Term 1

Mid - Term 3 - 2024
Our Goal - Growth (to increase or develop)
Kia ora koutou (Hello everyone)
The first half of the term has gone faster than two shakes of a lambs tail and we find ourself at the end of week 5 already. But as "they" say, time flies when you're having fun and our tamariki (children) do have heaps of fun here at Marlborough Primary.
Curriculum Update
"There has been a lot of media coverage over the last few weeks about how poorly our children are achieving in school, particularly in Mathematics. We are really fortunate in our school that we do not follow the trends that are making the headlines!
Our students achievement in Reading, Writing and Maths has always been above age appropriate and is something that we are really proud of. We continue to work of implementing good, solid academic programmes to ensure our students are achieving good results.
Many of you will have had students learning spelling words, or coming home sounding out words and of course you know that we send reading home each day - these are all components of our Structured Literacy Programme (Structured Literacy has been in the news quite a bit of late) and something that we have been doing for a while, so for us this is nothing new.
For Maths we have been following a Structured Maths programme, and the results are showing great progress in our students learning.
Please rest assured that despite the media's attack on schools - your children are in a school that is ensuring good learning outcomes.
We really do need to thank our parents for their continued support as without this your children would not be doing the amazing job that they are doing."
- Michelle Nell
Our News
Kiwi Valley Farm and Zoo trip
Our Garden
"Winter feels like it is finally here! We are all thankful that we have a greenhouse at school. It not only provides good shelter in the rain, but it means we have the ability to germinate seeds. We have been busy getting some seeds into pots, my only worry is if we will have enough room to get them in the ground.
We have a few more garden beds to go and are working on getting a garden patch sorted. This will be for our plants that take up a little more space: pumpkins, potatoes, watermelon, and kumara.
Looking forward to warmer weather and getting our plants into the ground."
- Kevin Sutherland
Book Fair
Our Book Fair commenced with an exciting Book Character Dress Up Parade where the children and staff dressed up as their most-liked book character. A special guest paid us a visit during the parade and shared some insights about reading.
Every book that was sold earned Marlborough Primary points which then allow us to buy books for the library and classes. We made $6759 and get about $2300 back in points - that will buy a lot of books!
A special thank you to Mrs. Wotton our Deputy Principal and her helpers for all the effort they have put into arranging this for us. Also thank you to all our students and their caregivers for their generous support that resulted in a successful outcome.
A Midsummer Night's Dream Theatre Performance
Kapa Haka
" On Friday in week 3, our Kapa Haka group performed at the Kaipatiki Kahui Ako Matariki Festival, held at Glenfield College. They did a wonderful job performing a selection of waiata for a packed out audience alongside multiple other schools, and even received a spine tingling haka from the crowd to acknowledge their performance."
- Brad Ogg
"During our ESOL we were dashing through the Olympics, touching
base on where it came from, what happens during the Olympics
and how this event connects people from different countries
through great sportsmanship.
We learned about a wide variety of sports, we even saw new
interesting sports that forms part of the Olympics. During our
sessions we had rich and meaningful conversations on the sport
we follow, and we like. We talked about the equipment needed, the
training that the athletes had to put in and how they prepare for
their big event.
Looking at the Olympic medal table we enriched ourselves with
bronze, silver and of course gold. Following the medal table gave
us the opportunity to weave our math skills into our work, by
counting up the amount of medals each country won and so seeing
who is the leading countries.
Putting on our creative minds, we also talked about the Olympic
torch, the meaning and where it all started. We grabbed this
opportunity to make and create our own torch to show our light on
what we have learned and experienced."
- Nadine Webb
We are on the look out for some treated plywood offcuts to make some signs in our garden. If you have any treated plywood offcuts from 12mm and up we would love to repurpose them into some signs for our gardens and create more of a vibrant space. Anything about 300mmx300mm and up we would happily repurpose. If you have anything, or any off cuts for pegs etc. please let Matua Kevin know - we are always on the hunt for something!
Rippa Rugby
- Rosie Bohling
Malrborough Park Tennis Club - Love Tennis Event
Marlborough Park Tennis Club is organizing a Love Tennis event on 8th of September:
10:00 am -12:00pm Juniors 12:00pm - 02:00pm for Seniors
The event is free and everyone is welcome!
Guess who visited the office ....
Some of our students have earned bragging rights for visiting our Principal with the good work they delivered.
Reading Together Program
"What a pleasure it has been to see our Parents learning together on Thursday afternoons. A massive thank you to Mrs. Light for leading this learning.
With this programme parents are taught how to read with their children and help them to decode their reading. It really is just like unlocking a code to make better sense of what is written."
- Michelle Nell
Bike Track Perimeter Plantings
Each whanau was given a section along the the pump track to do plantings and create their own garden. Lucas De Jong came to our school the past few weeks helping and guiding our tamariki (children) with this project.
We would like to encourage our akonga (students) caregivers to walk with your tamariki (child) along our pump track to enjoy and appreciate their hard work and efforts alongside them.
Thank you Lucas for you time and care, fostering new experiences and abilities in our tamariki (children) and help making this project a success.
FOS Fundraisers
Friends of the School would like to thank everyone for supporting our Bake Sale and Sausage Sizzle fundraiser, we were able to raise over $500 to go towards our fundraising targets.
Keep an eye out for details about our upcoming Donut Day - when children will be able to order a special lunchtime treat!
If you would like to get involved with or know more about Friends of the School please e-mail fos@marlboroughprimary.school.nz or talk to Mrs. Wotton.
Breakfast Club
We have a Breakfast Club running in the hall every morning. We welcome any students that might just need a top up before school starts. Please join Mrs. Light in the hall from 8:30 till 8:50.
Mobile devices at school
It has come to our attention that there is a significant amount of our students that brings mobile devices to school.
All schools are required to prohibit students from accessing or using mobile devices while they are attending school. To ensure that our students get efficient learning and to protect the privacy of our MPS students and staff no student are allowed to carry a mobile device with them or keep it in their bags. These devices includes cellphones, smart watches, iPads and any devices that can make calls, send texts, record videos and take photo's. This does not include health monitors and Board approved in-class learning devices.
We understand that due to transport arrangements and other circumstances our akonga (students) have to get in touch with their caregivers and vice versa. Due to this, if a student brings such a device to school, it must be handed in at the office before schools starts. Where it will receive a name tag and kept save till the end of the day. When the school bell rings for the end of the day, you tamariki (child) can collect their device from the office and make the necessary arrangements as needed.
In case of an emergency caregivers can contact our Office Manager, Jodine Watts, where the necessary procedures will be followed. In the case that your child might have an emergency situation on need something during school hours our Office Manager will contact the caregiver directly.
We urge our caregivers to understand the urgency of this matter and appreciate your cooperation regarding this. If you have any queries, please email or Principal Michelle Nell @ principal@marlboroughprimary.school.nz.
Stay safe and be kind.
🌿Your Marlborough Primary Team 🌿
Enrolment Application
A reminder to parents that we are open for enrolment applications for Term 3 and 4 2024 and Term 1 to 4 of 2025. If you have a child that is due to start school between now and December 2025, please complete your enrolment forms so we're able to plan appropriately.
Enrolment can be done online (the link is on our website) or on paper, with application packs available from the office.
Out of zone enrolments:
Term 1 2025
Deadline for receipts of applications - Monday 18 November 2024 at 15:00
Term 2 2025
Deadline for receipts of applications - Monday 24 February 2025 at 15:00
Term 3 2025
Deadline for receipts of application - Monday 26 May 2025 at 15:00
Term 4 2025
Deadline for receipts of applications - Monday 18 August 2025 at 15:00
Please contact the office if you have any queries regarding enrolment - office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Dates to remember
Term 3
22 July - 27 September
29 August - Interschool Cross Country
30 August - Assembly hosted by Tui
6 September - Wheels day
13 September - Assembly hosted by Takehe
18 September - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
20 September - Speech Competition
20 September - Wheels day
27 September - Assembly hosted by Piwakawaka
Term 4
14 October - 20 December
16 October - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
28 October - Labour Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
29 October - Curriculum Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
14 November - Classes, Portraits and Siblings Photos
20 November - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
22 November - Onepoto Cultural Festival
2 - 4 December - Year 5 -6 Camp
18 December - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 pm
19 December - Year 6 Graduation
Term 1
4 February - 12 April
6 February - Waitangi Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
7 February - SCHOOL CLOSED
Term 2
28 April - 28 June
Term 3
14 July - 19 September
Term 4
6 October - 19 December
Contact us
Marlborough Primary School
Email: office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Website: www.marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Location: 4 Wykeham Place, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: 09 - 481 0365
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marlborough-Primary-School-112129594831867
Connecting in our community
Sushi Day - Sushi
· To order weekly sushi lunch, please visit www.sushiday.co.nz and if you are a new parent, you can go to the link www.sushiday.co.nz/sushi-login to register under Marlborough Primary School.
· Don’t forget – Order cut off time is 9pm (Wednesday) for THURSDAY order delivery.
· Any question, please contact Dan on order@sushiday.co.nz or 021 339 700.
Vietnamese Summer Rolls only.
Summer rolls can be prepared in a packet of 2 pcs for $6. The ingredients are as follow.
- Rice Paper
- Mixed green salad including cabbage
- Carrots
- Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Chicken Katsu (Crumbed Chicken)
- Honey Mustard and Sweet Chili
Please call 09-442 2040 to place your order.