Greenbriar Gazette 12/20/24
Volume 34 Issue 17 | December 20, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Greenbriar Families,
We had a fun week with many special events to celebrate the holidays including impromptu lunch caroling by our 4th and 5th grade band students, a fun spirit week, December Greyhound Pack meetings, and we'll celebrate today with an all-school sing-a-long assembly and afternoon classroom parties--thanks to our PTO volunteers for planning those! Overall, it was a great week to be a Greenbriar Greyhound! As we close up 2024, I'm incredibly thankful for the Greenbriar community and truly appreciate all of our wonderful students, families, and staff members.
The next Gazette will arrive in your inboxes on January 10th. Have a fun and restful winter break and Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025!
Congratulations to Ava, Norah, Connor, Nathan, Owen and Olivia, our December Greyhound Greatness Award winners! These students have been working hard and showing kindness all month!
Students enjoyed our spirit week, embracing "Warm Your Face Wednesday" by wearing mustaches all day! Jayden, Victoria, Nonni, Liam, Lina, and Ava got into the spirit on Wednesday!
News & Notes
Podcast Episode 2: Play and Communication
Listen as Young Explorer's Early Childhood teacher Jen Andersen talks with Speech Language Pathologists Kelly Breen and Kate Tigue and Early Childhood Teacher Holly Osifalujo about the role of play in the development of communication skills. By the end of this podcast, we hope you, too, have an understanding of how to grow your child's communication skills through all types of play! Listen now or find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music.
Hot Chocolate Challenge Is Back! *repeat*
We're excited to keep kids reading over the holiday break! Click on the flier below to learn more about the Hot Chocolate Challenge hosted by Mrs. Sanchez. Click here for the reading log to submit (link opens 12/21).
Attention 4th Grade Families *repeat*
If your child is not currently placed in advanced math and you wish to request a math placement review, a parent nomination form must be completed and returned to the building GT services coordinator by Monday, January 13, 2025. Please visit our website for additional information on the district’s Gifted and Talented Services and District Assessments. If you have a child in grade 3 or grade 5, you should have received an email on November 18th with information on placement review. For grade 5, this includes a review of all students for math placement in the winter and spring of their 5th-grade year. This process determines placement for 6th grade into one of three math courses: Grade 6, Accelerated 6, or Pre-Algebra 6.
Family Resources *repeat*
We understand that the winter holidays can be a challenging time for many families. To support you during this season, we’ve compiled a list of resources that you and your family can access at any time:
Crisis Hotlines
- Safe2Help Illinois: Text SAFE2, Call 1-844-4-SAFEIL, or visit to share safety issues in a confidential manner
- Suicide Hotline: Call 988 if you need someone to talk to when life is challenging
- Help Stop Hate: Call 1-877-458-HATE to access a confidential service to report an act of hate
Counseling Services
- Family Service Center: Schedule an appointment at 847-251-7350
- Josselyn Center: Schedule an appointment at 847-441-5600
- Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook: Schedule an appointment at 847-724-2620
Food and Shelter
- Northfield Township Food Pantry: Call 847-724-8300
- Haven Emergency Shelter: Call 847-251-6630
Please do not hesitate to use these resources if you or your family needs support. We are here to help and wish you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
PTO News
The PTO will be sending a weekly update on can also always find the latest news and updates on the PTO website.
Exciting Service Projects Ahead! *repeat*
We are thrilled to announce some upcoming service projects to provide meaningful experiences for our students. Building on last year's amazing success, when our students packaged over 1,300 meals and created more than 1,600 bracelet kits for various organizations, we are eager to make this year even more impactful.
We are teaming up with several nonprofits to facilitate these projects again, and we kindly ask that you contribute to your student's participation (a suggested donation of $25 per student). This support will enable us to purchase materials and supplies necessary for our service activities, ensuring that each student can participate fully.
Together, we can instill the values of compassion and community service in our children while making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Upcoming Events
- December 20: All-school pajama day!
- December 20: Winter holiday classroom parties
- December 20: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
- December 23-January 3: NO SCHOOL, winter break
- January 6: School resumes
- January 10: PTO Pizza and Spirit Wear Day!
- January 13: Winter MAP testing window opens
- January 14: PTO meeting @ 8:45 (listen here via Zoom)
- January 14: Author Matt Eicheldinger visits 3rd-5th grades
- January 17: Half day of school, dismissal at 12:00
- January 17: Spirit Wear Day!
Mark Your Calendars for Important Events!
You can also visit calendar to add these events to your personal device.
Virtual Backpack
District 28 invites local non-profit organizations and community government agencies to promote events for families and children. Each week, some event are highlighted in the newsletter. View the complete list of events on the Virtual Backpack web page. To submit an event, please email the web-friendly flier to Terry Ryan, Communications Director. All fliers are subject to approval.
Register for Little Blackhawks
Northbrook Bluehawks are hosting Little Blackhawks again! This Learn-to-Play initiative aims to be the gold standard for youth hockey programs with the goal of inspiring more families to join the hockey community. It changes the way youth hockey is offered by providing first-time participants, between 4-9 years of age, head-to-toe equipment, age-appropriate instruction and certified coaching, led by NBHL coaches, in a fun and safe atmosphere.
Inclusion: What Every Parent Should Know
Come and get ideas to support your school community and help you partner with your child’s teacher. In this presentation, participants will learn about recent research on inclusive classrooms and be introduced to related supports, tools, and practices. Video clips, stories, and classroom examples will be used to answer questions such as “What is inclusion?”; "How does inclusion benefit all?"; and “How can I support my child’s inclusive education experience?”
Please Note: This is an in-person event!
Register for Spring League Softball
Northbrook Girls Softball Association House League is designed for instruction and inclusion. The program accepts Kindergarten through 8th grade girls regardless of their experience, ability, or residency. Having fun while participating in low-pressure fast-pitch softball instruction is the priority of the program.