Summer School 2024
Catch the Wave of Learning
Dear Families,
We look forward to your child joining us for Summer School 2024! Our teachers have been working hard to prepare exciting lessons that will occur during the 19 days of learning. Families will receive information from classroom teachers in the coming weeks. If you do not hear from someone by May 22, please call Hannah Cole Primary @ 882-2744. This newsletter is full of information, but if you have questions after reading it don’t hesitate to reach out!
If your child will no longer be attending summer school please call 882-2744 as soon as possible to make room for students on our waiting list.
Summer School Session Dates: May 28-June 21, 2024
Location: Entering Kindergarten- 5th grade @ Hannah Cole
Hours: 7:45-3:00 **Doors will open at 7:45 AM
Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:00.
Students will be counted tardy after 8:00 AM.
Drop off and Pick Up Information
Bus Transportation
Summer school provides limited transportation for pick up and drop off services. Bus routes are being finalized and will be shared in the next week. If you did not indicate you needed bus transportation on your student's enrollment form or if that information has changed, contact First Student 882-7421. Summer School will have 4 routes and limited stops available. Bus transportation is based on space availability and first come, first serve basis.
Students can be dropped off between 7:45 - 8:00 AM. Students will go to the cafeteria for breakfast and then directly to their classroom. Extra staff will be available to help students find their classrooms. Any student arriving after 8:00 AM will need a parent to check them in at the front door.
If your student will be absent, call or email the office by 8:30. The secretary will start contacting absent students at 8:30.
HCP Office: 882-2744
HCP Office email:
**Call the office by 2:00 if there are dismissal changes.**
HCP: 660-882-2744
All students must be picked up by 3:00 PM.
Hannah Cole K-5:
Car pick-ups will begin dismissing after the buses are loaded at ~ 2:45 PM. Cars will need to park in the back row until the 4 buses are in place.
To help make the process go smoothly:
1. Kindergarten, 4th and 5th graders will load on the EAST side of the building.
1st, 2nd and 3rd grade will load on the WEST side of the building.
*Older siblings will join younger siblings
2. Display your child's name card in your car's windshield for teachers to see.
3. Stay in line and in your car. A staff member will bring your child to the car.
4. Be patient as we learn families to make sure everyone gets home safely.
Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks
Snacks: Teachers may request snacks for their classrooms. Snacks must be store bought. The teacher will use DOJO to let you know specifics regarding snacks.
Water Bottles: Water fountain bottle fillers will be available. Please have your child bring a water bottle daily.
Students will participate in outdoor activities each day (weather permitting). We will monitor excessive heat, and notify teachers if recess or outdoor activities need to be moved indoors. Tennis shoes are recommended. Please apply sunscreen to your child prior to summer school.
Students may participate in walking field trips to the high school track or soccer fields. If you would not like your child to participate in walking field trips please let the teacher or office know asap. If a local field trip is provided, you will be notified and will need to sign a permission slip.
Entering Kindergarten Only
Entering Kindergarten will take a rest time after lunch. Please send a towel or blanket for your child to use during this time.
Meet the teacher: Entering Kindergarten teachers will be available on May 21 from 4:30-5:15 to meet entering kindergarten students. This will help students transition on the first day!
Health and Safety
If your child will need to take medication during summer school, contact Nurse Vicki. Parents will need to complete a medication form and bring medication to the HCP nurse's office.
Safety: Boonville School District is committed to ensuring a safe learning environment for all students. Any ongoing behavior concerns will be communicated to families by the teacher. If necessary, students will meet with an administrator during summer school. Severe, or repeated behavior can result in the dismissal of a student from summer school.