Summer is Here!
Wrapping up 2023-2024
"Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The School Year is Almost Over...
Dear Parents and Caretakers,
Wow! What a year! Your child(ren) participated in multiple literacy events this school year at NIS and we are so very proud of the many accomplishments made in working together as a community to send home the message READING MATTERS!
We began this year with our very first whole school READING RALLY to celebrate the milestones of each child's Summer Reading successes! We even received a very special visit from Ms. Rosanne Parry the author of our community read " A Wolf Called Wander"! Next, students enjoyed the read-aloud from many Nantucket community volunteers taking time to visit NIS to share their love of reading with each classroom!
NIS students also participated in our reading at home incentive program with your help completing the many leaves that showered the front of the NIS library. Let's not forget about all the families that came and celebrated the Multicultural Literacy Night where all children celebrated literacy with so many activities. Each child also took home a book to keep and enjoy! We can't thank you enough for all of the support you provide each day in making sure you child understands the importance of literacy at school, in your home, and all throughout their lives!
That said, we are happy to share that the NIS 2024 2nd annual Summer Reading Initiative is fast approaching! In June, your rising third grader(s) and rising fourth grader(s) will receive two books (to keep!) from the Nantucket Intermediate School. One book is a community book choice; all students and teachers will read over the summer and discuss in September! The other book is a CHOICE book your child chose to read over the summer months. The book choices were hand selected by your NIS literacy specialists and NIS librarian! We are very excited to hear about your child's summer reading in September!
An NIS 2024 Summer Reading Challenge website will also be available and will be linked to our NIS home page. The website will have fun activities (summer reading challenges), links to book logs, author page of One Book/One Community, and many other resources for your family to access over the summer months!
So please keep an eye out for the two Summer Reading books your child will receive in June! We hope you enjoy reading these books together and sharing your reactions to the many adventures headed your way!
Suggestions to jumpstart your summer reading:
Find your ‘Book Nook’ space where you can go regularly to disappear in your reading.
Keep your Reading Menu in the same place so that it's easy to find.
Read before bed. It helps to relax both your mind and your muscles before sleeping.
Read with your family and friends and talk about your books.
Follow a routine. Schedule ‘Reading Time’ and try to follow it every day.
Put your phone away during your 'Reading Time.' It will help eliminate distractions.
Carry a book with you wherever you go! You may find yourself having a few extra minutes that you can use for reading.
If you are traveling, pack a book or two to read along the journey.
Take a family photo of your time reading together and send along!
Have a happy summer and we will see your child(ren) in September to celebrate their summer readings during our second annual Reading Rally!
Nancy Hines and Joni Amaral/ NIS Literacy Specialists
Christine Braunohler/ NIS Librarian
June is National Oceans Month!
- Ocean Literacy from NOAA
- Ocean Education activities from National Geographic
- Then, get students busy saving our planet with this creative art challenge