Dr. Barker's Weekly Report 5.26.24
5/26/24 - Volume 5, Issue 38
Dr. Barker's Message
Good Evening Everyone.
This week we will wrap up our regularly scheduled classes and will begin our Final Unit Assessment Schedule on Friday, May 31st.
This week, seniors' last day is on Wednesday, May 29th when they turn in their laptops in the library. Please pay attention to the drop off schedule provided by the Tech Department and make sure you are prepared to hand in your laptop on time. Laptops are considered obligations and must be turned in, or paid for, to participate in graduation. Additionally, Senior Prom is this weekend! Please continue to make good choices and take one last look at the Road to Graduation section for all your last minute graduation needs. We look forward to seeing all of you in just a few short days at PROM & GRADUATION!
9th-11th Grade Students:
All underclassmen will begin their Final Unit Assessments on Friday, May 31st - this will be the last full day of classes for the 2023-24 school year. Beginning on Monday, June 3rd through Wednesday, June 5th, students will only be required to report to classes for their final unit assessments. Any student needing to make up a final unit assessment will be able to do so by scheduling an appointment with their teacher on Thursday morning from 7:40 - 10:15am. All bus transportation will remain in place through the last student day on Thursday, June 6th. Please see the link below for the Final Unit Assessment Schedule.
Final Unit Assessment Schedule
I want to thank Ms. Dawson, Ms. Farnesi and the over 300 student volunteers who worked together to welcome the 8th Grade Class of 2028 at our annual READY Day! The 8th graders saw the band play, the Mr. WEST contestants perform, were welcomed by our cheerleaders and D-Dog, received tours, and got to hear from upperclassmen about all the great things happening here at WEST! Thank you for another wonderful READY Day! Well Done!
With their wins on Friday, both the Baseball and Softball teams will be hosting District Semifinal games here at WEST on Tuesday, May 28th at 4pm! Come out and support the teams.
Girls Lacrosse had their first loss this season in the District Semifinal game against Conestoga. They will now play for the 3rd seed in the State Tournament on Wednesday, May 29th at home at 7pm. Come cheer the girls on as they head into the States!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday, May 28th!
Have a great week WEST!
Kurt Barker, Ed.D.
Principal, DHS WEST
“Where Every Student Thrives”
Whippet News
Construction Update:
It has been a while since our last construction update and a lot has been accomplished. The contractors have sealed up the new additions and connected them through to the existing building. Many windows have been put in place, drywall is hung, and floors are scheduled to be installed. This week, plywood safety barriers have been removed from the windows and many of our classrooms have been able to once again welcome in the sunshine! While there is still much work to be done, the additions are beginning to take shape and the spaces are starting resemble a school. We look forward to seeing them completed in the next few months as we plan to open the school year with full access to our newly renovated spaces.
- 2024 Yearbooks: All pre-orders have shipped and been delivered. If you have not received your pre-ordered book or if your book sustained damage during shipping, please contact bhassel@dasd.org or ddesmond@dasd.org. Cash sales began on Wednesday 5/22 with a limited inventory. Please reach out to check availability.
- Attention Class of 2025: Do you have your Graduation Project hours completed? If so, get a jump start on meeting that obligation before the end of the school year. Graduation Project Teams will hear projects thru the remainder of the school year. Please email Mr. Hassel, bhassel@dasd.org, by Friday May 24th so that he can get you assigned to your Graduation Project Team.
- Attention Class of 2027: It is not too early to start thinking about your Graduation Project. Are you working a sports camp this summer, have you gone back to help with your place of worship, are you volunteering with your local fire company? If you have your idea, please fill out the Graduation Proposal and Mentor form and leave a hard copy in the main office. All details and forms can be found on West’s Website under the activities tab or HERE. Please email Mr. Hassel at bhassel@dasd.org if you have any questions.
St. Joseph’s Festival
Interested in helping with the St. Joseph Community Festival for NHS credits or Graduation Project? Contact Mrs. Kneisly at mnice219@gmail.com or go to the sign up genius on the Festival website https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A4FABAF2B0-20225#/ to sign up. You would be required to work approximately 3 hours on the day that you volunteer.
Please include in the Subject – St. Joseph Community Festival
Please include in the body of the e-mail:
o Your Name (first & last)
o Cell number
o e-mail address
o Dates you are available (festival runs Tues. June 18th – Sat. June 22nd )
Attention Class of 2025!
An exciting opportunity to be a part of the Homecoming traditions sponsored by the Downingtown Alumni Association. For more information, view the letter and application linked here.
Attention Class of 2025!
Lifetouch will begin the first sitting of Senior Portraits for the Class of 2025 on June 10th through June 14th, and June 17th through June 20th. All sittings will be held in the Auditorium with check-in being held in the Main Lobby at Downingtown West. To schedule your appointment, please visit www.ouryear.com. For more information, please view the attached flyer by Prestige Photography.
If you have any problems with your scheduled appointment time, please contact 1-800-OUR-YEAR™ between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm EST Monday through Friday.
Danish Exchange Program Applications are now open!
Applications are now open to join our Danish Exchange Program for 2024/2025 school year! This is a unique opportunity for life changing, affordable travel that includes cultural immersion and cross-cultural relationship building. Students can join the Schoology page to access the application and for more information: WMDJ-6N3H-S9B8V. Please contact Mrs. Nass or Dr. Mapes for more information! mnass@dasd.org / jmapes@dasd.org.
April PBIS Winners
Please join me in congratulating Clara Hollenbeck and Elliot McGowan, our PBIS winners for the monthly drawing for April! Both Clara and Elliot received a $25 gift card for showing their being real DAWGS!
To keep up with our DAWG Pack, follow us on Instagram: @dw_dawgs
Student Reminders
- Parking permit sales are closed due to lot capacity and only seniors with parking permits should be parked on campus. Juniors and students without permits must park at the DYW facility. Security is now ticketing! Please come to the main office to clear your parking tickets before the end of the year!
- Graduation Project Information for proposals and presentations can be found here. Class of 2025 Proposal are now past due!
- Music Parents Association: Interested in what is going on in the Music world check out our Music Parents Association page - Downingtown High School Music Parents Association (dhsmpa.org)
- Whippet Studios: Subscribe to video alerts: Linktr.ee/WhippetStudios Announcements will be broadcasted through Youtube at 7:42 AM daily. Please follow @WhippetStudios on Instagram for original content & announcements.
- LOOKING FOR HOMEWORK HELP? The last day of homework club will be Thursday, May 30th. Come to Homework Club every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm . No need to sign-up, just stop in!
- Science - Tuesday - Room 176
- Math - Thursday- Room 239
- English and All Other Subjects -
- Tuesday/Thursday - Room 161
The Road to Graduation - Class of 2024
Graduation will be held on Thursday, June 6th at 6:00 pm at Kottmeyer Stadium. In case of inclement weather, a decision will be made by 1:00 pm and posted on the website about moving indoors to the Wagner Gym. All Seniors will receive a total of 10 tickets which can all be used if we are outdoors. The Graduation Ceremony will also be live streamed.
Graduation FAQs
We know the senior class has been looking forward to celebrating their years of hard work with a traditional commencement ceremony, and we thank you for working with us to give the Class of 2024 the best graduation ceremony possible.
Accessible Parking and Seating is also available for those family members who may need them. A link for requesting Accessible Parking/Seating is located here. New this year, we will have a drop-off location at the Rock Raymond Road covered sidewalk for ease of getting your loved ones to the stadium for the ceremony. Carts will be available to take those family members to the stadium who cannot walk a far distance. Click here to view the drop-off location on a map.
Important Senior Dates
· May 29—Senior Laptop Collection
· May 30 - Deadline for seniors to Present Graduation Project to be eligible to participate in Graduation
· May 31—Senior Prom @ 7:00 pm at Drexelbrook
· May 31—Post Prom Party following Senior Prom at Wagner Gym
· June 4th & 5th - Elementary Walk the Halls for the Class of 2024
· June 4—West Graduation Indoor Practice @ 11:00 am (students report at 10:45 am)
· June 5—West Graduation Outdoor Practice @ 11:00 am (students report at 10:45 am); Senior Picnic immediately following practice - tickets required for picnic
· June 6—West Commencement Ceremony @ 6:00 pm in Kottmeyer Stadium* (students report at 4:45 pm) *weather permitting
West Senior Laptop Collection ~ Wednesday, May 29th
DASD Technology extends their sincerest congratulations on your child’s upcoming graduation. As we prepare for the end of the school year, all district-issued laptops and chargers must be returned. Student email accounts and Google Drive will be active until June 30, 2024. Students will need to move any files from their Google Drive that is associated with their email account to a personal account. Please note that the laptop buyout program has ended.
Prepare for collection:
- Please place the laptop & charger in a large bag to keep items together.
All laptops should be fully charged and will be inspected upon return.
- Laptop collection will be in the Lab inside the Library. Laptop collection is Wednesday, May 29th.
See the schedule below for the collection. Please come during your appointed time.
Last Name Time
Adams - Chappell 7:30 - 8:15
Chavez - Etter 8:15 - 9:00
Feather - Howard 9:00 - 9:45
Hudson - Manning 9:45 - 10:30
Mantrabuddi - Olson 10:30 - 11:15
O’Neill - Rozecki 12:00 - 12:45
Russell - Sweatman 12:45 - 1:30
Torquato - Zwerling 1:30 - 2:15
Class of 2024 Announcements
Senior Student's Meal Accounts
As the end of the school year approaches, we wanted to take a moment to inform you about any remaining funds left in your senior student's meal account. If your senior student has funds remaining in their meal account, you have several options:
- Request a Refund
- Transfer Funds
- Donate
For more information, please see the account funds letter and Food Service Account Refund Application.
Elementary Walk the Halls
Each year the graduating seniors are invited to walk the halls of their elementary school wearing their cap and gowns. Please use this link for the specific date and time your elementary school will welcome the Class of 2024!
It's Post Prom Party Time for the Class of 2024!
Registration is open for the 2024 Post Prom Party!!! The event is FREE!! The event is NOT a LOCK-IN EVENT!! You DO NOT have to attend Prom to attend the Post Prom!! Register early even if you don't have your plans finalized, register for the event. Registration allows for quick entry.
- Seniors/Senior Parents: The time to register is HERE!!!
Please see the registration link for the upcoming Post Prom Party: 2024 Post Prom Party Registration BEACH PARTY! When students register, parents will be sent a waiver form link. Both documents MUST be completed to ensure quick entry into the event. 2024 Downingtown West Post Prom Party Parental Waiver Form
A raffle drawing will be held for those that pre-register.
Walk-ins are welcomed but will require a call to parents before entry (at midnight!!).
Information on senior obligations have been sent out via email. All obligations must be cleared before you can attend Senior Prom or receive your cap and gown for Graduation. If you have any questions about an obligation, please contact the teacher listed in the email or Mrs. Kennedy in the Main Office.
Senior Graduation Projects
Graduation Projects must be completed and present in order to graduate. Faculty members are available before and after school almost everyday of the week— sign up now with Mr. Hassel (bhassel@dasd.org) to get this obligation cleared by scheduling your Graduation Project presentation.
Student Council
We are excited and proud to announce our student council officers for the 2024-25 school year!
Co-Presidents: Kaitlyn Dorr & Abigayle Prinder
Vice President: Chloe Friedland
Treasurer: Julia Staffieri
Secretary: Hailey Hartzell
For news and other school updates, follow our Instagram page @dweststudentcouncil.
Parent Reminders
All DASD families received an email with instructions for how to complete their Student Contact Information Confirmation for the 24/25 school year. The deadline for parents to complete the confirmation is Friday, September 20th.
- Attention Parents: 2023-2024 Device Fees are now past due! Please review & submit your student’s device payment on PaySchools* Central.
- Please review the Traffic Pattern Links: AM & PM Traffic Patterns & new traffic patterns during construction: Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Map Rock Raymond Drop off will still be available during construction.
- Please visit Aramark for available Menus!
Special Announcements
Student Resources
If your student needs additional resources following the recent losses in our community, please contact the Counseling Office at 610-269-4400 x 81422.
Whippet Pantry
Upcoming College Visits
College admission representatives have started their visits! The complete schedule of college visits is posted on Naviance under the College tab. Juniors and Seniors are invited to meet the representatives by signing up on Naviance and requesting teacher permission to participate. These representatives typically visit once each fall, and are very helpful with the admissions process! Schedules can change so visit Naviance for the most up to date visits!
Career Center News
Employment / Volunteer / Career Opportunities
Uwchlan Township Community Day will be held on Saturday, August 10th, at Lionville Park and they need volunteers! Setup begins at 1 p.m. and there are four shifts. Assist with traffic/pedestrian flow, staff the kids craft tent, corn hold tent, community tent, help with other fun attractions, and with tear down prior to fireworks. The township committee could also use another volunteer for monthly meetings so this would qualify as a graduation project! Anyone interested in either position should contact JoAnna Benton at joannabenton@comcast.net.
- Aviation Enthusiasts!! The inaugural Chesco Airfest has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 29th, from 9 AM – 5 PM at the Chester County Airport! This event is FREE to the public, and participants can learn about the history of the Chester County Airport, careers in aviation, recreational flying, displays (including at Warbird!) and more! Discovery flights will also be available for purchase! Contact Zach Clemens at zclemens@chestercountyaviation.com with any questions.
- Volunteers are needed for the St. Joseph's Community Festival in Downingtown June 18-22! Volunteers are needed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 6-10 pm, Friday, 6-11 pm, and Saturday, 3-11 pm. Contact Teri Jenkins at ktjenkins@verizon.net for information on how to sign up.
- Bright Light Summer Camp is looking for a CERTIFIED LIFEGUARD for Mondays this summer from June 17-August 5, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The pay is $16/hour, and the minimum age is 16. Contact Miss Dawn at dawn@brightlightelc.com if you are interested!
- Attention GIRLS in grades 9-12!! Girls Spark will be hosting the "Empowered Girls, Empower Summit", on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at Penn State Brandywine from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Many workshops will be offered on a variety of topics including healthy relationships, budgeting, mindset, workplace tips, self-defense and more! Seats are limited, so register ASAP at www.girlsspark.org/annual-summit!! Free busing from the Downingtown West parking lot – more details to come!
- The Montgomery School in Chester Springs is currently recruiting for their after-school program in the fall. The minimum age is 16, days and hours are flexible, and they will work around athlete schedules. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Kunsch at kkunsch@montgomeryschool.org.
- Exton Senior Living in Exton is looking for dining servers, and they offer part-time, flexible hours. The minimum age is 14 and the pay is $13/hour. For more information, or to apply, contact Marti Drozel at mdrozel@integracare.com or visit https://jobs.integracare.com/positions/.
- Summer Employment Opportunity! Marsh Creek and French Creek Pools are hiring lifeguards, food prep/cook and cashier positions. They offer lifeguard certification at their location plus financial assistance to cover the cost at other locations! The minimum age is 15 with working papers for lifeguards and 14 with working papers for food concession. The hours are 11 am - 6:30 pm weekdays and 11 am - 7:30 pm weekends. Flexible schedules and commensurate with experience. For more information and to apply, visit: http://www.marshcreekpool.com and click "Employment Application" link on the employment page or contact (610)458-8535 or info@marshcreekpool.com.
- Summer Employment Opportunity for Juniors and Seniors! Town & Country Moving and Storage in Chester Springs is looking for summer help. Contact Mike DelFra if you are interested at 610-524-9099 or mike@towncountrymovers.com.
- Kumon in Downingtown needs part-time office assistants and graders and early learning assistants! Must be proficient in math through algebra level and strong English skills. Contact heemashah@ikumon.com if you are interested in applying.
Attention JUNIORS… if you are thinking of a career in engineering, Millersville University is offering a chance to “test drive” Applied Engineering at a FREE two-week summer intensive program designed to introduce advanced manufacturing career pathways to rising high school seniors with academic and mechanical aptitude and a STEM mindset. This program runs July 15-26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and participants who attend all sessions and complete all CMfgA (Certified Manufacturing Associate) online courses and pass the CMfgA exam within 12 weeks will receive $950. For more information, contact: Cindi Moses at cindi@mantec.org. Limited spaces are available!
- JUNIORS and SENIORS! Universal Technical Institute is offering their Summer Ignite Program that allows you to explore STEM career training while learning in-demand, real-world skills used in today’s transportation industry—at NO COST! Students who successfully complete the course can earn credits towards an education at UTI. For more information: info@uti.edu or visit: https://www.uti.edu/locations/pennsylvania/exton
- Volunteers Needed! The Upper Uwchlan Township Historical Commission needs help for their summer walking tour of Upland Farm on June 27th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm and volunteers would need to arrive no later than 4:45 pm. Volunteers are needed for the following spots:
• Lead groups of 15 or so people around Upland Farm to each historic building where an historical commission member will be presenting on the building
• Help with registration
If you can assist, please contact Vivian McCardell at vsmccardell@icloud.com.
Summer Overseas Opportunities
Summer Trips
Trips scheduled for summer of 2025:
- Environmental Sciences goes to Costa Rica - April 12 - April 20, 2025 - for more information, please see Mr. Saddler or Ms. DiSantis
- School Trip to Berlin, Munich & Salzburg - June 9-17, 2025 - for more information, please see Mr. Schauer or click on the link above.
Look for more upcoming overseas opportunities for the Summer of 2025 coming soon!
Upcoming Events
DW Class of 2024 Commencement
Class of 2024 Commencement will take place at Kottmeyer Stadium on Thursday, June 6th at 6:00 pm.
Tickets are required. An announcement will be made on the website by 2:00 pm that day if we need to move to Wagner Gym due to weather.
Thursday, Jun 6, 2024, 06:00 PM
Downingtown West High School, Manor Avenue, Downingtown, PA, USA
Calendar Information:
To download a copy of the West Calendar (including letter days) to your device, click here: https://www.dasd.org/news-events/district-calendar
Next, click on “Subscribe to Calendar(s) tab for subscription options for your specific calendar application.
May 27 - Closed for Memorial Day
May 31 - Distinguished Honor Roll Breakfast - 2nd period - Cafeteria
May 31 - Senior Prom - 7:00 pm at Drexelbrook
May 31-June 1 - Post Prom - Wagner Gym
June 6 - End of 4th Marking Period - Last Day of School - ends at 10:40 am
June 6 - West Graduation at 6:00 pm - Kottmeyer Stadium (weather permitting)
Kottmeyer Stadium
Military Honors at Stadium
Please see the link below for important information regrading all home DASD high school athletic events.
DASD Athletics: Spectator Information
All Downingtown High School students who attend home football games will be subject to our passive Breathalyzer as they enter the football stadium.
Home Varsity Competitions listed below—For all other competitions, please visit the WEST Athletics webpage.
Students, parents, and community members are reminded that ALL district property and school events are drug, alcohol, and tobacco free. ALL sporting events after 5:00 pm are subject to an entrance fee of $5.00 for students/adults thru Ticket Spicket. District 1 playoff tickets are $7.00 and are purchased through HomeTown Ticketing (see below for link).
Congratulations to the following teams who have made it into District Playoffs:
- Boys Baseball
- Girls Softball
- Girls Lacrosse
Playoff tickets for lacrosse can be purchased through HomeTown Ticketing.
Summer Athletic Camps
GIRLS LACROSSE SUMMER YOUTH CAMP: Camp Registration Link and Camp Information
Fundraising Events
West Baseball Fundraisers
Downingtown West baseball is selling Wawa shorti coupons! Each coupon is $6 and is good for one Wawa shorti, valid at any location, with no expiration. If you’re interested, please complete the attached form! Thank you for your support! Click here for ordering: DWEST Wawa Shorti Card Sale
Dowingtown West Home & School Association
The 2023-2024 DWest Home and School Executive Board:
Michele Helveston
Vice President:
Stephanie Steffen
Michelle Nielsen
Kathleen Teal
Joint Home & School
Maria Dennin
- Home and School is always looking for more volunteers. If you are interested in being on the board or even just want to help out, please email westhomeandschool@gmail.com
- Stay in the loop and join the west Facebook page. Downingtown West HSA
The Time has Come … Please Come Out and Help at the 2024 Post Prom Beach Party celebrating the Class of 2024 on May 31st.
WE NEED YOUR HELP. We are Actively Looking for Volunteers of Parents from ALL grade levels: There is lots to accomplish and little time to do it. We will be transforming the school into a Beach Party for seniors for an overnight celebration. Please sign up to help decorate for this year’s Post Prom. We will begin on Thursday, March 30 after school and continue Friday afternoon up until the event begins at midnight. Any time you can give is most appreciated. We are also in need of early morning volunteers to help break down the event - for those that have been there overnight, your arrival in the early morning hours is amazing!! Also, calling all night owls, we absolutely need volunteers to help oversee during the event. It’s such a great time and you don’t even realize you are up so late, there is so much going on!!
Parents of 9th-11th grade are highly encouraged to help in order to keep this tradition going for future classes at Downingtown West. Please come see what it is all about. https://tinyurl.com/2024-Post-Prom-Volunteers
Seniors/Senior Parents: Please Encourage your students to register. It is an amazing event. See Dr. Barker’s email for specific information. Walk-ins are welcome but we will need to call the parent (AT MIDNIGHT) for entry if we don’t have an event specific parent waiver on file. So please complete the forms ahead of time.
School Profile
Downingtown High School West
The Main Office at West is open during the school year from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday.
DHS West offers a diverse program of study. Our students are involved in academics at all levels. Academic, AP, Honors, Basic, Business Education, Industrial Arts Technology and Vocational-Technical courses are offered throughout our program.
Main Office Phone 610-269-4400
Main Office Fax 610-269-1801
Attendance Fax 215-827-5693
Guidance Fax 610-514-0279
Athletic Fax 610-514-0281