Journey School of Choice | BTB
Important letter from the Principal
Dear JSOC Families and Students:
Turner School District believes that maintaining drug-free schools is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for students. Journey School of Choice has a priority to ensure our building is a safe environment for our students to learn, and we need your help to ensure that students are not bringing items to school that are not allowed here. In recent weeks, we uncovered both tobacco and marijuana vapes in our building. This is not only against district policy, it also jeopardizes our ability to maintain a safe learning environment.
To ensure our school continues to be a safe, drug-free learning environment, we will be once again coordinating with KCKPD to conduct periodic canine searches in our building. The purpose of these searches will be to deter and detect individuals who use, possess, or transfer illegal substances on school property. These searches will be done in a manner that is minimally disruptive to the learning environment, and as the school administrator, I will accompany KCKPD throughout the building. During these searches, students are removed from the room, but their belongings remain in the room. Students do not come in contact with the canines. We will also continue to do random days throughout the school year when students are electronically scanned and bags are searched.
Our goal is not to find anything in either of these searches, but to ensure that our building is one that is both drug-free and tobacco free. We do not want students bringing either of these items into the learning environment. Per district policy, students found to be in possession of illegal substances will be referred to law enforcement and subject to serious school consequences.
Thank you for being a partner in keeping our students safe. Should you ever have questions or concerns, please contact me. KCKPD has created a 24-Hour Narcotics Hotline, and it can be reached at 913-573-6287.
You can reach me directly through email at or at 913-288-3692.
Thank you,
Dr. Frankie Lizar
Journey School of Choice Principal
Information about SITE Council from Dr. Lizar
Dear Families of JSOC and BTB students:
As we have now been together for a quarter of a school year, I am turning my energy to forming a SITE COUNCIL to represent both Journey School of Choice and Beyond the Bell. I am looking for parents and community members both that want to help inform and support our alternative programming.
We will meet three times throughout the school year: December 4, February 5, and April 2. We will meet from 4:00 – 4:30 at Journey School of Choice.
If you would like to serve on this team, please reach out to me by Tuesday, November 5 at or call me directly at 913-288-3692. Thank you so much for your continued support of our schools and programs.
Dr. Frankie Lizar
Upcoming Events
Friday, 11/1-11/2 - WYCO Racing Event
Tuesday, 11/5 - Sophomore Hearing
Monday, 11/11 - Fall Picture Retakes
Monday 11/25-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break- Return to school will be Monday, December 2nd, 2024
Wise Time Schedule
- 8th
- 15th
- 6th
- 13th
Kansas City Kansas Community College TEC Programs
We are pleased to inform you that the following programs will be accepting new students for the upcoming Spring Semester:
- Nail Tech
- Cosmetology
- Health Careers
If you know of any students who may be interested, please encourage them to apply. The priority window for TEC is November 1st - 15th. No applications will be accepted after the 15th. This deadline will be strictly enforced. If you are interested in one of these programs for TEC, please email or visit Dr. Lizar. EMAIL:
Holiday Resource Guide from TUSD 202
School Calendar
JSOC College Advisor
Sara Alghsein - college advisor at Turner High School / Journey School of Choice/ BTB. Ms. Sara is able to help our high schoolers explore the many post-secondary pathways that await them.
Things she CAN help with:
- Providing guidance on various post-secondary options, including four-year and two-year colleges, vocational programs, and more.
- Assisting students in identifying their career interests and matching them with the appropriate educational programs to achieve their goals.
- Offering application assistance, including help with FAFSA, scholarships, and school applications.
- Preparing students for their transition to the next chapter in their lives.
- Referring students to valuable resources, such as internships, scholarships, financial aid opportunities, and certificate programs.
- A parent/guardian of the home must call the Journey School of Choice office at 913.288.3690 if you want to excuse your student for the day or for them to leave early. THE OFFICE CANNOT ACCEPT TEXT MESSAGES or CALLS from STUDENT PHONES. Please arrange for a parent to call ahead of time. THANK YOU.
- Please make sure the school is aware of ALL MEDICATIONS your student takes regardless if they are taken at home. In the event of an emergency, we would need to report/retain this information for your students safety.
- Your student may take OTC's (Over-the-counter medicines) while at school with a signed form from the parent along with an unopened container of desired over-the-counter
- Your student may take prescribed medications while at school. These medications do not have to be unopened but to have to be accompanied by a form your prescribing Doctor will fill out.
- Both forms can be viewed and/or printed by clicking the buttons below
Although school meals are free for everyone this year, your student may have a prior balance or want to apply money to their lunch account for 'A La Carte' items like snacks and beverages.
If you DO NOT have a parent portal login, please call the district office at 913.288.4100. You may also email for assistance with log in information.
- Journey School of Choice - 913.288.3690
- Transportation - 913.288.3700
- District Office - 913.288.4100
Journey School of Choice
Location: 2540 Junction Road, Kansas City, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 288-3690
Twitter: @JourneySoc