North Template 2024
Back To School Edition 2024
A Message from Administration
North Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to kick off the year by welcoming our students and families back to North Elementary. We hope your summer was filled with rest, relaxation, and memories made. Our theme this year is "O.N.E. Is Our Happy Place"! We are thrilled to welcome our students and families back to North Elementary!
With the work of our teachers, custodians, faculty/staff, North has truly never looked better! You may notice a few lingering projects as crews at OMS finish their parking lot addition. There were also several promotions, retirements, and transitions at the conclusion of last school year. While we were sad to see members of our North family go, we are so excited for you to meet the talented individuals who have stepped into their roles.
Please reach out if there is anything we can do to help your children be successful. Thank you for entrusting us with your children and we can't wait to see you at meet the teacher!
Principal Dr. Zeb Wallace and Assistant Principal Kristy Richart
Important Reminders
- The school day is 8:40-3:55. Doors open at 8:15.
- Parents are welcome to walk in their student(s) Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Please let your child's teacher know how he/she will be getting home.
- Bus routes and the carline may run a little longer than usual the first week, so please be patient.
- School lunch for the first day is hot dog or grilled cheese with charro beans, roasted broccoli, pears, and milk. A monthly menu can be found on the district website.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Info
Thank you for helping us keep your child safe!
- Use both lanes and wait to be directed into the single drop-off lane at the first entrance.
- Please have your child on the passenger side so they can safely exit onto the sidewalk.
- Do not allow your child to exit the vehicle until you pass the crosswalk.
- Staff will be there to unload your student, however your child may exit on their own.
- We ask that you stay in your car. This will allow our line to move more quickly.
- Both parking lots in the front of North's building are available for parent use if you need to park and walk in with your child. Please use the crosswalks if doing so.
- Use both lanes until zippering into the single pick-up lane at the first entrance.
- We have six colored loading zones marked with flags. Staff at each zone will help your students into your vehicle.
- Please be attentive and keep moving forward so we can load safely and quickly.
- Do not leave cars unattended in the pick-up lane after 3:15. Please use the parking lot if you need to enter the building.
Walkers / Bike Riders:
- All walker/bike riders must live in the McGuffy or Hillstone neighborhood. All others will need to use the carline or bus transportation.
- For security purposes the back door of North Elementary, South of the cafeteria door, will be designated only for students who walk or bike to and from school.
- Students will not be released without a completed release form designating them as a walker/bike rider. Kindergarten students must be picked up in person by an adult.
Tiger Care:
- Morning drop-off time is between 6:30 and 8:10 am.
- Afternoon pick-up is between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. During pick-up, please park and remain in your vehicle until 4:00 and our carline is complete.
- Please use the parking lot off of NN and walk in the main entrance and toward the cafeteria to sign your student(s) in/out with the Tiger Care staff.
Meet Our School Nurse
Courtney Cluver
- In nursing profession since 2017
- Worked in Neonatal Intensive Care
- Started at Ozark School District in 2021
- My WHY: I have a passion for working with children and helping others. School nursing allows me to help students manage chronic health conditions while also keeping a good work-life balance.
Phone: 417-582-4777
Fax: 417-582-4786
Attention Kindergarten Parents
Are you nervous (or is your child nervous) about starting kindergarten? We hope this helps get those first-day jitters out for both you and your child. Watch this Day in the Life of a Kindergartner video with your child so you and your child are ready for the first day!
ONE Staff Shout Outs
Is there a staff member at North that you would like to recognize for anything big or small? Please click the button below and submit a shout-out for them!
District Calendar
You should have received this in the mail, but just in case, our district calendar for the 2024-25 school year can be found online here. Here is a printable version.
Connect With North!
There are many ways to connect with North Elementary and Ozark School District!
We love to highlight our students and staff through photos, announcements and recognitions on Facebook and Instagram.
North Motto: Dream it with all your mind! Believe it with all your heart! Achieve it with all your might!
District Mission: To provide high-quality education for each student’s future-readiness
District Vision: An innovative school district preparing students to use their talents for success