Kaleidoscope Academy
January Family Newsletter
A Message from our Principal, Ms. Molitor!
Work Hard - Be Yourself - Do the Right Thing
Happy Holidays! We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
And the Winner is...School Spirit!
The November pep rally included some friendly competition.
The Sweep the Potato and Hula-Hoop Pass relay races
encouraged creative strategies and resulted in lots of laughter!
Coffee, Anyone?
Cardinal Coffee is a KA student-run business. Delicious beverages are sold and served to staff members one day each week. Under the supervision of Ms. de Arteaga, the SEL dean, students hone their social skills, as they are exposed to a hands-on entrepreneurial experience.
Holiday Spirit Week
KA enjoyed a festive spirit week before break!
Holiday hats, seasonal bling, WhoVille hair, and even some green Grinches decked the halls!
The KA students are definitely on Santa's nice list!
Winter Formal
Students celebrated the arrival of winter with a formal, complete with dancing, games, and other activities. Thank you to KA Student Council for providing another fun-filled event.
The KA Giving Tree and Food Drive
THANK YOU to everyone who supported our annual Giving Tree and Food Drive.
Your ongoing generosity is needed and appreciated.
If you are still interested in contributing to KA,
please see our Amazon Wish List. Click HERE to check it out!
Thank you for your kindness.
Hats off to our neighbors!
The Erb Park Neighborhood Association made and donated dozens of beautiful hats
to help keep our students warm this winter.
Our wonderful neighbors support us from the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes.
The members also sponsored a dozen KA families and provided holiday gifts.
Thank you!
AEF Grants benefit KA Students
The Appleton Education Foundation (AEF) recently awarded two grants to KA.
The $500 grant supports the purchase of IXL,
a personalized math-learning program that meets students at their individual levels.
The $250 grant funds the 2nd annual Unity through Expression keynote speaker,
the Honorable Milton Childs, who serves the Milwaukee County Circuit Court.
The event, which is scheduled for Friday, February 7, at 5:30 p.m.,
aims to create a safe environment for Black students in the AASD to
showcase their artistic talents and share their culture at an earlier age.
Learning the KA Way!
Beads and Bread
Students in the sixth grade Humanites classes immersed themselves in the culture of
Native Americans by sampling some authentic fry bread and wild rice.
Students also worked on beaded keychains to represent their lives using color symbolism and patterns similar to how Native Americans decorate their clothing and artwork.
Thankful for our Newcomers
KA Newcomers had a Thanksgiving feast and learned about Thanksgiving as a holiday that's celebrated in the USA. They learned about indigenous and Native American culture and history in Humanities class and mastered Thanksgiving-themed word problems in math class.
Kratz's KA Kitchen
The holidays are tastier thanks to the students who serve in the KA Kitchen.
The student organization simulates a real-life business, and Mr. Kratz oversees the projects.
They are shown here creating and selling their holiday treats.
Words + Watercolor = Success
Sixth grade Math Encore students created array word problems, represented by watercolor pictures. They chose the words for the problems (rows), created rough drafts of their problems, sketched the final drafts, and used watercolor techniques to paint the pictures.
They then presented their final product to their classmates and staff members.
The Arts - Express Yourself through Music
Applause! Applause!
Thank you to our Band and Chorus students and directors for
sharing their incredible talent during the recent concerts. We are so proud of you!
Finesse at the PAC
The KA Finesse group performed with Boogie and the Yo-Yoz at the
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (PAC).
More than 1,500 people enjoyed the annual "Christmas With You" show.
The KA Finesse, an auditioned group of female singers in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades,
has partnered with the PAC program since 2018.
Each year, several KA alumae reunite with Finesse to perform in the holiday show.
The Finesse group sang background vocals for the band on seven songs and
solely performed one song during the concert.
***AASD Enrollment information***
Invite your family and friends to enroll at KA!
Explore High School Options!
All 8th graders and their adults are invited to explore the AASD high schools on
Monday, January 6, from 6 until 7:30 p.m.
Nuts and Bolts
Food for You!
ALL students are invited to eat a delicious BREAKFAST and LUNCH
each day at NO COST to families.
Breakfast is available from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
The new touchless salad bar is a big hit with the students, and
it offers another healthy option for lunch.
Health News
Take a moment to read about hand washing for a healthy New Year.
Please Help Us Keep the Students Safe!
Families that drive their students to school in the morning are encouraged to use extra caution!
Use the drop-off lane in front of the school on Brewster Street. Pull up as far as possible.
Students should exit the vehicles onto the sidewalk rather than the street. Drivers should carefully re-enter the traffic lane. Families that want to sit in the vehicles with their students should park on a nearby street until the bell rings.
School Hours ⏰
7:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. The cafeteria doors open at 7:20 a.m.
Boys and Girls Club opens at 6:45 a.m. (before school) and closes at 6 p.m. (after school).
Zero Hour begins at 7 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Kaleidoscope Academy
Do you have a question, concern, or comment? If so, please feel free to contact one of our campus administrators. We are here for you!
Assistant Principal, Jake Larsh - larshjake@aasd.k12.wi.us
Dean, Kim Hoefs - hoefskimberly@aasd.k12.wi.us
SEL Dean, Laura de Arteaga - dearteagalaura@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://ka.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 318 E. Brewster St., Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: 920-852-5430
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopecardinals/