Oregon SHAPE Monthly
Society of Health and Physical Educators
A Few Words From the President
For those of you who do not know me, I currently in my 8th year of teaching at RE Jewell Elementary in Bend, Oregon, and am a National Board Elementary Physical Education Teacher. At a young age I was diagnosed with a learning disability, which has turned into a huge blessing. It has taught me a lot about myself, a strong work ethnic, resilience and helped me understand the students that I teach. I am very passionate about quality physical education and finding ways to improve not only my own teaching practices but help others on their journey to becoming better educators.
I was thrilled with the success of the outcome of the conference! As an organization, we appreciate everyone's flexibility as we moved away from having the conference on the traditional State-wide inservice day. Currently more and more districts are moving away from allowing employees to leave and attend conferences on this day. Some districts, like my own, do not even have a day off in honor of the State-wide inservice. As an added bonus, scheduling on a weekend allows us the opportunity to improve the venue that our conference takes place in. For example we were able to have the conference at Linfield College because the conference took place on a Saturday.
During my presidency I plan to focus on four areas: improve our annual conference, create more opportunities for professional development, advocate for our profession in the state of Oregon, and communicate with you regularly. More, specifically, I wanted to let you know that a meaningful use of technology in physical education workshop is on the horizon for Oregon Physical Educators. This will most likely take place in the Portland Area. I will have more information soon on this. I will continue to strive to do what's best for our organization as a whole. I have a great support in this from our board of directors. We are a motivated group of individuals excited to serve you!
Oregon SHAPE President
Collin Brooks (@collinbrooksie)
I am part of a group of Physical Educators that have designed an online conference for Physical Educators. This is a first of it's kind digital conference that you can view live or watch recorded on YouTube. Below is a description by my colleague Naomi Hartl of what we are doing. I encourage each of you to sign up for the PhysEd Summit!
Before you read the rest of this post, please take some time to check out an email Adam Howell sent to Artie Kamiya about “What is PHYSEDagogy and the #PhysEdSummit?”. This is a great description of who we are, and what we are and are not about.
The #PhysEdSummit will take place on Saturday, October 25th at 8:00 am pacific time (11:00 am eastern time). We will be hosting the #PhysEdSummit through Google Hangouts on Air. It will be a LIVE presentation pushed through YouTube. Since all sessions will be live, the audience will have to choose which session they would like to listen to/watch. All sessions will be recorded and posted to YouTube for others to view after the Summit.
There will be 2 blocks of presentations;
Block 1 – Facilitated Sessions (8AM – 9AM Pacific Time)
- Physical Literacy
- Teaching Games for Understanding
- Integration of Meaningful Technology
- Standards Based Grading
The sessions in this block will be very similar to a webinar format. There will be a #PhysEdSummit team member in the hangout with the presenter to keep them on time, and moderate the backchannel. The backchannel will be on Twitter, TodaysMeet and we will take questions throughout the hangout (we will post links to access this information in the future).
Block 2 – Round Table Discussions (9AM – 10AM Pacific Time)
- Elementary
- Middle Years
- High School
- Pre-Service
In this block we will host the round table discussions. These discussions will consist of 4-5 members of the Phys Ed community, and 2 #PhysEdSummit team moderators. One will focus on the group discussion and the other will maintain the backchannel. We want to take the time to reflect and learn from each other as professionals, celebrate how we have been successful and be transparent about where we want to get better in serving our students, our families, and the community. All of us have been shaped in life through our experiences–and those experiences are what we want to bring together through these round table discussions. Please click here to sign up for the PhysEd Summit!
Above we listed the RSVP Form. In this form we will collect your name and email address. A day or two before the Summit we will email out the program schedule. This is a Google doc that will include session times, the presenters, moderators and a spot for the links to the videos. On the day of the #PhysEdSummit you will be able to access all the links to the sessions as we will post them in the program schedule once the Google hangouts have been created. The perk of filling out the RSVP form is that you will receive notification emails from the #PhysEdSummit team about the conference.
If you have any questions please ask in the comment section below! We look forward to serving the Phys Ed community with this one of a kind PD experience that will take you to new heights. So, plan on joining us October 25th for the inaugural #PhysEdSummit!
The #PhysEdSummit Team
Professor Brad Cardinal has been honored by receiving the highest award given by the Oregon Society of Health and Physical Educators
This Months Professional Development Links
Dr. Amanda Stanec's Blog
This month I wanted to feature the work that is being done at PHYSEDagogy.com This is a North American team of Physical Educators working to share methods in best practices in physical education.
Here is an awesome blog written by Sarah Gietschier-Hartman about Formative Assessment is Physical Education.
Jonathan Jones has a nice write up on Five Quick Ways to Assess Student Understanding.
Here is an interesting read Naomi Hartl Entitled My Active Literacy Project.
Here is a great blog written by Matthew Pomeroy about Classroom Dojo.
Here is an blog I wrote about how to use Apple TV without WiFi. This significantly changes the capabilities of using a Apple TV in your classroom.
Here is a second blog that I have written with some information on how to combine Augmented Reality with Google Forms to assess students.
Oregon SHAPE
Email: oregonshape@gmail.com
Website: Oregonshape.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oregonshape
Twitter: @oregonshape