MCCESC Teaching & Learning
March 2023: Social Emotional Learning
The Impact of Social Emotional Learning
According to research from CASEL (Collaboration of Academic and Social Emotional Learning), "SEL is beneficial to both children and adults, increasing self-awareness, academic achievement, and positive behaviors both in and out of the classroom. From an academic standpoint, students who participated in SEL programs saw an 11 percentile increase in their overall grades and better attendance."
When you embed SEL framework into the daily routine it creates a Win-Win enviroment.
7 Tips and Strategies for Answering Multiple Choice Questions | Test Taking Strategies
Social Emotional Learning Resources and Links to Standards
SEL Resource Links
ODE Social Emotional Learning Standards
Click on the Link to access the current SEL standards
What does the research say about SEL
Making Sure Each Child Is Known
Leading and Finding Your Voice Student Leadership
What is Your Mission ?
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Sunday March 12, 2023 Spring Forward and Reset Circadian Rhythm
Staying Connected During Testing Is Thinking with the End in Mind
💡 Reminders
Statewide Testing Dates here....
Check with your local district for confirmation of actual district dates which are within these approved testing windows
How to support your child during high stakes testing
3. How to Create a WIn-WIn Environment
If you have interest in learning more, please reach out as we can schedule opportunities within districts, online, or in-person at our agency.
Reach out - we are here to help. tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Madison-Champaign ESC
We Work to Serve!
Department of Teaching & Learning
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#MCCESCTeachingandLearning #M_C_ESC
Email: tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Website: mccesc.org
Location: 2200 U.S. 68, Urbana, OH, USA
Phone: 937-484-1557
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madison.champaign.esc/
Twitter: @M_C_ESC
ESC Connection
If you have a chance, and have not yet read our quarterly ESC Newsletter, the ESC CONNECTION, please feel free to peruse at your leisure. Lots of great things happening at the Madison-Champaign ESC.