Mrs. McManus' Class
October 2024
Mark Your Calendars
October 4th Spirit Day
October 10th PBIS Fall Movie Trip
October 17th Fall Festival (5:00-7:30)
October 23rd Early Release @12:30
October 24th No School
October 25th No School
October 28th Red Ribbon Spirit Week Begins (See Image Below)
October 30th Report Cards
October 31st Halloween
October 31st 1st Quarter Birthday Celebration (August , September and October Birthdays)
Please sign up below if you would like to help provide something for our celebration.
Looking Ahead.......
November 1st Spirit Day
November 5th No School
November 7th Ag Awareness Day
November 8th Last Day to Sign Up For Veteran's Celebration (See image below.)
November 11th No School
November 13th Make-Up Picture Day
November 15th Veteran's Day Celebration @ 1:30
Classroom News and Reminders
New News
I need to talk to EVERY parent . I have added additional conference times. Please sign up for a time that works for you. If you cannot make it to school for a conference I will be happy to come to you!
Conferences- It's Time for Beginning-of-Year Conferences. I'm looking forward to meeting with each of you individually to discuss your child's performance data from the start of the year, as well as their progress so far this school year. Please use the link below to sign up for a conference time that works best for you.
Fall Festival- We greatly appreciate your generous donations of candy and the time you dedicated to making our fall festival a tremendous success!
Field Trip Payment- Please be sure to get this month's field trip payment in by Friday. You can pay with cash, by check to Wilkesboro Elementary, or through our new SchoolCash Online payment system. There is a $2.50 transaction fee when paying online.
Field Trip Forms (Ag Awareness) - Please return the field trip forms as soon as possible.
Veteran's Day Forms- Please return these forms or sign up using the QR code below by November 8th.
Old News, but still important!
Homework- Your child should read for 20 minutes every night. This is a consistent expectation. If your child does not have a specific reading assignment, such as a passage, they should still read every night. This is crucial for developing reading stamina. Please ensure that your child reads nightly.
Students will begin skip-counting as a nightly fluency practice. Each night, they should skip-count by the assigned number, repeating the sequence out loud to an adult four times. There is no need for students to write down the skip-counting. Please don't skip this assignment. Skip-counting establishes a strong foundation for learning multiplication. (I linked some fun skip-counting songs at the bottom of the Smore.)
Rules and Routines- Third grade moves quickly and includes a demanding curriculum. Students must take responsibility for following directions, maintaining focus on their learning, and engaging actively in lessons. It is essential for every student to arrive at school prepared to learn each day. Please remind your child every day to come to school ready to do his/her very best! We will address specific behavior concerns at BOY conferences.
Ice Cream- Your child may purchase ice cream on Fridays during lunch. Please send this money in a sealed envelope with your child's name on it. You can also add the money to your child's lunch account by clicking the link below. (You will need to register for an account.)
Snack- Please make sure that your child brings a small snack and a water bottle to school each day. Do not send flavored water or any other type of juice drinks for snack.
Folders/Planners- Please check, sign and clean out the planner each night. Look over and discuss any graded work and keep it at home.
Our school will be transitioning to REMIND for all parent communications over the next week. This app offers many important features such as two-way messaging, language translation, and direct to phone or email messaging that is set up by each user. Your family will need to take action to sign up. The link below will allow you to join my classroom REMIND. (Please use your name to sign up. )
Our Class Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/mcmanust3
School Remind: https:// www.remind.com/join/wegrow24
Special Clubs and Groups
WES Run Club: https:// www.remind.com/join/werun24
Classroom Wants and Needs
Amazon Wish List
Books Fairies Needed
Our third-grade team is raising money to put books in the hands of our students. One of the biggest joys of teaching is seeing a student fall in love with a book. We hope to be able to send home at least one book each month with every student in our grade. Growing lifelong readers is the goal —and your contribution will help do just that! Click the link above to donate to our campaign and be sure to share this link with family and friends. Thanks so much!
Learning Targets
Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Multiplication Strategies
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text that are relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
Identifying the organization of a text. (cause/effect, problem/solution, description, sequencing and compare/contrast)
Common and Proper Nouns
Abstract and Concrete Nouns
Singular and Plural Nouns
Possessive Nouns
Prefixes and Suffixes
Verbs (Present, Past and Future)
Identifying Complete Sentences
Capitalization and Punctuation (Proper Nouns and Titles)
Compound Words
Cursive Handwriting (Lowercase Letters)
Forces and Motion
Purposefull People-Responsibility
A big part of Responsibility is how we interact or engage with others. As we work to keep healthy relationships, we must understand that our choices impact those around us. This month's focus for 3rd grade is on practicing Responsibility with the help of flexible thinking.
Click here to download the Grade 3 Responsibility Newsletter
Support Our School
Box Tops for Education
Please click the link below to get more information on how to support our school. It takes less than five minutes to download the app and get started.
Lowes- Cart to Class
With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter million dollars to local schools. Lowes Foods guests will link their Fresh Rewards cards and schools will be rewarded based on how much they spend on private brand products. Guests can select up to 3 participating schools when enrolling in the Cart 2 Class program. To enroll, please click the link below and click on the button for "enroll in Cart 2 Class.
WES Spirit Rock
Rent the WES Spirit Rock by clicking the link below. Please note that the dates are not in numerical order.
Would you like to volunteer to help in a classroom, the school, or on a field trip? Please click the link below to complete the application in Volunteer Tracker.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
2024-25 School Calendar
Fun Websites/Resources
Pencil Pete Cursive Writing Practice
Skip-Counting Songs (These are catchy!)
Skip-Counting by 3's
Skip-County by 4's
Skip-Counting by 6's
Skip-Counting by 7's
Skip-Counting by 8's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kjgdSiKvmY&list=PLBKguK5HqJvkGWF_Wd3VnpCjyEnb0MIFu&index=5
Skip-Counting by 9's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4oB5KSoKsY&list=PLBKguK5HqJvkGWF_Wd3VnpCjyEnb0MIFu&index=6
Contact Mrs. McManus
Email: mcmanustr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: http://wes.wilkescountyschools.org/
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: 3368384261