November Newsletter
November 2024
Welcome to Fruchthendler
November is finally here! The air is cool (at least in the morning), and the holiday season is upon us. We have a lot of events happening so please make sure to keep an eye out for them on the Weekly Updates.
Our Mission Statement is Together, We Expect Excellence.
Important Items
- Tax Credit Donations – Tax Credit donations are crucial for funding staff and supplies for our fine arts, band and orchestra, OMA, dance, discovery lab, and PE. These classes enrich our students and provide opportunities for our teachers to meet in their professional learning teams to analyze data to help guide their instruction. You can donate online on our website (click on the "Give Kids the Extra Credit" link). Ask your friends and neighbors to donate as well!
- Attendance - One of the keys to academic success is being at school every day on time. It is crucial that students are on time. Many classes do their morning circle where students are checking in with each other and bonding as a class. It is important that students do not miss this time.
- Facebook– Please check out our Facebook page. We will be posting school-related announcements on this site. The PTA has a group page where families can share pictures from the events or get information. Please request access from the PTA group in order to view the group.
- Dining for Dollars (D4D) - This is one of our easiest fundraisers because it is a win-win. You don't have to make dinner AND money gets donated to the school. Be looking for the D4D flyers when we get sent home. They are a great opportunity to hang out with other families and support the school.
- Sports Seasons - Basketball begins 11/14, and Track and Field begins 2/3. In order to compete, a student must have a physical form.
- PTA and Volunteering - We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the classroom. The PTA is always looking for volunteers to help at events. Please contact the front office if you are interested in volunteering. Ms. Kayla or Ms. Carmen can make sure you have any paperwork you need. If you are a parent, you do not need paperwork to volunteer with your child.
Character Strong Trait of the Month
Our Trait of the Month is Gratitude. Gratitude is choosing to appreciate the people and things we have in our lives. We will be talking about gratitude throughout the month of November.
What is Happening Around School?
Counseling with Ms. Lana:
This month in counseling, students will be focusing on gratitude! Kindergarten and first grade students will be learning what gratitude means and how to practice gratitude in their daily lives. Second, third, and fourth grade students will also be learning about gratitude and how gratitude can help regulate emotions and boost their mood. Fifth grade students will focus on different ways to express gratitude, as well as learning and practicing a variety of coping and calming skills.
OMA with Mrs. Gale:
This month in OMA, kindergarten and second grade are practicing their songs for their December performances. First grade will be playing word melodies using the letters A-G on the xylophones. Third graders and band students will learn to play "Jingle Bells" on their class instruments. Fourth grade will explore poems set to music, while fifth grade will learn songs from the musical "Man of La Mancha" to gain insight into Don Quixote.
Discovery Lab with Dr. B:
In Discovery Lab – Kindergarten will be bringing home their finished paper creations and will shift to working on computer skills with a focus on how to use the keyboard. First grade and second grade are taking a few weeks to get back to typing practice and reminding ourselves of the importance of letting our eyes guide out hands when using Typing Club. Later in the month we will return to science lessons and start our new units, Sound and Light (1st) and Pebbles, Sand and Silt (2nd). Third grade is getting an introduction to the scientific method and how it is used to guide experimentation, before beginning their investigations into Motion and Matter towards the end of the month. Fourth and Fifth grade are learning how to use the scientific method, with lots of practice designing and conducting investigations. Both grades will have opportunities in class to ask questions about and get feedback on their science fair projects in Discovery Lab.
In PE – Fourth and Fifth grade wrap up the soccer unit then move into a couple weeks of activities to emphasizing body control and movement. Additionally, we will be playing games that focus on creativity, teamwork and having fun. Firebird Challenge Runs will start this month, giving students an opportunity test their progress on our Firebird runs. The goal is to jog one lap of the field without stopping to walk. Our overall goal is for every student to complete this three times on our challenge days this school year. Please continue to ensure that students are ready for PE by bringing water bottles and wearing appropriate footwear (No crocs, flip flops, sandals or boots). Students not wearing appropriate footwear will walk laps instead of participating with our activities.
Kinder-3rd: During the month of November we will be focusing on Basketball. We will practice ball handling, dribbling, passing and shooting. Since the basketball season begins on November 14, I want to teach and review basic basketball skills in PE to help any 3rd grader wishing to join the team build confidence and develop a good foundation in the sport. Students of all grades will benefit from this unit. It is my goal to help all students have fun with physical movement, improve hand-eye coordination and learn the importance of teamwork.
Important Dates
November (Gratitude)
11/4 – Last Cross Country Practice
11/5 - Kindness Crew
11/7 – Cross Country District Championship Meet @ Palo Verde HS
11/14 – Basketball Starts
11/12 - FCC Meeting
11/12-27 – Student Survey of Teachers (SST)
11/11 – Veteran’s Day – NO SCHOOL
11/14 – Cross Country Team Celebration Night
11/15 – Fall Picture Retakes and Class pictures
11/18-22 – 3rd – 5th Spelling Bee Qualifying
11/25 – Stories that Soar! – 9:00 AM in cafeteria
11/26 - FCC Meeting
11/18 – 12/13 – DIBELS (MOY) Testing Window
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (520) 731-4400.
Mr. E