7th Grade:
Jeremy Wills, Assistant Principal (willsje@u4sd.org)
Todd Griffith, Counselor (griffito@u4sd.org)
8th Grade:
- Taylor Foltz, AD/Dean (foltzta@u4sd.org)
Jessica Joyner, Counselor (joynerje@u4sd.org)
- MTSS Counselor: Whitley Tate, Counselor (tatewh@u4sd.org)
Drop Off/Pick Up
When dropping your student off in the morning you may drop off in the circle drive or anywhere around Jefferson. Please me mindful to not block traffic in the morning. All students will enter through the main entrance of Jefferson.
During pick up DO NOT park in the circle drive. MTD and district buses park in the circle drive starting at 2:20. We dismiss at 2:35 and students can exit using their nearest exit of the building.
Parking in the staff parking lots in order to drop off and/or pick up your student before or after school is NOT ALLOWED. If you are dropping off your student before school for practice or rehearsal, you must drop them off in the circle drive, and they have to enter through the main entrance Do not pull through the service drive.
Do NOT BLOCK TRAFFIC FLOW IN AND OUT of the circle drive at any time
Jefferson's Daily Bell Schedule
Lunch time at the Middle School is a time where students can eat (lunch is free for all Unit 4 students), socialize appropriately, and take a "brain break" from their school day.
Please note: Students are not allowed to order from food delivery services during their lunch times because they cannot exit building doors to retrieve the items. IF food is ordered (by either the student OR family) and delivered in the Main Office, your students will not receive their food order. Thank you for understanding. Food deliveries cause multiple challenges for our staff, so we appreciate your adherence to this request.
Cell Phones
Cell Phone usage in schools has been a nationwide "hot topic." Everyone from the federal government to the surgeon general is weighing in.
The fact of the matter is this: Cell Phone usage in classrooms/schools can be distracting from the learning environment, and can also be harmful to mental/social health.
Jefferson Middle School will be following our Unit 4 School Board Policy regarding Cell Phone usage. Please review the Cell Phone & Electronic Device Guidelines with your student(s).
We encourage you to speak with your student(s) about cell phones. Cell phones will not be aloud at any point throughout the day at Jefferson, this includes lunch. Cell Phones should ideally be put in a student's locker or in a binder. They should not be sitting out on a desk/table.
See Something, Say Something
Is your student concerned about their safety or the safety of others? Securly is a program the district uses for students to report issues around safety. Students can access this program through email, phone, website or app. See below for access information.
Download the Securly Tipline app from the App Store or Google Play
Call or text 1-833-300-STOP
Email tipline@securly.com
Follow this link: securly.com/tip
Home Access Information
Home Access Center (HAC) is a great way to get information about your students' grades, attendance, class assignments, etc.!
Please read the one-pager below and feel free to watch the short videos about Home Access Center.
HAC Introduction Video
Checking Schedules and Grades Video
Checking Attendance Video