Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023

March 10th - March 14th
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
Spartan Food Pantry
Spartan Food Pantry is every minimum day on Wednesday from 2:30pm- 4:00pm
ยท Bring your Shopping Bag
If you can Volunteer, please let us know and Join Our Pantry Helpers!
In order to be eligible to attend extracurricular activities, including sporting events and dances, your student needs to clear all detentions. If your student owes detention, please encourage your student to serve them. Detentions are held Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30, Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 in the Intervention Center.
ATTENTION SENIORS! Go to your all senior course on schoology to nominate seniors for a variety of categories like biggest class clown or most likely to be a pro athlete. THe most nominated seniors will appear in the senior bests section of the yearbook.
Davis HOSA
Davis HOSA is participating in the Guatemala Service Project to make dental kits, which include travel size toothpaste, floss (not the picks), toothbrush, and travel size mouthwash. Donations are much appreciated and will be open from now until March 21, with drop off boxes available in rooms 614, 409, 700, 703, 907, and the AVID center. You may donate a whole kit or each item individually.
Annual K-8th Music Festival
Davis is hosting the annual K-8 Music Festival this week. This is a 4 day event held in the Gym: Tuesday through Friday from 430 pm (show starts at 630pm each night) until about 8 pm. Multiple classrooms will be used to stage the elementary and middle school student musicians.
Senior Hoodies for sale
Order your senior hoodie in the SBO or online for $30 at https://gdhs.myschoolcentral.com by this Tuesday, March 4th! Seniors can choose between a black or cream color hoodie.
Monday- 3/10
Tuesday- 3/11
Home baseball game vs. Lathrop Tuesday March 11 at 3:30.
Wednesday- 3/12 (Minimum Day)
Project HER
Wednesday March 12 there will be a project HER meeting in room 404 at lunch everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there
The boys tennis team will be going against Beyer at home on Wednesday March 12 at 3:30
Thursday- 3/13
Talent Show
Talent Show is on Thursday, March 13th at 6pm in the Little Theater. The top two performances move on to the district tournament of talent.
Friday- 3/14
Spartan Spirit
Dress in Green and Gold!
Tug of war tournament
Tug of war tournament at lunch on Friday, March 14th. There will be a meeting for participants at lunch on Thursday, March 13th.