Staff Updates: February 1-28
Hornet's Monthly Quote:
"If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love."
Mission: Roswell High School's mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
Happy February!
February 06, 2023
Congratulations to our Hornets on successfully finishing the first semester of the 2022-2023 school year. Grades have now been finalized and are posted to students' transcripts. Parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers and counselors if their student(s) struggled last semester. It's a great practice to check in on their current progress. We have several support options available to help students who may have fallen behind, including High Dosage Small Group tutoring and the opportunity to make up classes through Fulton Virtual School (FVS). We want to support our student(s) sooner rather than later with their learning needs so they can successfully complete all of their courses. In addition, the district will be offering its Summer Learning program again this summer for students who do not pass their classes. Complete information on summer learning offerings and how to register will be available on March 1st at fultonschools.org/summerschool.
We are excited about the second half of the school year and look forward to helping our students to continue to learn and grow this semester.
We are also very pleased to share the following information with our community. Our senior class will participate in their graduation exercises on Monday, May 22, 2023.
- Monday, May 22, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. (Ameris Bank Amphitheatre)
Let’s continue to duplicate our successes, together as a team! Again, I am so proud to be a part of such an team! It truly does take a village to normalize excellence!
Thank you for all that you do to partner with our team of teachers, support staff and administrators to ensure a successful and memorable experience for each and every Hornet!
What are the instructional priorities within your PLC? How do they align to the goals you have set? Are the goals within reach?
Your Partner,
Principal Miley
Congratulations to our TOTY and POTY SY24! We are so PROUD of Christi and Erika!
Items for Review & Action: February 6-28
Action Items
Staff SMORE-Reminders & Updates
Student Success Skills***
Domain: Social Skills
Area: Conflict Resolution
PPT directions: CLICK HERE
Folder of Materials: CLICK HERE
Forms to sign off: https://forms.office.com/r/HEkfzAiJXZ
Contact Ms. Steffen Mathis if you need support
Quest-4-Excellence-Student Recruitment-PROGRAM BEGINS THIS WEEK!
Student Recruitment
Science and math teachers (Action Required-Reference the SMORE)
Applications: Teachers, please email Ms. Little the names of the students you would like to recommend for the program.
Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, February 21st (8:30 a.m.)
See Flyer in the Staff SMORE
ACCESS Testing: ACCESS for ELLs is administered annually to all English learners in Georgia. ACCESS for ELLs is a state-mandated, standards-based English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English.
Tuesday (2/07)
Wednesday (2/08)
Thursday (02/09)
Course Verification Advisement Schedule (reference schedule in the Staff SMORE)
9th Grade: 2/6-2/10
10th Grade: 2/13-2/17
11th Grade: 2/22-2/24
BSU-Black History Spirit Week (2/20-2/24)
Monday- College day (Students and Staff are encouraged to wear their HBCU merchandise if they own any, take a pic and tag BSU on it. IG @Roswellhs_bsu Twitter @roswell_bsu)
Tuesday- Durag & PJ Day (Students and Staff are encouraged to take a pic of and Tag BSU on it.@Roswellhs_bsu Twitter @roswell_bsu)
Wednesday- African American Celebrity/ Athlete Legend (Students and staff are encouraged to dress up as their favorite African American celebrity or athlete)
Thursday- 80's - 90's Day (Students and staff are encouraged to dress up in their favorite 80's 90's attire.
Friday- Color Wars Freshman (Yellow), Sophomores (Red), Juniors (Green), Seniors (Black); Soul Train Night Dance
Annual Perception Survey (2/13-2/24)
Click here to take the survey if you are school staff or use the QR code.
School Governance Council Elections
The window for parents and teachers to declare candidacy for their school’s SGC will open on February 1, 2023.
During this time, individuals interested in serving a 2-year term (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025) will need to complete a Candidate Declaration Form which will be available on the Charter System Website.
The declaration window will close on March 24, 2023. Interested parents and teachers can click here to access requirements for candidacy.
The Quest-4-Excellence Pilot Program (Site Coordinator)
Paid opportunity/2 hours per week (Teacher/Paraprofessional Opportunity)-More information is provided in the Staff SMORE
Email Valerie Rogers by February 10, 2023, if interested
The Roswell Class of 2023 Graduation Exercises
Monday, May 22, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. Ameris Bank Amphitheatre
Be on the Look Out:
BOLO (Be on the lookout):
Principal’s Advisory Council-PULSE CHECK
Each week, the council will send in a pulse check from their team. I will select 1 to 2 GROW(s)
and GLOW(s) to share in hopes that we will combine our strength and achieve greatness together! Chasing greatness is a feat in itself! It’s important to me to check-in and make sure we are all moving forward toward our goals. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of our team members! Together, we are stronger!
Glow: Vending machines-less students are getting out of class to go use the vending machines; thank you to admin, teachers and staff for holding tight to expectations.
Grow: Grade reporting; clarification and detailed reporting; a schedule may be shared as an exemplar.
Leadership Pathways (Review information in the Staff SMORE)
Assistant Principal Pathway
IST Pathway
Upcoming School Holidays/No School for Students
February 20: Presidents' Day-Holiday Observance for students and staff
February 21: Professional Development Day-No School for Students!
Exceptional Children’s Week: March 6-10
Please join the SEC Department in celebrating Exceptional Children’s Week! Prepare for a weeklong celebration (Power in Our Differences)
ACT Day: March 7, 2023
Seniors will have a remote asynchronous day
Teachers, please plan for remote assignments/asynchronous for Seniors only!
Survey-New Grading Policy
The New Teacher Project (TNTP) is conducting an implementation evaluation of the new grading policy; select teachers will receive a survey, March 6. Please complete the survey prior to March 10.
Tips for the Week!
TIP for the week:
Let's celebrate the great things and great people at the NEST!
- Congratulations to our SY24 Professional of the Year, Ms. Erika Zeidler! We are so proud of you! Thanks for leading the way!
- Retirement Worthy…Yes, it’s true, and we will miss them dearly! The following staff members are setting sail into retirement, and we are so thankful for their commitment and service to RHS and FCS!
- Susan Murphy, Professional Assistant to the Principal, PAIII
- Lisa Sinon, Teacher-Adaptive PE
- FCS Retirement Celebration: FCS is hosting a reception to celebrate this year’s retirees on Thursday, June 8 from 3-5 p.m. at Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center (1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs). Each retiree receives 1 guest ticket.
- Newsworthy information: Click here to share information with the Buzz and to request a feature on the Buzz.
- Celebrating our Teacher-of-the-Year Nominees: Congratulations to our amazing teachers! We are proud to announce the following Teacher-of-the-Year Finalists for SY23: Laura Barrett, Christi Chilton, Emily Hoza, Sonya Miller and Whitney Sweet!
- Celebrating our Professional-of-the-Year Nominees: Erika Zeidler, Laura Routt and Andrea Bailey. We are proud of you all!
- Stop by and say, "Hello" to our newest Hornets: Lauren Addington (ELA), Carly Bassen (ELA), Curtis Shipper (Social Studies-IRR), Ned Granville (Science), Nichole Armour (Counseling Services-PAII), Tina Cairo (Support Services/Social Worker-Intern), Ana Cardenas (Spanish teacher)
FCS Teacher Recruitment Fairs
(Monday): Please play the video for your grade level
(Wednesday): Follow up on Wednesday with an activity/discussion
Exceptional Children's Week: March 6-10
FCS Gifted In-Field Endorsement Program
Student Recruitment: Quest 4 Excellence Extended Learning Program
The whole experience us to inspire students to raise the horizon for what they think is possible.
- Introduction to Space
- Convection, Conduction, and Radiation heat experiments
- 12-hour curriculum
- Arduino coding
- 25 Selected Students
Science and math teachers, we would like to invite students who would benefit from extra support in Science or Math. The pilot program is designed to foster higher level thinking skills and to foster the development of metacognition for students who need additional support.
- Teachers, please email Ms. Little the names of the students you would like to recommend for the program.
- Applications will be delivered directly to the student; an electronic copy will be sent to the parent, as well.
- February 27-March 27
Program Coordinator
- Barbara Townsend
- Melissa Little
Social Worker
- Valerie Rogers (Community Liaison)
Soul Train Night Dance!
FRIDAY February 24th "Soul Train Night Dance!" Come out and Join the Soul Train Line Friday 2/24/23 @ 6:30pm-9:30pm (Students and Staff are encouraged to dress up in 80's and 90's clothes and shake their tale feather). So Pick Out Your Afros and Dust Off Your Platforms and Join In!!!!!
Aspiring Assistant Principal Pathway
We are pleased to announce that the Professional Learning & Leadership Development (PLLD) will launch the inaugural Aspiring Assistant Principal Pathway that will start in June 2023.
This new pathway is designed around a set of academic and site-based experiences that provide knowledge and skills for candidates seeking a stronger understanding of the Assistant Principal role. Participants are emerging leaders who are eager to further develop their own capabilities and desire to serve as Assistant Principals in FCS.
If interested, please attend this informational session held virtually via Microsoft Teams on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
Informational Session Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting
Informational Session Flyer: Aspiring Assistant Principal Pathway Flyer.pdf
Program Description: Aspiring Assistant Principal Program Description (2).pdf
Please direct any questions to Tara McGee, Coordinator of Leadership Development, mcgee@fultonschools.org.
Aspiring IST Pathway 2023-2024!
The SEC Department is excited to announce that we will be hosting information sessions for FCS teachers interested in participating in our Aspiring IST Pathway 2023-2024! The pathway will consist of seven modules that cover a range of topics from instruction to compliance. Two information sessions will be held for interested applicants on Thursday, February 9th and Thursday, February 16th.
The pathway will:
- Begin July 2023 and end March 2024
- Offer mock interviews with principals, HR, and SEC staff for candidates who successfully complete the seven modules
We look forward to supporting our teachers in their professional growth as well as supporting principals by offering a pool of candidates to fill future IST vacancies in schools.
Aspiring IST Pathway 2023-2024 Requirements
Aspiring IST Pathway 2023-2024 Information Sessions
For questions, contact Yvette Glover, Program Specialist, SEC, at glovery@fultonschools.org
It's Not to Late to Join PTSA! We are the "T" in PTSA!
Take a moment and join the RHS PTSA today. Just follow the link https://roswellhsptsa.new.memberhub.store/store
We will soon begin the raffle of surprises! But, you must be a member to receive a surprise!
PTA Founders Day is February 17, 2023!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year Finalists & Overall Winner, Ms. Christi Chilton!
Staff-of-the-Excellence! Congratulations on your nomination and representation of Excellence! We Appreciate You!
Beverly Michard, Media Paraprofessional
- August
Ali Ahmed, History Teacher
- September
Crystal Baker, Interrelated Teacher
- October
Deb Carstens, Counseling Professional Assistant
- November
Whitney Sweet, Interrelated Teacher
- December
Student Success Skills
- Domain: Social Skills
- Area: Cooperation
- Sign off here, please! https://forms.office.com/r/7XiZNn3X7P
Course Verifications Advisement Schedule
The Grading Policy Asynchronous Sessions are now available! Please go here for directions on how to access the sessions through Atlas.
The five asynchronous sessions are now available for anyone who wants to begin prior to pre-planning! Please go here for instructions on how to access the sessions through Atlas. Daria Butler can assist anyone who may need Atlas assistance: butlerdn@fultonschools.org.
Internal FCS Grading and Reporting Hub:https://fultonk12.sharepoint.com/sites/GradingandReportingHub
- Session 1: Majors, Minors, and Practice
- Session 2: Missing & Late Work, and Recovery
- Session 3: Non-Academic Skills
- Session 4: Grade Reporting & Infinite Campus (available July 18)
- Session 5: Instructional Calendar Planning
Every nine weeks:
2 Majors
3 Minors
3 Practices
Friendly reminder that M’s should be entered into the gradebook instead of zeros. All assignments are given a point value of 100, if you change the points IC will update every hour and revert back to 100 points. If a student is failing your class, Please use PLP in IC for your parent contact log. If you need assistance or help with IC, please use this link for teacher resources. Please ensure you communicate with parents and keep your communication log about any failing student.
Reserved Testing Days!
Grade changes for end-of-semester grades must be submitted on the Grade Change form. This form must be completed fully, submitted to the Curriculum Assistant Principal for approval, and submitted to the Data Clerk for processing. Proper documentation is essential for any grade change to take place.
Per Board Policy, a course syllabus should be provided to students, and posted for parent and student review, at the beginning of each semester. All teachers are expected to adhere to the district’s new grading policy.
FCS: No School Days/
- September 05: Labor Day
- October 10: Columbus Day
- October 11: Professional Development Day
- October 12: Teacher Workday
- November 21-25: Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 19-30: Winter Break
Semester Two
- January 2: Winter Break (continued)
- January 3: Teacher Workday
- January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
- February 20: Presidents' Day Holiday
- February 21: Professional Development Day
- March 13: Professional Development Day
- March 14: Teacher Workday
- April 3-7: Spring Break
Professional Development/Remote = Digital Learning Days for ALL Students!
Asynchronous classes offer learners the flexibility to study in a self-paced manner. While most asynchronous classes still have submission deadlines, students can connect with materials, peers, and instructors on their own schedules, often over an extended period of time. Teachers may prescribe an order of operations for the materials, but learners can often choose how much or how little time they spend in each area.
- September 6, 2022
- November 08, 2022
- December 6, 2022 (New-Run-off Election Day)
- January 17, 2023
- February 21, 2023
- March 13, 2023
Student Code of Conduct-Updates
School Meetings
School Governance Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 8 @ 4:00 p.m.
Our School Governance Council will meet on Wednesday, TBA @ 4:00 p.m.
Community Meeting: February 15 @ Sweet Apple Elementary School (9:30 a.m.)
- March 22: Mimosa Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- April 19: Crabapple Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- May 17: Elkins Point Middle (9:30 a.m.)
Upcoming Faculty Meetings
- September 6-Virtual (Click here to view)
- October 12
- November 08-Virtual
- January 3
- February 21
- March 14
Great News to Share: Email Principal Miley!
Click here to check out our Parent/Student Newsletter & Student Highlights!
September: https://www.smore.com/34yeb
October: https://www.smore.com/g3sqz
November: https://www.smore.com/uktc1
December: https://www.smore.com/vmw1p
January: https://www.smore.com/hms5a
February: https://www.smore.com/j2v9r
Teacher Resources/Grants
Quest 4 Excellence Pilot Program (2/27-3/27)
What is Quest-4-Excellence?
What is the Staff Coordinator's Role?
The Quest for Excellence Curriculum is pre-designed and limited planning is needed for the Staff Coordinator. The program facilitators and community mentors will be onsite executing all activities. The Staff Coordinator will serve as the liaison for the program.
What are the requirements of the Site Coordinator?
The site coordinator will work with our community partner to manage the program. The program is led by trained community volunteers who will work with a small group of students for 90 minutes per week (group size <25). The site coordinator must remain on-site with the students and the volunteers, one day per week for 2 hours to allow for program execution.
How long is the pilot program?
The Quest 4 Excellence Program will last 5 weeks (When: 2/27-3/27)
Day of the week: TBD
Ms. Barbara Bell will serve as the Site Coordinator for the Q4E Program.
If interested, please email Ms. Rogers (Deadline to advise of your interest is February 10, 2023)
Open: Teacher Leadership/Sponsor Roles
- All current roles are filled; stay tuned for new opportunities to serve as a teacher-leader!
PAGE Educator Grants!
PAGE is offering $500 educator grants again this second semester.
The deadline to apply is January 29, 2023. Here is the link for more information or to apply:
The Roswell Woman’s Club: Teacher Grants!
The Roswell Woman’s Club offers grants to local teachers based on their desire to conduct projects or acquire educational materials for the benefit of their students. Our resources are made available by fundraising during the current year. In May of 2022, thirty-four teacher grants were awarded totaling over $25,000.
Refer to our website at roswellwomansclub.org for eligibility, rules, and access to the application. Applications must be completed online by March 1, 2023. All questions should be directed to grants@roswellwomansclub.org.
Tutors Needed for Students identified as Homeless/Foster
Connect with the Teaching Museum
benefits, services, work rules and other areas of concern to employees.
Our mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
We Are Roswell: Go HORNETS!
Email: Miley@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/Roswellhs
Location: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075, USA
Phone: 470-254-4500
Twitter: @RoswellHighSch