Stratford High Times
December 2022
From the Principal's Desk
And just like that, we are done!
Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year and we look forward with excitement to the changes for 2023.
Within this newsletter there is important information about 2023. This includes:
- Term dates (including other key dates) for 2023
- Dates for the start of 2023
- BYOD- including safe storage, digital citizenship and online safety
- Stationery lists- please note that some stationery items may not be able to be purchased until timetables are available on the first day of school 2023
- 2023 Junior Module Timetable codes
- Kamar information for new parents
- School App download for ALL parents. NB: this is still being development so not all features are active at this stage
We are having a new website developed and there may be a period in January 2023 where our website address is inactive.
Have a safe and happy Christmas and we look forward to what 2023 will bring for us here at Stratford High School.
Take care and see you in 2023! Ngā mihi nui
Cameron Stone
Start of the year 2023
Information for students attending Stratford High School in 2023
Office Hours during the Holiday Period
The school office will open again on Monday the 23rd of January 2023.
2023 Start of the year dates
Thursday 19 January 2023
Second Hand Uniform Sale- 11.30am-1.30pm in the school Hall
NB: Any uniform items you no longer require can be dropped off at the hall on Wednesday 18 January 3.00pm to 5.00pm.
Wednesday 25 January
9.00am - Year 13 Student Leaders meet at school for planning day
12.30pm - All Year 13 Students meet at school for planning afternoon
Monday 30 January
Course Confirmation- Hall (entry via the Shakespeare Suite)
All students are expected to attend at the following times:
Year 11 - 9.00am-10.30am
Year 12 - 11.00am-12.30pm
Year 13 - 1.30pm-2.30 pm
Please bring your NCEA results with you.
Wednesday 1 February
First day of attendance for Year 9 and Year 13 only
Students to meet in the school hall at 8.45am. Students will be given a short welcome (Powhiri will be on Friday). Uniform to be worn and students to bring pens, paper, computer and sports gear (for Tabloid Sports). Buses will be running.
NB: Y9 students will get their timetables on this day.
Thursday 2 February: Year 9 and Year 13 only: NB: Year 13 students can go home at 1.30pm
Friday 3 February: Whole school attend.
Students meet in form classes. All new students to the hall. Powhiri in school hall at 10.00am.
Monday 6 February: Waitangi Day
Stationery Lists and uniform outline can be found on our school website.
If your child decides not to return to Stratford High School in 2023, could you please contact the school office by phone or email (
Course Confirmation for 2023
Course confirmation for senior students will take place on Monday 30th January. All senior students must attend to confirm their timetables for 2023 at the following times:
Year 11 9 - 10.30am
Year 12 11 - 12.30pm
Year 13 1.30- 2.30pm
Students will enter the hall through the Shakespeare Suite and should bring a copy of their NCEA results with them if they are in Year 12 or 13.
Ngā mihi,
Dr Michael Taylor
Deputy Principal (Curriculum)
PTA Uniform Sale
Parents and caregivers are reminded that if your child is changing into the senior uniform or leaving school the uniform can be donated to the PTA for sale. These can be dropped off to the school office when your child has finished their NCEA exams or on book return day 12 December, 2022.
The second-hand uniform sale:
Thursday 20th January 2023 from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm.
Items for sale can be dropped off on:
Wednesday 19 January 2023 from 3pm to 5pm
· Items must be clean and tidy.
· Items must be dropped off prior to this date if they are to be sold on 20 January 2023.
Ms H Loveridge
PTA President
Senior Prizegiving 2022
A very successful senior prizegiving was held on November 2 in the Assembly Hall. We had a large number of parents and family in attendance which was a pleasure to see after the closed prizegiving in 2021. It was encouraging to see students supporting their peers during the ceremony.
Min Mckay, our guest speaker, along with Karla Ralph and Jocelyn Baldwin presented awards to a number of our students. Mayor Neil Volzke presented the Old Pupil Association awards to our student leadership team.
Top Scholars: Te Awe Ngatai-Turahui (top Maori Scholar), Brooke Pirie (Proxime Acessit) and Korban Johnson (DUX) were given the honour of the school haka after their presentation of awards.
DUX - Korban Johnson
Abbey Sextus and Troy Price
Hermann Trophy winner - Ciara Staines Hurley
Please find below a number of contacts for the staff at school. Your child will have their class teacher or form teachers email address on the Microsoft Teams pages.
Senior Leadership Team
Principal: Mr Cameron Stone -
Deputy Principal Curriculum: Dr Michael Taylor -
Deputy Principal Pastoral and School Organisation: Ms Kelly Jennings (start 2023)
Assistant Principal: Ms Allana George (start 2023)
Principal's PA: Diane Lithgow -
School Board Secretary: Amanda Hill -
Principal's Nominee
For all enquiries regarding NZQA or Te Kura
Mr Dirk Vermeulen: extension 707 or email:
Deans for 2023
Year 9: Mr Jeff Walker
Year 10: Miss Jodie Sullivan -
Year 11: Miss Peta Apperley
Year 12: Mr Colin Franklyn -
Year 13: Mr Bill McGeoch -
Academic Dean:
Guidance Counsellor: Liza Albers –
Learning Support Coordinator: Lisa Dent –
For all other enquires please contact the school office 06 765 6039
New Year Sporting challenge
As part of your new year's resolution come and join the Stratford Badminton Club, which invites members of the community to come on Thursday nights to learn and play. Commencing on 26 January play is from 7pm to 9pm in the SHS Stadium. $5 per night, rackets and coaching are available.
Term four has seen changes of staff in our school.
Mr Jim Park has arrived from England to take over the mathematics classes that Mrs Charlie was covering.
Karla Ralph has departed for Sport Taranaki where she has the position of Regional Sports Director. We will still be seeing Karla around at the TSSSA events that our students attend.
The end of 2022 sees us say farewell to several staff. Elizabeth Smith, our Science Technician, and Jocelyn Baldwin, our Fabric Teacher, have both contributed to our school for more than 20 years and we thank them for their time, effort and commitment.
Trish Seator, who has been in the student office for the past 18 years, also calls time on her tenure at Stratford High School. Trish has been fully committed to her role, supporting staff and students alike. All the best in your future endeavours, Trish!
Kayla Lang, a wonderful Maths Teacher, has made the decision to look after her two gorgeous children, Jack and Charlie, full-time. Kayla was much loved by all and will be missed.
Christian Kundig, English and Social Sciences, is moving to Darwin to take up a role there. Christian has spent two years with us and wish him all the best with his move across the ditch.
Megan Cloke has been with us in a part-time capacity for the past two years. Her love for the students and dedication to being the very best teacher has been appreciated by all!
Tash Allerby and Margery Somervell have been working one day a week each this year in the guidance counsellor role while Liza Albers has been finishing her studies. Both women have been great additions to our staff this year and we thank them both for their time and energy.
Colin Cowie moves on from his post as our Hard Materials Technician. Colin's quiet demeanour and hard-working approach has been an asset in the hard materials department. Thank you, Colin!
On the 2nd of December, Vicki Ward had her last day with us. Vicki was a brilliant Teacher Aide who was always willing to go the extra mile for her students. We wish Vicki all the best in her new role.
Jasmine Gibbon, who started with us as a Teacher Aide this year, has had her last day with us too. Jasmine is getting ready to travel in 2023. Good luck!
Graduates from Victoria University
Former students of Stratford High School graduating from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington. It is with pleasure that I enclose a list of your former pupils who have graduated from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University between June 2021 and May 2022. We would like to acknowledge and celebrating the students’ wonderful success.
Alexa Richards: BA - Bachelor of Arts - Education
Samuel Rine: BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce - Economics
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University is very proud of the achievements of these students and I am sure that your school community will also be very proud of them. As you are aware, we are continuing to work with your school, and we are looking forward to welcoming a new group of your students to Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University in 2023.
Cathy Powley
Director Future Students
Have you moved recently? Have you changed your phone number or email address recently? Please contact the school office and update your details.
It is very important we have the correct information for your child in case there is an emergency and we need to contact you immediately. If any contact details change throughout the year please let the school office know.
Stratford High School
Location: Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-7656039
Instagram: @shstaranaki @heart_SHS @shs_SADD_team
Northfuels - FUEL for SCHOOLS
The Fuel for Schools sponsorship programme has helped put over $1.5 million dollars of resources into more than 400 rural schools in the last fourteen years. Just a reminder of how SHS has received this donation...
SHS has been nominated by a local business/farm that receives bulk fuel deliveries from Northfuels, meaning that for every 2 litres of bulk fuel they purchase 1 cent is donated to their nominated school. We would like to take the time to mention who those members of the community are that have contributed to SHS. They are listed as follows:
- Makino Deer Ltd
- Palmerdell Trust
- G & M Collins Family Trust
- Cornwall Park Farms Limited
- Amberhay Limited
Rural communities and schools everywhere can enjoy the benefits of the Fuel for Schools programme. For more information about the programme, call 0800 4 THE KIDS (0800 484 3543) or visit their website
Sponsorship for our school. A huge thank you.
We would like to thank New Zealand Community Trust for the funding we received to cover the cost of transport and accommodation for our teams taking part in NZSS tournament week. Without this funding the cost to our students and their families would have been astronomical and a lot of precious time would be required for fundraising. We were extremely fortunate to receive the amount we did so we, as a school, are very grateful.