Pawnee Family Newsletter
JAN 6-10, 2025
Upcoming Events at Pawnee
Jan. 20th: No school
Jan. 22nd: KG Registration (for 2025-2026 school year)
Jan. 28th: 2-Hour LATE START
20 de enero: No hay clases
22 de enero: Inscripción de KG (para el año escolar 2025-2026)
28 de enero: INICIO TARDE de 2 horas
5th Graders: Plan Your Middle School Open House Tours! Happening in January
The Reading Teacher Vol. 63, No. 4 December 2009/January 2010
BOYS BASKETBALL: Infomation will be sent to 5th graders in January
Tryout these Ways to Read with Your Child
- Choral reading = your child reads aloud simultaneously with you
- Echo reading = an I Do – You Do technique, child listens to you and follow along in a text before they echo what they heard
- Repeated reading = child practices rereading a familiar sentence or passage
- Phrased reading = reading smoothly by grouping words from a sentence into meaningful chunks
- Audio assisted reading =child reads along and track the text while listening to an audio version
- Readers’ theatre = a collaborative strategy in which you and your child rehearse and read parts in a script; no memorization required
Words to Practice with your READERS at HOME!
Check out these videos for how we teach heart's more than memorizing!
MONDAY: Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
TUESDAY: Corndogs
Parents: Looking for Ideas to Make Reading Fun at Home? Check out these links:
Mark Your Calendar: Parent Family Event Calendar 24-25
Jan. 20th: No school
Jan. 22nd: KG Registration (for 2025-2026 school year)
Jan. 28th: 2-hour late start day
Feb. 4th: Math Manipulatives and More (K-5): Tuesday, 9-10AM
Feb. 14th & 17th: No School
Feb. 26th: Parent-teacher Conferences: Wednesday, 4:30-7:30PM
Feb. 27th: Parent-teacher Conferences: Thursday, 1-7:30PM
March 17-21: Spring Break for All Students
March 28th: No School for All Students
April 8th: Science Discoveries (K-5): Tuesday, 9-10AM
April 18 & 20: No School for all students
May 8th: Pawnee Variety Show (more info to come)
May 20th: Family Picnic (during your child’s lunch time 11:30-1:00)
May 20th: Pawnee Field Day (K-2: 9:30-11AM) (Grades 3-5: 1:30-3:00PM)
May 21st: KG Recognition 10AM, 5th Grade Recognition 2PM
May 21st: Last Day of School for ALL Students
May 28th: Next Level Learning Begins
Each student’s iPad has the student handbook preloaded on it (it is also available on our website), which provides detailed information about the policies and regulations of Pawnee Elementary School and the Omaha Public Schools. Teachers and students will spend time in class reviewing the code of conduct and our school procedures and routines. Students will be instructed to take the handbook home. Please be sure to read and discuss the handbook. The students will be responsible for all content in the student handbook and parents will sign a handbook card stating they understand the expectations. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. The main office phone number is 531-299-1900.
OPS Calendar 2024-2025
Omaha Public Schools – Title I Information Parent and Family Engagement Policy
School-Parent Compact
Pawnee Elementary School
This Title I School-Parent Compact has been jointly developed with parents and outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high academic standards. At the annual parent-teacher conferences, the compact shall be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
It is important that students achieve. We will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment to enable children to meet the challenging state academic achievement standards.
- Regularly communicate with parents on their child’s progress.
- Demonstrate professional behavior and positive attitude.
Parent /Caring Adult:
I want my child to achieve; therefor I will encourage him/her by doing the following:
- Communicate and work with teachers and school staff on an ongoing basis to be involved and support my child’s learning.
- Support my child’s learning—volunteer in their classroom; participate, as appropriate, in decisions related to their education, guide positive use of extracurricular time.
- Make sure my child is at school every day and on time, unless he/she is ill.
- Provide a quiet place and time to do schoolwork and encourage my child to complete schoolwork.
I know my education is important to me. It is important that I work to the best of my ability. I agree to do the following:
- Be at school every day and on time ready to learn unless I am sick.
- Come to school each day prepared with supplies and an attitude to learn.
- Be responsible for my own behavior.
- Respect and cooperate with other students and adults.
- Return completed schoolwork on time.
- Read at home.