MacArthur Notes
February 14, 2025
Principals' Update
Dear MacArthur Families,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy start of February School Vacation! This was an exciting week with so much to capture, however we start this week's edition with some opportunities to keep the learning going during our time away from school. Please check out all of the upcoming events at the Waltham Public Library taking place next week. Calendar Link In addition, check out these upcoming community events to keep your child engaged during their time away from school.
2/15 - The Waltham Museum - History of the Waltham Fire Department event
2/19 - Explore STEM with Waltham High School (at the WPL) - Register here.
2/20 - Beauty in Blackness: Dance with the Africano Diamonds (at the WPL) - Register here.
Keep an eye on the City of Waltham site for more information on community events.
In addition, we want to remind families about available resources for food in the community. Watch CDC shares regular resource for families to access on a weekly basis. English / Spanish Here is a link for meals at the Waltham Public Library as well. https://waltham.lib.ma.us/kids/meals/
As we transition to February Vacation, we also want to make everyone aware that our annual report card from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is now available. Thank you for reviewing the letter below and the attached links to learn how are school is doing in helping our students reach the state defined benchmarks. DESE Report Card Letter - English Spanish Portuguese Haitian Creole
This Week at MacArthur: Our 5th grade students enjoyed a pair of enrichment programs aligned to what they are learning in the classroom about the rainforest from Animal Adventures, as well as Opera Stories from the Lyric Opera House, in preparation for the end of the year 5th grade opera.
In addition, our students enjoyed a plethora of activities today to celebrate Valentine's Day! Thank you to all those who shared your love with our MacArthur faculty and staff today with your thoughtful notes and gifts. It was such a treat to be greeted with smiles and a card from one of our students.
Next Month: Read Across America events are being planned for the month of March! This is a reminder that If you are interested in serving as a guest reader, we ask that you have an active CORI on file in the office. Please visit Mrs. Santana in the office to complete your CORI check at your earliest convenience to be able to read in March.
MCAS Dates: Testing begins in April. Please make sure your 3rd - 5th graders are available to test on their grade level testing days. Thank you in advance! MCAS Dates 2025
Finally, our Student Council has a special Spirit Day planned for Tuesday, February 25th! Decades Day! Click here for the flier.
Have a wonderful week! We look forward to seeing all of our students rested and refreshed on Monday, February 24th!
In Partnership,
Mr. Kmiec and Mr. Howes
Lunch Menu
Waltham Recreation
Waltham Food Pantry
PTO Notes
Our new PTO Spiritwear store is open! Visit the website here to purchase your Spiritwear and have it shipped directly to your house!
Save the Dates!
RaffleMania - Friday, March 28th
We are looking for volunteers to make this event a success! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C48AFAB2CA6F58-54544227-rafflemania#/
We also are in need of basket donations to raffle off for this event! To donate a basket, please fill out the Sign Up Genius above or reach out to Amanda Walsh at a.schubert54@gmail.com
2nd Annual MacArthur 5K & Fun Run - Saturday, April 12th
Do you or someone you know own a business? We are looking for sponsors for this event and would love to help promote your business throughout the race! Please reach out to Amanda Walsh at a.schubert54@gmail.com if you would like to be a sponsor!
Sign ups for the race will be coming soon!
Upcoming 5th Grade Fundraiser - Save the Date!
Save the Date
5th Grade Fundraiser @ Orange Theory
Saturday, March 16th @ 1:00 pm
Stay tuned for more information on sign ups after break!!
6th Annual WPS Parenting Awareness Conference! 3/8/25
Join us on Saturday, March 8th from 8:00 - 1:30 p.m. at Kennedy Middle School. Our Keynote Speaker will be Brendan Mahan from ADHD Essentials; his topic is " Parenting as leadership (being a leader instead of a boss)!" Click here to register for the conference! Lots of good learning, food and door prizes!
Confirmed Workshops led by:
- Medjine Lucien from Waltham Partnership for Youth
- Susan Maxwell & Sean Hoxie from Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Emily Torres from the Attorney General’s Office
- Brendan Mahan from ADHD essentials
- Jenn-Ann Caruso, Waltham Public Schools Kindergarten Teacher
- Jessica Herwick from Waltham Fields Community Farms
Confirmed Info tables include:
- Baker Center’s Center for Effective Therapy
- Waltham Boys and Girls Club
- Representative from Congresswoman Catherine Clark’s office
- Foster Care Division of the Department of Children and Families
- Families for Depression
- Opportunities for Inclusion: Adult Family Care
- OUT Metrowest
- Representative from Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell’s office
- Waltham Fields Community Farm
- Waltham Land Trust
- Waltham Partnership for Youth
- Waltham Special Education Parent Advisory Council
- Wayside Youth and Family Support Network
- National Grid
Waltham Public Library
Register here - Events all month! : https://waltham.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/beauty-in-blackness-7/
Celebrate Black History Month with leaders from the Waltham High School Black Student Union! Come have fun with slime! / ¡Celebre el mes de la historia negra con guías de Waltham High School! ¡Diviértete con slime!
- 2/20 Dance with the Africano Diamonds / Baila con los Africano Diamonds
- 2/27 Let's Celebrate! (Food and other fun activities) / ¡A celebrar! (Comida y otras actividades divertidas
MacArthur Elementary School
Absence Line - (781) 314-5722
Email: kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Website: walthampublicschools.org/macarthur
Location: 494 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5721