OSP Connected
Office for School Performance: January 2025, Vol. 79
Message from Audrea
This past week, I had the opportunity to spend time with some people from the City of Hillsboro and learn more about what makes our city such a wonderful place to live. Some great shout-outs were given to our impressive parks, the amazing partnerships between our businesses and schools in support of CTE, and the growing diversity that makes our city so special!
In HSD, we are lucky to see that diversity increases in our community, which makes our schools even more special as we grow and learn together. For some of our students who are newcomers and emerging bilinguals (or multilinguals), I often think about what school might feel like for them. Learning a new language is hard, let alone learning English, where “there”, “their”, and “they’re” can still be confusing to those of us that are native speakers. My mom is bilingual and came to this country when she was 20. She has often shared the “horror” stories of her evening English classes, where she would leave shaking her head, wondering if she’d ever understand this crazy, complicated language. She still remembers when she was told that sometimes an “E” is bossy and sometimes it’s short.
Our students are pretty awesome for what they are navigating and learning in another language in our classrooms. It takes a lot of confidence and resilience to keep trying, when at times it can feel so overwhelming! The work that you all do to support language in the classroom, on the bus, in the lunchroom, etc., makes a huge difference for our students. We know our students possess knowledge that sometimes they don’t always get to share with us as they navigate the challenges of language, but they also have adults in our schools who don’t give up on them, who invest in them, and who find new ways to scaffold and support their language development so that their knowledge can shine through. Thank you for being that adult for them!
Welcome to Teaching & Learning 3.0 *NEW SITE UPDATES*
Today we're thrilled to introduce Teaching & Learning 3.0, which has undergone some exciting changes!
Our goal with this redesign is to make it easier for you to find the information and resources you need, when you need them. Additionally, we wanted to create a one-stop-shop for you where you can access your grade-level materials and resources without having to navigate to multiple sites.
Come take a closer look at the key changes we've made! Click here or the video below for a walkthrough of our new site.
Link to site: Teaching & Learning 3.0
Strategic Plan Staff Feedback: Your Voice Matters!
HSD staff, your input is a vital part of our culture of continuous improvement! We want to hear from YOU – the teachers, administrators, and support staff who work tirelessly to support our students every day. To make it as easy as possible, we've condensed our annual Strategic Plan survey to just 7 questions. Share your feedback by February 14th so we can ensure our district delivers on its promise to KNOW, VALUE, and EMPOWER every student to achieve their dreams!
PK-12 Classified Summit: You’re Invited!
January 31, 2025, 8:00-12:30 @ Glencoe High School
Classified staff are invited to discover new ideas and resources from colleagues around the district. Professional development sessions will be offered around supporting students in literacy and math, de-escalation, small group instruction, equity, mental health, supporting language needs, student engagement, technology, student inclusion, family engagement, pathways to licensure and more. Participants will be able to choose up to four sessions throughout the day. Extended Contract available for sessions attended. See all the details and register here: https://secure.smore.com/n/1f9e3
Contacts: Gina McLain mclaing@hsd.k12.or.us for Elementary & Becky Kingsmith kingsmir@hsd.k12.or.us for Secondary
K-12 Math Adoption Update
The K-12 Math Adoption Leadership and Piloting Team has selected new math curricula to recommend after a year-long process focused on growth, improvement, and alignment with the teams’ math beliefs for HSD students: Focus, Engagement, Pathways, and Belonging. Teacher and student feedback informed their decision to recommend:
K-6: iReady
7-8: iReady
9-12: enVision
Next Steps:
February: Recommendations will be reviewed by the Community Curriculum Advisory Committee (CCAC).
Spring: Final approval will be submitted to the Board.
Due to financial constraints, the curriculum purchase may be delayed or staggered into the 2025-26 school year. HSD remains committed to supporting math achievement, providing professional development, and aligning with best practices to implement the adoption process effectively.
Staff Wellness
Youth Mental Health
While suicide rates have decreased for youth identified as white, rates for youth of color have remained or increased, and suicide continues to be the second-leading cause of death for youth ages 5-24 in Oregon. The article, Beyond the Surface: Understanding Mental Health Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Youth, shares important information about a community too often left out of the conversation about mental health in America. Staff are encouraged to explore this information and consider how they can impact positive change for our students. One way to support is by taking suicide prevention trainings offered through our district and community. Additionally, this article reviews that youth have expressed having access to wellness and recovery spaces in classrooms and schools is helpful for their mental health.
For community training opportunities, check out Get Trained to Help or register below:
Youth Mental Health First Aid- January 23rd, 2025
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training - Feb. 27th-28th
Youth Mental Health First Aid- April 24th, 2025
Youth SAVE (virtual trainings) *participants should have a basic understanding of how to engage with someone having thoughts of suicide
January 16, 2025 12:00pm-3:30pm & January 17, 2025 8:30am-12:00pm REGISTER HERE
January 21, 2025 12:00pm-3:30pm & January 22, 2025 8:30am-12:00pm REGISTER HERE
January 23, 2025 12:00pm-3:30pm & January 24, 2025 8:30am-12:00pm REGISTER HERE
Attendance Matters: Building a Culture of Attendance
In HSD, we believe consistent attendance is key to student success. Our current campaign, Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow, emphasizes the importance of consistent attendance for student success. As we look ahead, we're working with our community to develop a new attendance campaign that reflects our district's goals and values.
Building a culture of attendance means we collectively work together to create an environment that is inviting and engaging for all students (click here for more information). By enhancing our attendance systems, we allow educators to prioritize building strong, supportive relationships with students and families. Together, we can foster a community where every student feels connected and ready to learn.
National School Counseling Week: February 3-7, 2025
The theme of this year’s National School Counseling week is “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive.” What does it mean to help a student thrive as a School Counselor? Here are some examples!
Academically: Supporting students in setting goals, staying motivated and finding joy in learning. Or, develop strategies to be successful academically, whether it comes naturally or is more of a challenge.
Emotionally: Helping students feel balanced, resilient and supported. Listening to feelings of stress or anxiety, or just generally identifying and navigating their feelings.
In Future Planning: Guiding students to identify and understand their strengths and passions as well as exploring different careers and plans in order to develop a future that fits and excites them.
Please celebrate the school counselor(s) in your building for their dedication to both students and staff. Much of the work they do to advocate for needs and improve student outcomes and achievement may go unseen or unknown. However, school counselors are hard at work navigating some of the most complex student needs, juggling caseloads of students up to 500 and evaluating systems and structures to have more impact and efficiency.
A simple, genuine “thank you” will go a long way, but other ideas could include:
Cards or posters signed by staff and/or students
Crafts or student projects sharing what they love or value about their School Counselor
Recognition at an assembly, on a bulletin board or at a staff meeting!
Invitations to your class or space for a thank you directly from your students!
Treats, coffee or flowers
Join us in celebrating the 65 HSD School Counselors February 3-7!
Celebrating and appreciating large cultural events is essential to fostering a more connected, inclusive, and vibrant community. These moments allow us to honor the diverse histories, traditions, and contributions that shape our shared experiences, creating a deeper sense of belonging and mutual respect. By actively engaging in these celebrations, we open doors for learning, dialogue, and understanding, helping to break down barriers and challenge stereotypes. This collective appreciation not only strengthens relationships but also nurtures empathy and equity within our schools and neighborhoods.
Collective Teacher Efficacy in Action
Evergreen Middle School has committed to serving their ELs through schoolwide PLC cycles. At the start of the year, each department committed to trying at least one student talk routine. While they implemented the routine, they collected teacher and student data. Each team took one day out of their classroom to reflect on their previous work and plan a future routine. During the day, one teacher opened their classroom to be observed as a part of a lesson study. This process has sparked excitement and collaboration around integrating language supports. EMS administrators collaborated with district TOSAs to create the agenda for the day and to support the studio classroom teachers.
Did you know that over 200 HSD students have accessed the Hillsboro Activity Scholarship program this year? The HSD Activity Scholarship Fund has paid almost 14 thousand towards registration fees to help students access community activities. If you know of a student who could use financial help, please share the Hillsboro Youth Athletic Activities Scholarship information with them.
Edpuzzle BINGO
This month's Bingo is on Edpuzzle. Transform your teaching with the magic of Edpuzzle! This dynamic tool empowers you to create interactive video lessons that truly engage students. Learn how to find or create the perfect video, enhance it with your own audio, notes, and questions, and even leverage AI to auto-generate assessments. Discover how Edpuzzle can elevate student voices and give them ownership of their learning through interactive features and student projects. Join us and unlock a world of possibilities for your classroom!
Audrey Christian Ferroni, Butternut Creek ES- Ring Light
Sharon Kerbs, Liberty HS- Wireless Keyboard
Approval is required for any resource that students need to log into or that requires entry/collection of student information to protect student data and ensure that we are in alignment with federal and state laws, such as COPPA and FERPA. The list of approved resources and the approval process can be found here. Depending on the vendor, resource evaluation can take weeks or months.
Starting February 3, unapproved resources will be blocked from student Chromebooks. Please review the resources you use for teaching before this date to prevent any disruptions.
Teaching Language to Access Learning
Language Central
Three Ways to Scaffold Language for Access to Learning
Academic Vocabulary
Language Objectives
Instruction: Professional Development
Are you looking for ways to gain more knowledge and understanding connected to your work? We have some great professional development opportunities for you! Check out our one stop shopping Teachflix professional development site! We have resources and offerings for all staff.
PK-12 Searchable PD Playlist
All PD offerings are presented on the Teachflix Searchable PD Playlist
Teachflix navigation video: Learn What's Next: Using the Searchable PD Playlist
Extended contract offered for after school synchronous PD sessions on the playlist
A chance to win prizes for attending after school synchronous PD sessions
Access Prior PD Sessions (uploaded with presentations and recordings)