Esther Information for Families
Helpful Information and Links
Kindergarten Drop Off Tutorial
Kindergarten Drop-Off
First Grade Drop Off Tutorial
First Grade Drop-Off
Esther Elementary Open House
Come Meet Your Teacher!
August 15, 2024 5pm-7pm
"To Do" List Before the First Day of School
Bag Tags
At Open House, you will receive a Bag Tag with your child's name and teacher's name. Please attach the Bag Tag to your child's backpack with the zip tie that is provided. Please keep this tag attached to your child's backpack throughout the school year.
Transportation and Busing Setup
Please make sure you complete your child's online registration prior to the first day of school. This information is vital, because we need to know where to send your child at the end of the school day. You may fill out a Transportation Request through the link in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact our Transportation Department by calling (417) 657-6012.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast is free through the Breakfast in the Classroom Grant.
Lunch Price for Esther Students is $2.75.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application can be filled out by logging into Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Student Reduced Lunch Price is $0.45.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Prior to the first day of school, parents must log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete the Online Registration for each of their children in the Lebanon R-3 District. This ensures that we have updated emergency contact information and transportation details, as well as other vital information for the school year. If you do not have a username or password for the Parent Portal, you may call the Help Desk at (417) 657-1812.
Click the Infinite Campus button below to log in.
Other Important Information
Student Absences
If your child is sick and will be absent, please keep us informed by calling the Esther Elementary Office at (417) 657-6002.
Esther Elementary
Website: https://www.lebanonr3.org/our_schools/esther_elementary
Location: 1200 Clark Avenue, Lebanon, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 657-6002
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estherjrjackets/
Paige Thornhill
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