SD Met Family Updates
One student at a time
May 28, 2023
Memorial Day Weekend - 4-Day Weekend!
On this Memorial Day weekend, we honor the members of our armed forces who serve our country every day, especially those members who are part of our Met community. Thank you for your service! We hope you are enjoying this 4-day weekend, and look forward to your return on Tuesday, May 30.
Exhibition Week - May 30, May 31, June 1
This week is our last week of the spring semester, and that means it is once again time for Exhibitions! At the San Diego Met, Exhibitions are our end-of-semester presentations of learning, where every student shares out examples of their learning and growth from this semester, with an emphasis on presenting their LTI Projects!
Exhibitions for grades 9, 10, and 11 will be held on May 30, May 31, and June 1. Here are the rubrics that will be used with students to evaluate their LTI Projects and Exhibitions. At the Exhibition, every student will present before a panel, and at least one parent/guardian must be present to help celebrate the student’s achievements and provide feedback. Students are expected to attend their own Exhibition, as well as several others that they have signed up for. This is the only attendance expectation for this week, as there will be no regular classes on these days. Exhibitions will be the final graded component of students’ academics for the semester, and all grades will be finalized by Friday, June 2.
If you have any questions about LTI Projects and Exhibitions, please contact your student’s Advisor. We look forward to welcoming you to campus to celebrate your students!
REMINDER! Annual Schools of Choice Survey - PLEASE COMPLETE!
The San Diego Met was established as a school of choice, and as such, we are required by law to collect relevant survey data from parents/guardians on an annual basis. Please support our school in meeting this State of California requirement by completing this survey by Wednesday, May 31. Thank you!
Appreciation for our retiring SD Met Foundation board members
The staff and administration of the San Diego Met High School would like to recognize the contributions of our retiring Foundation board members, and thank them for their service to our school community! Lillian Vania (Secretary), Julie Bonnardel (Member at Large), and Meridith Coady (Vice President) have completed their current terms and are retiring from the board. In particular, we honor Meridith, who was a founding member of our SD Met Foundation over eight years ago, and has been a steady hand guiding the board, helping it to flourish over the years in its various roles, including fundraising campaigns to support student learning, managing Foundation finances to ensure fiscal responsibility, ensuring proper reporting and oversight of grants, and more. Thanks to Meridith, Julie, and Lillian, for supporting our students!
This is also the ideal time for us to recruit new board members. We are interested in any parents and family members who would like to participate in activities related to fundraising for our school, developing our parent community, and supporting various ways to improve the learning environment for every student.
If you are interested in learning more about our Foundation or would like details about joining the board for the 2023-2024 school year, please reach out to our Foundation President, Justin Schiffer ( or Principal Robert Fung (
Enrollment Packets for 2023-2024
All Met students who plan to return for the 2023-2024 school year were given an enrollment packet to complete. Please complete and return the enrollment packets for your students as soon as possible. Our office will officially go on summer hours on Tuesday, June 6, so please return your enrollment packets by that date.
Senior Graduation Information!
All graduation details are included in this Senior Graduation Letter, which was distributed via email to all seniors last week. Please read the letter carefully! In particular, please note the following REQUIREMENTS:
On Wed, May 31, all graduating students must attend Graduation Rehearsal. Students must arrive by 8:30am and report to K209. Any student who does not attend rehearsal will NOT be allowed to walk at graduation!
Fri, June 2, is graduation day, and all graduating students must arrive by 8:30am and report to K209 to get ready for the Commencement Ceremony. Parents/friends can be seated starting at 9:30am. The Commencement Ceremony starts promptly at 10:30am. Concessions, including coffee, bottled water, and light snacks, will be available for purchase as a fundraiser for our 11th grade class.
Yearbooks - ONLY TWO LEFT!
Thanks to the exceptional efforts of our Yearbook team, we have almost sold through our entire stock of yearbooks for this school year! We only have 2 yearbooks remaining! To purchase one of the last two yearbooks, place your order at this Jostens website by June 2, 2023! If you have any questions, or you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Kathy Baker at
Books and Materials for Summer Classes
Students who are planning to take Mesa College classes this summer should look on your MySDCCD student portal and confirm the classes you are enrolled in for summer. You can click on the Course Number and get to class details. There you can see what books or materials are assigned to the class. Go over to the Mesa Bookstore and see a customer service attendant (near the bookshelves). You should have your class information handy so they can identify the books/materials you need. Then take your books/materials to the cashier and tell them you are a San Diego Met student and give them your ID #. All books and materials are paid for by the Met. Please do this as soon as possible! Please contact Mr. Moravec at with any questions.
Mesa College Registration Windows
There is one more window to register for a Mesa College class, for any students who missed the first opportunity to register or for those who want to add an additional class:
Monday, August 7 - Friday, August 11 (We will be back from summer break by this time)
Please use the class schedule for FALL 2023 on the Mesa website. You will use the same format for the course request email as usual: your 1st choice and two alternates. Make sure you put the Course Name, Course Number, the format of the class (e.g. Online or In-Person), and days/times of the class.
As soon as you hear back from Laura Mathis confirming your class you can complete the JIRA. If Laura does not respond to your course request email in a couple of days, you should resend it. Please see Mr. Moravec if you need help with the process.
Senior Transcripts
All 12th graders should complete this Google Form to inform us of what college you have committed to, which allows us to send your final high school transcript after you graduate on June 2. Please complete the form ASAP if you have not already done so.
Ms. Valis and Mr. Moravec are working together to send your final transcript either by email, through US Mail, or electronically through Xello. If you want to go through Xello, you need to log in with your school computer login info through Clever. Then go to Xello and follow the directions below:
From your Student Dashboard, under GOALS & PLANS, click COLLEGE PLANNING and then COLLEGE APPLICATIONS, View My Applications.
From your list of institutions, select the one to which you’d like your Final Transcript sent.
To the right, click on the OPTION box and select REQUEST NEW TRANSCRIPT.
If you need to send a Mesa College transcript to the college of your choice, you need to send it from your MYSDCCD Mesa student portal. You can either send it electronically or hard copy. Please contact Mr. Moravec ( if you have any questions.
Promise Program - FREE community college tuition!
The Promise Program is a program of the San Diego Community College District that provides qualified students with a free community college education! Students who are planning to continue on at a community college after high school are highly encouraged to apply. In order to be eligible, students must complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act form. Students who have taken Mesa classes will not have to apply again. Students who haven’t taken Mesa classes will have to apply to Mesa. Here is a link to the Promise application and another link with more information. Please see Mr. Moravec if you have questions about the application process.
Priority Deadline is June 16, 2023. By that time, you must have:
Applied to Mesa, City, or Miramar
Applied to the Promise Program
Completed the FAFSA or CA Dream Act form
Completed the Online New Student Orientation
Set up an appointment with a college counselor and completed an education plan
Promise Program info:
Up to two years of free tuition and health fees
Book grants for eligible students
Access to Peer Mentors/Success Coaches
Individualized counseling guidance support to complete your educational goals
Must be a first-time college student, or
Returning SDCCD students who have not enrolled in courses for three or more semesters (not including summer).
Must be a California Resident or AB 540 eligible. Must complete a 2023-2024 financial aid application (FAFSA or CA Dream Act).
Must be prepared to enroll in a minimum of 12 units each semester (does not apply to students with disability (DSPS/Disability Support Programs and Services accommodation on file).
Students who completed college courses while in High School are eligible.
School Tours and Shadow Days
We have concluded our school recruitment days for the year, but interested families may still request to come visit our school. Starting on June 6, 2023, we will be on summer hours, and all requests should be emailed to BOTH and for quickest reply. Thank you for helping us spread the word to other families who may be looking for the kind of educational design that the Met provides.
Support our Foundation
The SD Met Foundation raises money to support our students, with all proceeds going directly to supporting supplies and resources for teaching and learning. Please consider donating to our Foundation by clicking this link, and please share with your friends and network!
The Met Closet - Taking Professional Clothing Donations!
We are building out The Met Closet, an opportunity for students to have access to free professional clothes for interviews and internships. If your family has professional clothing that is appropriate for teens, please bring them in to Ms. Mann-Deibert’s classroom (K201B) or send the clothing with your students. Contact Ms. Mann-Deibert at if you have any questions.
Mental Health Services to continue over the summer
San Diego Unified School District has approved mental health services to continue through the summer months through our partners at Wellness Together. Mental Health Specialists (MHSs) are scheduled throughout the summer session and are available to connect with students and families on-site and virtually during summer school hours. Students who wish to receive services from our current mental health specialist should inform us as soon as possible, so we can begin the scheduling and informed consent process.
Summer School Information
At this time, pre-registration for summer school has ended. Any student who ends up needing to register for summer school may go directly to their school of choice after June 1 to enroll in person. Here is the list of High Schools that are accepting students from other schools:
Canyon Hills
Point Loma
La Jolla
Scripps Ranch
University City
Please reach out to Mr. Moravec at with any questions.
Performing Arts Partnership with Innovation Family Community Theatre
Innovation Family Community Theatre (IFCT), led by a San Diego Met parent, is happy to announce its partnership with the Met in developing its new performing arts program. We envision SD Met students being able to audition and perform in a theater production produced by IFCT during the 2023-2024 school year. All members of the Met community are invited to learn more about IFCT and its programs at their grand opening Summer Cabaret and Auction on Saturday, June 24, from 12:30pm to 5:00pm. Come for food, refreshments, and fun! For more details, check out their website at
Theater and Performing Arts Opportunity
One of our Met parents, Natasha Starbuck-Smith, teaches performing arts at Innovations Academy, and she is offering a performing arts summer camp for students this year, with options for acting or theater tech. To learn more and to sign up, the link is here: Performing Arts Summer Camp. For more information, please contact
PowerSchool Parent Portal
All parents are highly encouraged to get access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal (sign in here), where you can look up your student’s grades, attendance, and other information. Please contact Ms. Suzana Valis at if you need an Access ID and Password, or if you have any other questions.
Important Dates
May 30-June 1 - Exhibition Week!
May 31 - Graduation Rehearsal and Senior Breakfast - all graduates must arrive by 8:30am and report to K209!
June 2 - Commencement Ceremony (Graduation) - all graduates must arrive by 8:30am and report to K209! Ceremony begins at 10:30am in the Mesa Quad.
June 6 - SD Met goes on summer hours, with limited staffing in our office. Enrollment Packets may be dropped off through our mail slot in K203. If you wish to schedule a meeting to discuss enrollment or other matters, please email Principal Fung at
SD Met Support Staff
Attendance and Absences
To call in an excused absence, late arrival, or early departure
Suzana Valis -
Records and Transcripts
To request student records or transcripts
Suzana Valis -
For questions about counseling services, college admissions, and Mesa College
Jason Moravec -
Internship Coordinator
For questions about our internship program
Gini Mann-Deibert -
PowerSchool Access
For questions about PowerSchool access for students and parents
Suzana Valis -
Nursing and Wellness
For health concerns and reporting medications
Angela Sloskey, School Nurse -
Enrollment and General Information
For enrollment information
Sylvia Hoffman -
Robert Fung -
Contact Us
Location: 7250 Mesa College Drive, Room K-203, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 619-388-2299
Twitter: @wearesdmet