Washington - Caldwell Parent Update
Week of October 7, 2024
Message from our Principal
Hello Bulldog Families,
Washington-Caldwell will be celebrating the 175th Anniversary of Washington School on Saturday, November 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We are inviting our entire community to come and enjoy the celebration. We will have drawings for prizes, a silent auction, and food during this special event. We will also be celebrating the completion of our facility work that took place this summer. We will be providing tours of the facility for those who wish to see the upgrades throughout the building. Please join us on November 2. Again, thank you for the support of our students, staff and school community.
Bulldog Basketball is approaching! We will be leading the Bulldog Basketball League again this year. This program is open to all area students in grades 2-5. This is not limited to Washington-Caldwell students. We will provide additional information on the details and schedule in the next couple of weeks. We had a great first year last year and we plan on continuing Bulldog Basketball for years to come.
Kevin, Superintendent/Principal
Calendar of Events
Midterms for Grades 3-8 were sent in student backpacks today.
Fire Safety Week October 6 - October 12
Monday, October 7:
- Girls Basketball Game (A & B teams) away vs. Drought 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, October 8:
- Tichigan Fire Department Visit 9:00 am
- Knitting Club 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
- Girls Basketball Practice 3:40 pm - 6:00 pm
- TYB Skills Session 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, October 9:
- Middle School Field Trip
- Girls Basketball Game (A & B teams) home vs. Paris 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Thursday, October 10:
- Waterford Union High School Homecoming: Wear Wolverines & Green
- Waterford Union High School Homecoming Band Show 2:10 pm - 2:40 pm
- TYB Skills Session 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
- Bulldog Spirit Day - Wear your Red!
- Early Release 12:35 pm
- Staff Inservice 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- TYB Skills Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Ms. Vogt is looking for volunteers that could come in on a regular basis to shelve library books each week. Please reach out to her at kvogt@washcald.com if you are interested. Essentially, this can be done any time during the week. It is a great job for anyone - parents, grandparents, high school students looking for volunteer hours, etc.... Please reach out to discuss it with Ms. Vogt.
School Policies and Requirements for Medication at School
The School and Health Room has guidelines that ​ must be followed to ensure that students receive the proper medication care as set forth in the Student Handbook. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Karen Kaldor or Sue Krystowiak in the front office.
All over-the-counter and prescription medication must be brought in by a parent/guardian to the front office. Your student CANNOT carry medication in their backpacks into the school. This is to keep your student and other students safe.
The office has forms for you to fill ou​t giving the office staff permission to administer over-the-counter meds. We provide forms for 48 hours and 10 to 14 days. The front office also ​h​as forms to give to your child’s physician for year-round prescription medication, such as inhalers etc. The physician will sign and give written directions on how the medication ​is administered. You can return this form with the medication to the front office.
For each prescribed medication, the container shall have a pharmacist’s label with the following information:
1. student's name;
2. practitioner's name;
​3. date;
4. pharmacy name and telephone;
5. name of medication;
6. prescribed dosage and frequency; and
7. special handling and storage directions.
This important information can be reviewed in the Washington – Caldwell 2024 – 2025 Student Handbook, pgs. 11-13.
All medications administered during school hours must be registered with the school office. There are a few exceptions for things like self-carry inhalers but all OTC medication and other prescriptions must be administered through the office. Students with self-carry inhalers need to have paperwork on file as well.
Things You Can Do to Raise A Reader
Reread Favorites - Most children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Rereading books provides an opportunity to hear or see something that may have been missed the first time, and provides another chance to hear a favorite part.
Lost & Found
Some things have been claimed but there are still some left! The Lost & Found is once again beginning to fill up. Check out the pictures to identify any of these pieces that may belong to your student. Any items that are not claimed will be donated at the end of the quarter. Have your students pick up the item or let us know what belongs to you!
Knitting Club for Grades 5-8
We will be starting a Knitting Club in October for grades 5-8. Check out the flyer if your student would be interested. A Washington-Caldwell grandparent will be leading this club with Ms Vogt's assistance. Students do not need to know how to knit - We will teach everyone how to knit!
NJHS Fall Blood Drive
PTO Happenings
Fall Fundraiser
Checks need to be made out to the Washington-Caldwell PTO when you submit your orders!
We are once again selling Seroogy's Chocolate Bars and Coffee. This fundraiser will help sponsor the End of Year Carnival as well as many other PTO sponsored events. Order forms were sent home with your students TODAY! Prizes will be awarded to the top sellers. Attached is a copy of the order forms.
On Thursday October 17, we will be hosting a PTO Fall Fest for students in 4K-5th grade. Middle school students will be creating and running games for the kids. This event will be from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Games, prizes, and fun are being planned. Please send donations of bags of candy and
prize/raffle donations. New this year we are trying a pre-carved pumpkin contest! Students can bring their pre-carved pumpkins to display and students can use game tickets to vote. We will also have pizza available at the concession stand. The sign up genius link for volunteering is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44AFA722A3FAC25-51946118-washcald
Reminder - Parents need to stay at Fall Fest with their student(s).
2024-2025 School Calendar
Our system to send out low lunch balances is not working at the moment. We are working to fix this. Please feel free to email to ask for current lunch balances if you are wondering. One full week of lunch is $16.25. You may go online to deposit money at E-Funds or you can send a check to school with your student.
The student cost for school lunch remains the same as last year.
Student lunch is $3.25 (this includes 1/2 pint of milk)
Extra Entrée is $2.50
Milk is $0.40
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available year round on the school website under the Parent section. Please reach out to Kelli Vogt if you have questions. The link is referenced below.
Flyers of Interest
Waterford Recreation Department Program
TYB Registration Form
Click on the link below to register for TYB Skills Sessions
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Connect with Washington-Caldwell
Ms. Kelli Vogt, Assistant Principal -- kvogt@washcald.com
Mrs. Sue Krystowiak, Main Office Secretary -- skrystowiak@washcald.com
Ms. Karen Kaldor, Main Office Secretary -- kkaldor@washcald.com
Dousman Transport Bus Company 262-910-1310
Website: www.washcald.com
Location: 8937 Big Bend Road, Waterford, WI, USA
Phone: 262-662-3466
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcbulldogs