Navigator Newsletter
MAY 13TH-17TH, 2024
Northgate Families,
The goal line is in sight! Let's encourage our students to finish strong and be on their best behavior as they learn material to prepare them for the next school year. We also have some important end-of-year testing occurring next week, so regular attendance remains crucial.
Heads Up:
-Monday May 27th is a school holiday (Memorial Day)
-Thursday May 30th is a FULL DAY for elementary (it is a half-day for high-schoolers only)
-Friday May 31st is the last day of school, and we have EARLY DISMISSAL AT 12:25pm (see graphic below)
FRIDAY PARENT LUNCH NOTICE: Please note we will not have Friday parent lunch on May 17th due to Field Day (see full Field Day info below). Our last Friday parent lunch will be May 24th.
Update: Field day shirts have arrived; most were distributed today, and any students that didn't get theirs yet will get them early next week. Check your student's backpack!
Northgate Crossing Field Day will be on May 17, 2024. Our Navigators will be demonstrating their skills in various activities throughout the day. Please make sure your child has a water bottle, wears tennis shoes and comfortable clothes that are appropriate for school. It’s also recommended to apply sunscreen before coming to school!
The schedule will be as follows:
8:30am-10:00am--Kindergarten + 2nd Grade
10:15am-11:45am--3rd grade + 5th grade
12:45pm-2:15pm--1st grade + 4th grade
You are welcome to come out and watch the fun during your student’s time slot. Please bring proper I.D. to check in at the front office. We will limit each child to two ADULT visitors. Siblings will not be able to attend field day if it is not their time. In the event of inclement weather field day will be moved inside and NO VISITORS WILL BE ALLOWED. Also, Parents please be advised that we will have a closed campus for lunches. You will not be allowed to eat lunch with your student in the cafeteria on this day.
Tikiz shaved ice will be here for students to purchase at their recess time!!! Snow cones are $5.
Our fabulous librarian Mrs. Gilland has been able to arrange a second Scholastic Book Fair the week of 5/20-5/23! This fair will run only Monday - Thursday that week and it will be BOGO! All books will be buy one, get one free (of equal or lesser value). This fair is being held to encourage Summer Reading in our students. All students will have the opportunity to shop during their LAMP time.
More details to come but mark your calendars!
The Window to Submit a Transfer Application Opens May 15 /El plazo para enviar una solicitud de transferencia se abre el 15 de mayo
Spring ISD Parents/Guardians:
If your student is seeking to attend a school in 2024-25 for which they are not zoned, the window to submit a transfer application is set to open on Wednesday, May 15 at springisd.org/transfers.
The district offers different transfer types depending on the situation. Regardless of transfer type, transportation will NOT be provided to students. More information on each of the transfer types is available at springisd.org/transfers.
Just a reminder, students attending the district’s schools of choice (Roberson Middle School, Spring Leadership Academy, Carl Wunsche Sr. High School, P-TECH at Dekaney High School, IB Program at Spring High School, and Spring Early College Academy) are NOT considered transfer students since these schools do not have attendance boundaries. Students accepted into these programs receive transportation. Current 6th graders and incoming 7th graders at Springwoods Village who have been accepted to the campus through the school of choice process are also not considered transfer students and transportation will be provided.
Should you have any questions about the online transfer application, please reach out to your student’s current principal.
El plazo para enviar una solicitud de transferencia se abre el 15 de mayo
Padres/tutores de Spring ISD:
Si su estudiante busca asistir a una escuela en 2024-25 para la cual no está zonal, la ventana para presentar una solicitud de transferencia se abrirá el miércoles 15 de mayo en springisd.org/transfers.
El distrito ofrece diferentes tipos de traslado según la situación. Independientemente del tipo de transferencia, NO se proporcionará transporte a los estudiantes. Más información sobre cada uno de los tipos de transferencia está disponible en springisd.org/transfers.
Solo un recordatorio, los estudiantes que asisten a las escuelas de elección del distrito (Roberson Middle School, Spring Leadership Academy, Carl Wunsche Sr. High School, P-TECH en Dekaney High School, IB Program en Spring High School y Spring Early College Academy) NO son Se consideran estudiantes transferidos ya que estas escuelas no tienen límites de asistencia. Los estudiantes aceptados en estos programas reciben transporte. Los estudiantes actuales de 6.° grado y los estudiantes entrantes de 7.° grado en Springwoods Village que hayan sido aceptados en el campus a través del proceso de elección de escuela tampoco se consideran estudiantes transferidos y se les proporcionará transporte.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la solicitud de transferencia en línea, comuníquese con el director actual de su estudiante.
Northgate Parents,
PTO board elections are Wednesday, May 15th. We will sent out more sepcific details early next week. For questions please contact Jill Espino: jespino@springisd.org
or the PTO: ncespto1@gmail.com
May is Middle Eastern/Asian/Pacific Islander Month and we will be decorating at Northgate. If anyone has anything we can use to decorate, please have them drop off in the front office or contact me at jespino@springisd.org
Additionally, Spring ISD’s Contest for Asian/ Pacific Islander American Heritage Month is an opportunity for students to learn about and understand the cultures of Asian and Pacific Islander people! The projects will be judged digitally and then the 1st place winners from each campus for the three categories (Art, Writing, and Performance) will discuss their projects at the Celebration held on May 28 at the Family and Community Engagement from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Our theme this year is “Asian American Pacific Islander and the arts.” See PDF attached to this email for full contest information
Finally, here is a link to all the great events the Asia Society is holding around Texas, many of them here in the Houston area:
We are now accepting applications for our Kindergarten Two-Way Immersion Dual Language Program. Please complete the following forms to apply:
Parent Agreement:
Non-ELL Parent Tasks Checklist:
Mandatory Informational Parent Meeting from 4:00-5:00 PM via Google Meet:
(April 10th, April 30th, May 7th, or May 21st)
See graphic below for full info/schedule, including dates for mandatory classroom visits, and testing appointments.
For questions contact Jill Espino: JESPINO@springisd.org
Pre-K/CASE Parents,
Get ready for fun in the sun with Splash Day! This year one adult per child may attend to enjoy the fun with your student (no other siblings, including infants, due to space limitations please).
Schedule (11am-1pm)
Tuesday May 21st = Ms. Ramirez's class
Wednesday May 22nd= Ms. Vega's class
Thursday May 23rd = Ms. Falcon's CASE class
Friday May 24th = Ms. Ficeto & Ms. Love's class
NOTE: Mrs. Falcon's and Mrs. Ficeto's classes switched days; this is the updated schedule
Further details should be coming from your student's teacher.
Parents, do you have a future Spring ISD student or know of any young students in your neighborhood?
Our annual Pre-K Round Up kicks off on April 1, when online registration will open for ALL students who will be four years old on or before Sept. 1, 2024. In addition, the following documents will be required to successfully register your child:
Proof of child’s age and identification
Proof of residency
Proof of income
For a list of acceptable documents, visit www.springisd.org/prek
We will also be accepting registration from new kindergarten students or those who will be five years or older on or before Sept. 1.
Please help us spread the word about our fabulous full-day Pre-K program, as well as our Kindergarten program. Our schools offer caring and certified teachers to ensure your child has a strong start to a bright future.
Our online registration platform will go live on April 1 but until then, please visit our website at www.springisd.org/prek to learn more. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Bassett, Pre-K Coordinator, at jbassett@springisd.org.
Padres, ¿tienen un futuro estudiante de Spring ISD o saben de algún estudiante joven en su vecindario?
Nuestro resumen anual de prekínder comienza el 1 de abril, cuando se abrirá la inscripción en línea para TODOS los estudiantes que cumplirán cuatro años el 1 de septiembre del 2024 o antes. Además, se requerirán los siguientes documentos para registrar con éxito a su hijo:
Prueba de la edad e identificación del niño
Prueba de residencia
Prueba de ingreso
Para obtener una lista de documentos aceptables, visite www.springisd.org/prek
También aceptaremos la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes de kínder o aquellos que cumplirán cinco años o más el 1 de septiembre o antes.
Ayúdenos a correr la voz acerca de nuestro fabuloso programa de prekínder de día completo, así como de nuestro programa de kinder. Nuestras escuelas ofrecen maestros dedicados y certificados para garantizar que su hijo tenga un buen comienzo hacia un futuro brillante.
Nuestra plataforma de registro en línea estará disponible el 1 de abril, pero hasta entonces, visite nuestro sitio web en www.springisd.org/prek para obtener más información. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con Jennifer Bassett, coordinadora de prekínder, en jbassett@springisd.org.
Pre-K and Kindergarten students participating in Bilingual and ESL programs are invited to an engaging summer experience where students will learn various topics and increase their listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency. It is a full day Pre-K and Kindergarten
Summer Program. Bus transportation will be provided from the students' home campuses. This program is open to students participating in the Bilingual-Dual Language Program or the ESL program, and will be held June 10 through July 10. For more information, please contact Kathy Heinze, Multilingual Programs Coordinator at kheinze@springisd.org.
4th-5th Grade Parents,
Visit this link to access Spring ISD's Middle School Education Planning Guide:
Note: there will be no Friday Lunch Visits May 17th due to Field Day. The final parent lunch visit of the year will be Friday May 24th.
Due to space limitations in the cafeteria, we can only admit *two guests per student* for Friday lunch visits. "One guest" equals an adult, a younger sibling, an infant, or a child in a stroller (which takes up space).
Additionally, we want to remind you the lunch schedule has been slightly revised:
Pre-K & Kinder - 10-10:30am
1st grade - 10:30-11:00am
2nd grade - 11:05-11:35am
3rd grade - 11:45am-12:15pm
4th grade - 12:15-12:45pm
5th grade - 12:50-1:20pm
Other policies/procedures:
-If bringing food, provide food for your student only--other students may have allergies or other health issues.
-While visiting families can join together, we cannot have students join another parent when their own parent is not present.
-Please do not remain in the cafeteria once your student has left; if you are waiting to have lunch with an older student after dining with a younger student, please return to the front office until the older student's lunch time. (For Example, if you have a 1st and 3rd grade student, please do not remain in the cafeteria during 2nd grade lunch time).
-If you arrive more than 10-minutes after the beginning of your child's lunchtime, we will not be able to admit you.
-For safety reasons, please do not remain outside the cafeteria and view students playing at recess; visiting parents are checked into our system for a 30-minute period, and should head back to the front desk to check out once lunch is over.
-We have noticed many parents checking out students after lunch. It is important they they get their academic instruction on Friday afternoons, so encourage you to let them remain in school unless it is for an appointment.
Thank you for understanding!
Padres de Northgate,
Debido a limitaciones de espacio, solo podemos admitir *dos invitados por estudiante* para las visitas de almuerzo de los viernes. "Un invitado" equivale a un adulto, un hermano menor, un bebé o un niño en un cochecito .
Además, queremos recordaros que el horario de almuerzo ha sido ligeramente revisado:
Pre-K & Kinder - 10-10:30am
1st grade - 10:30-11:00am
2nd grade - 11:05-11:35am
3rd grade - 11:45am-12:15pm
4th grade - 12:15-12:45pm
5th grade - 12:50-1:20pm
otras políticas/procedimientos
- Si traen comida, favor de traer comida solamente para su estudiante -- Otros estudiantes pueden tener alergias o otros problemas de salud.
- Cuando venga a comer con sus hijos, no es permitido invitar a otros estudiantes que no sean sus hijos a sentarse con ustedes al menos que uno de los padres de ese estudiante esté presente.
- Cuando su estudiante termine su almuerzo, usted no puede quedarse en la cafetería esperando por el hermano(a) mayor. Después de comer con su hijo menor, favor de regresar a la oficina hasta que sea hora de la comida del siguiente estudiante. (Ejemplo, si tiene un estudiante en 1er grado y en 3er grado, no puede quedarse en la cafetería durante el almuerzo de 2do grado)
- Favor de ver el horario de almuerzo al final de este correo, si usted llega más de 10 minutos después que haya empezado el almuerzo de su hijo(a) no se le permitirá entrar.
- Por razones de seguridad, no se quede afuera de la cafetería viendo los estudiantes jugando en receso. Los padres están permitidos en el sistema solamente para venir a almorzar.
- Estamos notando que muchos papás se llevan a los estudiantes después del almuerzo. Es muy importante que ellos terminen el día con toda la instrucción académica de la semana. Les pedimos que los dejen en la escuela a menos que tengan una cita médica.
Our hard-working morning duty staff have been noticing important safety issues with student drop-off:
1. We have parents speeding through the parking lot and putting others in danger; please drive slowly and cautiously.
2. Please make sure to stop before the white crosswalk; do not stop on top of it, or speed through it.
3. If you are dropping off your student in the morning between 7:35-8am, we highly recommend that you stay in your vehicle and use the designated drop-off lane, instead of parking and walking your student into the building.
4. If you are dropping off late after 8am, you will then need to park and escort your student in for late check-in; the drop-off lane will be closed. Please try to have your student here before 8am so they don't miss any instruction.
Thank you for your help!
[UPDATE] Parents, please note the new email address to email transportation changes to: sruiz14@springisd.org
-Cut off time to pick up students is 2:30. If you need to make a transportation change, please send a note with your student or e-mail sruiz14@springisd.org before 2:30. We do not take transportation changes by phone.
-You may view the drop-off/pickup map by clicking on the following link: https://www.springisd.org/Page/1832
Car Riders
-If your child is in grades Pk-1, you will drop off and pick up your child on site B (the parking lot for the gym and cafeteria.)
-If your child is in grades 2-5, you will drop off and pick up your child on side A (the parking lot in front of the building.)
-If you have children in multiple grades, they will be with the youngest child on the corresponding side for dismissal.
-During the car-rider dismissal, parents must remain in their vehicles.
-Please do not stop your vehicle at a crosswalk. Also, please follow staff instructions on how far to pull up along the curb. Finally, please do not drop off your student in the parking lot; we understand your time valuable but it is important for safety that you join the car line and drop them off properly.
-Students who walk home, may be picked up at the designated parent pick-up in front of the PK playground. PK to 2nd grade students will not be allowed to leave campus on their own, they will only be released to a guardian or parent.
Bus Riders
-Buses will pick students up in parking lot B, in front of the cafeteria and gym. Buses arrive between 3:15 and 3:25.
-Please remember that bus drivers cannot release Pre-K and Kindergarten students at a stop without visually confirming that a guardian is present. Parents should have the 5-digit pin number of any PreK or Kiner student.
-If bus riders of any grade do not make it off the bus at their stop for any reason, the bus driver will bring them directly back to school when they finish their route, and the student will need to be picked up by a family member.
If you are not getting text messages about late buses and other school matters, your phone number may have been opted out. To ensure you are receiving text message from Northgate Crossing and Spring ISD please follow these steps:
Text START to "60680" for non-emergency messages.
Text START to "54968" for emergency messages.
We at Northgate Crossing are unfortunately aware of some of very late arrival times of some of some bus route, both AM and PM, and we completely understand the frustration for parents. We do send parents text messages each afternoon about late buses; however are unable to send morning text alerts about late pickups, as we are not provided access to that information.
Spring ISD transportation is in charge of bus times, and they are currently struggling with a driver shortage, resulting in many drivers having to do additional high school routes before they pick up elementary students. For any scheduling issues you encounter we encourage you to reach out to Spring ISD transportation at (281) 891-6490.
It is important for us to communicate with you, but we unfortunately cannot always accommodate "walk-in" meeting requests. If you would like to meet with any principals, administrators, teachers, the counselor, other staff, etc., please make sure to contact us in advance to schedule a meeting so that we can best serve you. Thank you for understanding.
Northgate Families,
Students are now required to wear an ID badge at all times on campus. All students should now have their badge; please call the front desk if your student has not yet received their ID. Bus-rider students will use their ID to get on the bus in the AM and PM, so parents will need to help students keep up with their badge. Students who do not ride the bus will have their IDs collected by their teacher at the end of class, and will not take them home. Spring ISD will be charging a fee for replacement IDs, so please assist your student. Thank you!
Familias de Northgate,
Todos los estudiantes requieren tener una credencial que an sido o sera distrubuida en estos dias. Los estudiantes deben usar una credencial en todo momento en la escuela. Todos los estudiantes ahora deberían tener su credencial; llame a la recepción si su estudiante aún no ha recibido su identificaciónLos estudiantes que viajan en autobús usarán su identificación para subir del autobús por la mañana y por la tarde, por lo que pedimos a los padres que ayuden a los estudiantes a mantener la credencial en un lugar seguro en casa. Los estudiantes que no viajen en el autobús dejaran sus credenciales al final del dia en su salon y no se la llevarán a casa. Spring ISD cobrará una tarifa por reemplazar las identificaciones ¡Gracias!
All visitors to Northgate Crossing are required to check in at the front office and provide a valid government-issued picture ID. A visitor’s badge will be issued and you will be able to enter the building or check a student out for the day.
Volunteer form/background check
Parents and guardians will be invited to campus activities to observe, participate and/or volunteer. A volunteer form and background check are required for activities throughout the year, such as classroom parties and volunteer opportunities. Please complete the form as soon as possible to allow time for processing. If you are interested please fill out the form here: https://www.springisd.org/Page/970
Click this link to access the 2023-204 Spring ISD instructional calendar:
Healthy food fuels better learning for students. For the 2023-24 school year, Spring ISD will offer free breakfast and free lunch to ALL students in every school, along with free supper to students involved in after-school programs at many of our campuses. Each campus will offer a la carte items for purchase at meal times. These items may be purchased with cash or the student’s meal account. This year, students will have the option to scan the barcode on their ZPass card or enter their PIN.
In addition, students who pack a lunch from home can utilize our “Pick 3” program, which allows them to come through the cafeteria line and grab three items for free: a hot or cold fruit, vegetable and a milk. With Pick 3, we hope to take away some of the burden of packing lunches and provide ready-to-eat sides for students to “bulk up” their lunch with healthy options.
Our trained chef works with our dietitians on developing kid-friendly and kid-tested menu items that our students actually enjoy and will eat.
Menus are available on the district website but also at www.SchoolCafe.com, which offers complete nutritional information and an easy way to add money to your child’s meal account and manage the account balance. Sign up using your child’s student identification number.
Have questions? Visit: www.springisd.org/nutrition or call 281-891-6445. Remember, download the Spring ISD mobile app, and you can receive account balance notifications on your phone.
Los alimentos saludables fomentan un mejor aprendizaje para los estudiantes. Para el año escolar 2023-24, Spring ISD ofrecerá desayuno y almuerzo gratis a TODOS los estudiantes en cada escuela, junto con cena gratis a los estudiantes que participan en programas extracurriculares en muchas de nuestras escuelas. Cada escuela ofrecerá artículos a la carta para comprar a la hora de comer. Estos artículos se pueden comprar con efectivo o con la cuenta de comida del estudiante. Este año, los estudiantes tendrán la opción de escanear el código de barras en su tarjeta ZPass o ingresar su PIN.
Además, los estudiantes que empacan un almuerzo de casa pueden utilizar nuestro programa "Elige 3", que les permite pasar por la línea de la cafetería y tomar tres artículos gratis: una fruta, verdura fría o caliente y leche. Con "Elige 3", esperamos eliminar parte de la carga de empacar almuerzos y proporcionar guarniciones listas para comer para que los estudiantes "llenen de volumen" su almuerzo con opciones saludables.
Nuestro chef capacitado trabaja con nuestros dietistas en el desarrollo de elementos de menú probados y aptos para niños que nuestros estudiantes realmente disfrutan y comerán.
Los menús están disponibles en el sitio web del distrito, pero también en www.SchoolCafe.com, que ofrece información nutricional completa y una manera fácil de agregar dinero a la cuenta de comidas de su hijo y administrar el saldo de la cuenta. Regístrese con el número de identificación de estudiante de su hijo.
¿Tiene preguntas? Visite: www.springisd.org/nutrition o llame al 281-891-6445. Recuerde, descargue la aplicación móvil de Spring ISD y podrá recibir notificaciones de saldo de cuenta en su teléfono.
Practicar el almacenamiento seguro de armas protege a nuestros niños, previene accidentes y mantiene nuestras armas fuera del alcance de los delincuentes. Juntos, podemos mantenerlas seguras, Texas! Aprende más sobre el esfuerzo del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas para mantenerlas seguras en
https://safegunstoragetexas.com/es/safe-gun-storage-spanish/NORTHGATE CROSSING ELEMENTARY
23437 Northgate Crossing Blvd.
Spring, TX 77373
Phone: 281-891-8780
Fax: 281-891-8781
Follow @NCESNavigators