PFES Board Report
March, 2024

March Safety Drill
The March Safety Drill is a the second required intruder type drill for the school year. This drill plan includes three phases which are:
- Phase 1: March 12 tabletop with administration and department leads - focus is an intruder situation while high school students are in cafeteria.
- Phase 2: March 22 tabletop with teachers, paras, secretaries, - focus is an intruder situation while high school students are in cafeteria.
- Phase 3: Will include a standard type "Locks, Lights, Out-of-Sight" drill with an additional tabletop with students in grades 6-12 with the intruder situation while high school students are in the cafeteria.
Our intent with this plan is to expand our awareness of how to respond in more challenging scenarios in such a way as to ensure the physical and emotional safety of our students. Police agencies will be invovled to the degree that they have available staffing.
Spring Testing Season
Kelly Patterson completed the ACT testing on March 12. As the School Assesment Coordiator she is now handling the make up's and special accomodations as neccessary. The grade 9 and 10 PreACT is set for March 26. Grade 10 also has a Forward testing component for social studies on April 10.
Sarah Graceffa is the School Assesment Coordinator for the North Campus. She has the middle school Forward testing scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday, April 16-18.
Daren Patterson is the School Assesment Coordinator for the PFES. Grade four has the most testing and is scheduled to start on March 26. Grade 3 will start on April 9th and grade 5 on April 16th.
Grade level teachers serve as Test Proctors. As with the other counselors, Daren completes the make up testing. It is a good feeling for all involved when the repackaging is complete
and all testing materials are in the mail for return .
Bill Weiler is the District Technology Coordinator for the State Testing. He ensures all students can access the technology components for the Forward exam.
Our State testing runs smoothly each year because of the skills of these important people.
Support for English as a Second Language Students
The District provides a web based English language instruction called Imaginary Learning through a consortium with CESA 12. PFES students use Response to Intervention time each day to learn from that program. Our English Language Arts curriculum also provides support suggestion in each lesson. Additioanlly, teachers do many things on their own to assist. Below is an example of some of the extra's that are part of helping our EL students learn the curriculum while learning English as a second language.
- Using pictures to communicate
- Student supporters/helpers
- Learning more about their language and using that background knowledge to help support them with English.
- Communicating with the family
- Visual demonstration, peer helpers
- Repeated reading of simple texts with pictures
- Repeated modeling
- Rereading of texts for understanding
- Technology programs like Imagine Learning
- Providing a variety of bilingual reading resources
February Soaring Bus Rider
Congratulations Namine!
February Eagle Award Winners
These students distiguished themselves showing excellent friendship behavior!
Front Row Left to Right:
Luna Flak, Ar-Joe Santiago, Layla Rauschenbach, Azaeliah Christensen, Elliana Singer, Greysen Hawn, Jase Palecek and Tyler Treviranus
Back Row Left to Right:
Bella Eggleston, Auna BeBeau, Carter Schuelke, Khloe Brinegar, Sirina Ben-Fraj, Rowan Fuller, Adeline Branch and Angel LaPlant
The Screaming Eagle also joined in to congratulate the students!
Special thanks to Jay's Automotive for being the monthly sponsor
Read Every Day
The students in Mrs. Olson's kindergarten class are the February RED Winners. They read the most out of all the classrooms in the school.
Front Row
Charlotte Mckee, Myah Cole, Fayre Oscar, Kieko Sohl, Brooks Nelson, Atea Silbanuz
Back Row
Thomas Wagner, Adriana Schultz, Aiden Zirbel, Angel Laplant, Conner Severson, Isabella Rabauliman, OJ Solomon
What is Next?
- March 18 – April 26 - Forward State Testing Window
- March 29 (Friday) and April 1 (Monday) No school!
- April 19th (Friday) Climb Theatre
- PK-2nd grade presentation from 9:25-10:05am. Talula Rabbit's New Habit (Self-Regulation)
- 3rd-4th grade presentation from 11:15-11:55am. Walkin' It Back (Empathy and Self-Regulation)
- 5th grade presentation will be in Glidden with the MS from 2:00-2:40pm.
- April 26 - 4k School Introduction Event Class of 2038
- May 10 - PFES Spring Music Concert
- May 27 (Monday) No School!
- May 29 (Wednesday) Last Day for Students!
- June 3 - 21 - Summer School (8:00 AM - 4:00 pm)
Park Falls Elementary School
Email: tkief@csdk12.net
Website: https://www.csdk12.net/4/home
Location: 380 North Ninth Street Park Falls Wi 54552
Phone: 715-762-2474 Office Extension - 2352
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