Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School October 17th, 2024
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
Look with Love
Look with love on grandparents the world over.
Protect them!
They are a source of enrichment
for families and for all of society.
Support them!
As they grow older,
may they continue to be for their families
strong pillars of Gospel faith,
guardians of noble domestic ideals,
living treasuries of sound religious traditions.
Make them teachers of wisdom and courage,
that they may pass on to future generations the fruits
of their mature human and spiritual experience.
Help families and society
to value the presence and roles of grandparents.
May they never be ignored or excluded,
but always encounter respect and love.
Help them to live serenely and to feel welcomed
in all the years of life which you give them.
Keep them constantly in your care,
accompany them on their earthly pilgrimage,
and by your prayers, grant that all families
may one day be reunited in our heavenly homeland,
where you await all humanity
for the great embrace of life without end.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
You may have heard your students speaking about our virtues and our efforts to treat others
with kindness, respect, and responsibility each and every day. We have been working with our virtues for the past few years and students are doing well learning and understanding them.
October is a month of many celebrations. It is National Fire Prevention Month and National School Lunch month and we are grateful for the ways these people keep us safe and feed us great lunches respectively. We celebrate Columbus Day, Red Ribbon Week, and recognize the importance of always being kind and respectful during Anti-bullying month. We pray for all teachers on World Teacher Day.
In our Catholic schools we honor the feast days of our saints (St. Therese of Lisiuex, St. Francis of Assisi, and many more) and we celebrate October as the Month of the Rosary. In our classrooms and as a school we pray decades of the rosary and gather for a Living Rosary, both with our grandparents and as a school. Perhaps you can do the same in your homes as we honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
There are many celebrations within our classrooms, as well. Our teachers and students are working hard to navigate through their subjects. Students are learning a variety of strategies to improve their reading skills and we are focusing on improved writing skills, as well. And you would be impressed to see how students are growing in the area of Math. I am so proud of our students and their teachers.
We welcome our grandparents to Holy Trinity today. We will begin with Mass, then time for grandparents to see the wonderful things happening in our classrooms, followed by time to play BINGO, play games, and visit the book fair. Lastly, we will join together in church to pray the Rosary together. We look forward to this wonderful time of sharing and fun.
Mrs. Longden
Family Folders
There will not be family folders this week.
Please be sure to return your folder if you have not done so.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences were on Tuesday evening and today.
Thank you for your dedication to your child's education and meeting with the teachers to help your child grow.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher or Mrs. Longden
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is TODAY!
We love having all of the grandparents at school seeing what we do and celebrating with us.
Please let us know what they say about the day!
There is no school TOMORROW, OCTOBER 18th.
This will be a teacher professional development day.
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
October 21st
November 4th and 18th
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Catholic Schools Glow Walk
Mark your calendars!!!
Saturday, November 2nd will be our Glow Walk.
All money raised stays right at school and the Archdiocese does a proportional match.
Details were in Family Folders October 10th.
Students are asked to get pledges for the walk to help them earn various glow items. We encourage our families to raise as much money as possible for our school, and to have fun while doing it.
Pledge sheets are due back Thursday, October 24th.
You can also donate using the link below.
Invite your family, neighbors, and friends to the Glow Walk! It is $5 to walk and glow items will be available for purchase.
We will have the Cousins Food Truck and Cupcake-A-Rhee Food Truck available for food and beverage purchases from 5:00-8:00 PM that evening. Cupcake-A-Rhee will have gluten and vegan options available. There will not be any nuts in the cupcakes.
The Glow Walk will begin at 6:15 in the back church parking lot.
After the walk we will be having a Glow Dance in the school gym until 8 PM.
Home and School Information
Thank you to all who helped make our Grandparent’s Day reception a success! I think it was enjoyed by all.
Consider decorating a trunk to help us celebrate and enjoy treats at our Trunk’or’Treat event on Halloween (10/31.) We are also looking forward to seeing all the costumes on both young and old(ish)! To RSVP for a trunk or ask a question regarding the event, please email us at homeandschool@htschool.net.
As always, any questions or ideas regarding the Home & School Association can be directed to our President, Lisa Mueller, at homeandschool@htschool.net.
Have a wonderful and blessed LONG weekend!
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be on Thursday, October 31st.
The Archdiocese is asking that you have been safeguarded if you plan to hand out candy. If you have questions regarding Safeguarding please reach out to Mrs. DeTrana in the school office.
Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
Please see the attached with information on our Wreath and Poinsettia Sale.
Don’t forget that the Wreath and Poinsettia order forms & payments are due on Monday, October 21st (this upcoming Monday.) All proceeds from this fundraiser go toward assisting Home & School in hosting our various events throughout the year and sponsoring improvements in the school.
Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated from October 21st-25th.
Please see the attached for information on Dress Up days!
Social Fest
Thank you to all who helped and supported Social Fest this year.
We made a profit of $43,054.49
YMCA After-Care
The YMCA will be starting Aftercare at Holy Trinity beginning October 21st.
For those that have been doing extended care, please be reminded that you need to sign up by the Wednesday of the week prior.
If you are interested in receiving information, and are not currently on our extended care list, please reach out to the school office.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 17th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (1:00-5:00 PM)
Friday, October 18th - NO SCHOOL
October 21st-25th - Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday, October 23rd - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, October 25th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Wednesday, October 30th - Mass (Grades 4K, 5-8)
Wednesday, October 30th - Living Rosary 1:30 P.M.
Thursday, October 31st - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 1st - ALL SAINTS DAY Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Saturday, November 2nd - Catholic Schools Walk- GLOW WALK
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, October 10 - Joan C. Schmidt
Friday, October 11 - Case Hawig
Monday, October 14 - Rick Schlosser
Tuesday, October 15 - Merlin Schultz
Wednesday, October 16 - Deb McGuire
Wildcats Volleyball Schedule
FRI Oct. 18 - SOTH (Home)
THU Oct 24 - Holy Angels- 5th grade team (Away)
FRI Oct 25 - St Katharine Drexel (Home)
Parish Events Flyer
Please see attached with information on events in the parish and school.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603