The UPES Bulldog Blog

Mrs. Dehlinger, Principal
Administrative Team
Mrs. Cavanaugh, Assistant Principal
From our Administrative Team
Dear Families,
As we welcome in February, we are deep into learning and expanding the skills that our students are building every day! It's been an exciting month of growth, and I am thrilled to share some of the highlights with you.
As with any new skill in life, whether it’s learning to throw a ball or learning to drive, practice is key. The same applies to the essential skills of reading, writing, and math. Some students pick up these skills with ease, while for others, mastering them takes consistent and focused practice. And for many, it’s a combination of both, progressing at different paces along the way.
We are so proud of how hard our students are working to reach, and often exceed, grade-level standards. Our English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum is proving to be a valuable. This curriculum is rooted in research on how children learn to read, with a systematic approach that is helping students build important reading and writing skills more effectively. With practice, we are seeing improved success.
Last night we hosted our First Ever Math Bee! What a wonderful evening it was for our students and their families to come together, have fun, and showcase the incredible math talents of our students. It was inspiring to watch as our students confidently took the stage and solve multi-step equations in front of an audience. We are so proud of those who participated and demonstrated the courage to try something new.
As a school, we’ve been focusing on building math fact automaticity, which is key to helping our students successfully navigate more complicated math concepts. These foundational skills are critical in their overall success as they move through more advanced math problems. A big thank you to our staff for organizing this event, to our PTSA for supporting it, and ensuring it was a memorable experience for everyone.
Looking ahead, we’re excited for our Winterfest on February 13th! This event offers a fantastic opportunity for our families to come together and enjoy some fun activities during the long winter months. Again, we’re grateful to our PTSA for planning, organizing, and hosting this event. We can’t wait to see you all there!
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we’re creating a positive and engaging learning environment where our students thrive!
Mrs. Dehlinger
716-646-3280, option 1
Joy, Value, and Connection
ABSENCES : All absences can be emailed to UPES@hcsdk12.org or called in at
- When emailing, please state your child's:
- Name
- Child's teacher's name
- Reason for absence
- If calling in the absence, please verbally provide the information above. A written excuse must still be sent in with your child so that we have the required written documentation of reason for the absence.
- Please send an email to UPES@hcsdk12.org. You will receive confirmation from one of the secretaries that your email has been received. If you do not hear back, please call the main office. All Changes may be emailed before 1:00 PM.
- Please state your child's:
- Name
- Your child's teacher's name
- Dismissal changes that are to be made for that day
These new procedures will ensure that the information is communicated to all of our office staff, in the event of a staff member's absence.
You are welcome to call the main office with any questions at 716-646-3280, OPTION 1.
Calendar of Events
February 2 - Ground Hog Day
February 3
- 8:00 AM - Boys Intramurals
February 4
- Bandits Gear Spirit Day
- 3:00 - 3:40 PM - Spanish Club
February 5
- 8:00 AM - Grade 4 Art Club & Girls Intramurals
- 6:30 PM - SEPTSA Meeting at UPES in the Axis Room
February 6
- 3:15 PM - PTSA Meeting in LMC
February 7
- 8:00 AM - Select Chorus
- Class Color Spirit Day:
- Kdgn. - Red
- Grade 1 - Orange
- Grade 2 - Yellow
- Grade 3 - Green
- Grade 4 - Blue
- Grade 5 - Purple
February 10
- 8:00 AM - Boys Intramurals
- Mr. Morton's Barnyard Buddies visit Kindergarten classes
February 11
- 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Showcase Band Concert for Grades 5 & 6 at Hamburg Middle School
- 3:00 - 3:40 PM - Spanish Club
- 6:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting at UPES
February 12
- 8:00 AM - Girls Intramurals
February 13
- 5:00 - 7:00 PM - UPES PTSA Winter Carnival
- 7:00 PM - Grades 4-6 Strings Concert at Middle School
February 14 - Valentine's Day (wear Red/Pink)
- 8:00 AM - Select Chorus
February 24
- Boys Intramurals
February 25
- Sabres Gear Spirit Day
- Field Trip to Erie Co. Fairgrounds for Mrs. Marcella, Mrs. Koselny's, & Mrs. Smith's class
- 3:00 - 3:40 PM - Spanish Club
February 26
- 8:00 AM - Girls Intramurals
- Field Trip to Erie Co. Fairgrounds for Mrs. Braun's, Mrs. Chavanne's, Mrs. Jantzi's, & Mrs. McCool's classes
February 28
- 8:00 AM - Select Chorus
- Community Meeting for Students
- Bulldog Pride Spirit Day
From the Nurse
The following screenings will be completed at school this month:
- Distance and near acuity for all newly-entering students and students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 3, and 5.
- Color perception screening for all newly-entering students.
- Hearing screening for all newly-entering students and students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 3, and 5.
- Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for all girls in grade 5.
You can view your child's results on the parent portal. A letter will be sent home if your student needs to follow up with your healthcare provider. Please call the Health Office if you have any questions.
Please consider leaving a change of clothes in your child's backpack in the event of their clothes becoming soiled from a bathroom accident, spill, playing outside, etc. The health office is low on size 8 and size 10 underwear for both boys and girls. New and used clothing donations are accepted.
Counselor's Corner
Mentorship Program for Grades 5 - 12
Brainy Bulls - Grades 5-12 Tutoring Mentorship Program
Get tutoring support in English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
The University at Buffalo in collaboration with the Graduate School of Education offers FREE tutoring services to local students in grades 5–12. Tutor-mentors are available in all subjects. The program partners your student with a UB student who will offer academic guidance in regular one-to-one online tutoring sessions.
The tutors tailor each session to meet your child's specific needs, ensuring they receive the assistance required to excel in their studies. Whether it's mastering academic skills, staying on the path to graduation, or gaining confidence in approaching schoolwork, our tutor-mentors are there to help.
More information regarding the program or to sign up can be found here.
Physical Education Newsletter
Parent & Student Handbook
Important Contact Information
Main Office: (716) 646-3280, option 1
Nurse's Office: (716) 646-3287
Attendance Office: (716) 646-3288
Kitchen: (716) 646-3280, ext. 4800
Fax Number: (716) 646-3237
If you need to email the Main or Attendance Office: upes@hcsdk12.org
Food Service Newsletter
Important Links
Please see our list below for our most common links requested.
Family Vacation Form:
Operoo Form Library Log In:
Parent Portal Information:
Parent Portal Log In:
Student Supply Lists:
Virtual Backpack for Union Pleasant:
Volunteer Training Link
Go to hamburgschools.org to the Parents tab and click on Operoo Login. Using your log in, you will see the volunteer link.
Social Media
You can follow us on the media sites listed below:
Facebook: UPES PTSA FB Page
Instagram: @upes_hcsd
Join Our Team
Please click on the link below for Hamburg Central School District Employment Opportunities: