Vermilion Elementary
Sailor Scoop - February 2025
Principals' Message
Hello VES Families,
February is the month of love and kindness! Each year during this month we celebrate random acts of kindness week. The VES students and Mrs. Austin will be talking about many ways we can be kind and spread kindness to others. There will be some theme days and a collection day of toiletries to support Road to Hope in conjunction with the PTO.
February is also our big service project to support The American Heart Association. Mrs. Smith and our students participate in Jump Rope for heart each year during the month of February. Please be on the look out for information from Mrs. Smith. Our students and families traditionally are some of the biggest supporters of the Jump Rope for Heart in our area.
February also brings us to mid-year conferences. This a great chance to talk with the teachers working with your student and see how things are going. Please don't forget to sign up for your conference using the following link:
Looking ahead, March will bring reading celebration month, the whole school book, the summer activity fair/literacy night and spring break! The literacy night and activity fair take place on the same evening. This year they will take place on March 19th. Mark that night on your calendar. We will send out exact times early next month.
Please remember to check out the rest of the Sailor Scoop for lunch menus, reminders for important dates, and other important information.
Matt Malear & Breanna Rebman
April 17th Reunification Drill
This year we will holding our first off site reunification drill on April 17th as part of our emergency management plan. This drill will help us practice for an event in which we must evacuate the building and are unable to return to the school on that day. On April 17th we will have a practice drill to evacuate the school and report to our reunification site at Harbourtown Community Church. Once the evacuation has taken place, parents will get notification using the schools one call message sender. Upon notification parents should report to Harbourtown to pick up their students. ALL ADULTS PICKING UP STUDENTS MUST HAVE PHOTO ID AND BE ON THE STUDENTS EMERGENCY PICK UP LIST IN POWERSCHOOL. We will not be able to release students to anyone without proper identification. If you need to have adults added to your emergency pick up, please contact the school office. Please be prepared to wait as each ID must be checked. We will attempt to make this process as smooth and quick as possible, making sure everyone is getting to the correct adult safely will be priority. Once students are picked up they are released and will not return to the school that day. Participating in the drill is optional. If you do not want your student to participate in this drill you must call them off for the day. The absence will be marked as excused, school notified by parent. Additional information and reminders will come home over the next few months, however we wanted to get this out now so you can make sure your emergency contacts are up to date and you have a plan for student pick up.
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration 25/26
Vermilion Local Schools is switching to new registration software for next school year. This change will start with students enrolling for the 25/26 school year. This change will likely push kindergarten and new preschool registration dates to mid march. We hope to open them up sooner, so please watch our Facebook page, webpage, and your email for updates. Returning preschool students who already attend our preschool will begin registration mid February. Be on the look out for information coming from Mrs. Spafford.
2/13 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development and Conferences (VES & SMS Only)
2/14 - NO SCHOOL
2/17 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
3/7 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development
3/21 - NO SCHOOL - End of Quarter 3 Teacher Workday
3/24 - 3/28 - Spring Break
4/18 - NO SCHOOL
5/26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Set Sail with Mrs. Austin (Naill)
PBIS Corner
Thank you to the families who have already nominated staff members! It truly made their day brighter when I shared it with them! Included is the link so that families have the chance to nominate staff members that make a positive impact on students! It can be anonymous or you can include your/your student's name. We will share the feedback and celebrate with our staff! Thank you for helping to make VES an even better place!
We recognize our students in various ways through positive referrals and citizen of the month! Congratulations to all the students who were celebrated through the first half of the school year!
We would love to seek feedback from our families to gather input and determine how we can best include families in PBIS. Please email me at brebman@vermilionschools.org if you would like your feedback and questions to be included in the process. Thank you!
Citizen of the Month Character Traits
Important February Dates
Week of February 3rd - National School Counseling Week
2/7 - 100th Day of Kindergarten
2/7 - Book Fair Starts
Week of February 10th - Random Acts of Kindness Week
2/10 - Board Meeting @ 6 PM - Citizens of the Month to lead the Pledge of Allegiance
2/11 - Conference Night
2/12 - Class Valentine's Day Parties
2/12 - PTO @ 6:30 PM
2/13 - No School for Students
2/13 - Conference Night
2/13 - Pizza Galley Night
2/13 - Book Fair Ends
2/14 - No School - Happy Valentine's Day
2/17 - No School - Presidents Day
2/18 - 2nd Grade Music Program @ 6:30 PM VHS Auditorium
2/19 - Tales with a Teacher (Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Falknor, Mrs. Rebman)
2/21 - Miss Aimee to visit K
Week of the 24th -28th - 2nd Grade Gifted Testing
Past Sailor Scoop Editions
About Us
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Doors Open for students: 8:30 am
Student Hours: 8:50 am - 3:30 pm
Email: mmalear@vermilionschools.org
Website: https://www.vermilionschools.org/vermilionelementary_home.aspx
Location: 1285 Douglas Street, Vermilion, OH, USA
Phone: 440-204-1703
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063691387394