Jaguar Monthly
May 2022
Summer's just around the corner....
We've almost made it! What a year it's been. This month brings so many exciting things - from STAAR tests (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) and field day (all grades), to Honor Roll ceremonies (1st-5th) and celebrations (Kindergarten and 5th). Our students have not only helped to open a brand-new building, but they have also grown by leaps and bounds academically and with social-emotional awareness.
At our Honor Roll ceremonies, we will celebrate our students in 1st-5th that made A, A/B, and all B honor roll for 2nd semester AS WELL AS students that made THE MOST growth in each grade level through the year on MAP assessments. We are so proud of the hard work they've done and the progress they've made! PLEASE make sure to check out the calendar below - it's going to be a busy month.
VERY IMPORTANT - current students MUST register ONLINE for next year! To do this, go to the Home Access Center through the KISD website (parent page - the icon says HAC). Once you sign in, you will see a tab for your student, "registration". It will prompt you through multiple screens; you must upload a current proof of residence (water bill, electric bill, current lease agreement, etc.) to submit. If you have questions, call 336-1580.
Your child's teacher will communicate with you in the next few weeks about specifics for each of the events/celebrations that will be happening for the grade level. Please be on the lookout each day for any flyers that will be sent home in their backpacks regarding events; we send these each week. Teachers also communicate through Remind, Dojo, and email - so make sure to check! If you have questions, reach out to the teacher or the front office.
We'd love to get your feedback to help us improve. Below is a link to a short survey (only 12 questions) to get your input. Please take a few minutes to let us know how we're doing.
Let's make it a great last month of the '21-'22 school year... we look forward to celebrating our great school year with our wonderful Jaguars!
Pre K - Kinder Round Up
Please be sure to bring shot records, proof of residency (current water bill, phone bill or electric bill - within 30 days), identification card (I.D, must be actual card and not a copy), birth certificate, and proof of pre-k eligibility to enroll. Proof of eligibility can be a CURRENT military ID, SNAP card, income statement (last 30 days). We must have this to register a student for pre-K!
Teacher Appreciation
The graphic below has great ideas for children to make use to create FROM THE HEART tokens for their teachers and Instructional Assistants. Let them get creative, and remember these things touch a teacher's heart more than "bought" things.
Some basic information on field days:
LAST DAY to pay for field day t-shirts in CASH is MONDAY, May 2! The cost is $5.25.
Friday, May 20 - 2nd - 5th grades only; other grades will attend classes as usual.
Parents/guardians *may* come to watch field day activities on the day their child will be participating, between the hours of 9:00 and 1:00. You MUST sign in through the front office. Due to our high enrollment numbers, we will limit parent/guardian attendance to no more than two (2) adult visitors per family. For safety reasons, NO younger siblings (babies or toddlers) will be allowed. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our field day a student-centered, fun day!
More detailed information will be sent home in a few weeks.
May Events
May 2-6: Teacher Appreciation week - celebrations each day!
May 2-3: Pre-K and Kinder round up (NEW student registration)
May 4: Teacher of the Year virtual event (Yay Amanda Massey!)
May 6: STAAR pep rally for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students; students only
May 9-13: Nurse Appreciation week - thank you, Paula Simpson and her assistant, Ms. Jackie Price!
May 10-12: STAAR - grades 3-5 - a letter will be sent home and through email with details and specific dates. Contact Mrs. Whitaker, Testing Coordinator, at 336-1599 with questions.
May 16: Retirement celebration - Mr. Rick Lasly, 5th grade teacher - details TBA
May 19-20: Field day (PK, K and 1st 19, 2-5 20); this event is for students only; no young siblings. Teachers will send specific information about field day soon.
May 23-26: last week of school
May 23: 2nd grade's CHARLOTTE'S WEB fair - in cafeteria
May 25: A/AB/B honor roll ceremonies - 1st and 2nd - 8:45-9:30; 3rd and 4th 9:45-10:30; 5th grade celebration - 1:00 PM
May 26th: last day of school; student early out. Kinder graduations at 8:00 and 9:00; letters will be sent home from Kindergarten teachers with specifics.