February Fun!
Middle School East
Message from Principal Kelly
Dear Middle School East Families,
Thank you parents and guardians for taking time recently to review your child's grades with them at the mid trimester point! Please know that if you have any issues navigating ParentVue we are here to help you! Having access to your child's work is an important part of supporting them and ensuring that they are keeping up with their coursework. School truly is their first and most important job at this age! We genuinely appreciate your support and encouragement to finish the second trimester off strong! The end of the the trimester is March 3, 2022.
This month brings our second and final round of Parent Teacher Conferences on February 7th and 17th. We will be designating the first hour of each evening to be available virtually for families. The remaining time each evening teachers will be available to meet with students and families in person. Both night's conferences begin at 3:45 p.m. and end at 7:45 p.m. Thank you for your active involvement and participation! Please click here to communicate directly with teachers, counseling or administration regarding conferences.
February 7th and 17th
3:45-4:45 -- Teachers available to meet virtually
4:45-7:45 -- Teachers available to meet in person
This month we are reiterating our school beliefs with students. The message will focus on three important concepts that we'd love for you to jump in and visit with them about also. 1. Be kind - to everyone 2. Keep your hands to yourself - it is amazing how many things happen within the context of, "we were just kidding around..." that end poorly and finally 3. Follow directions - reasonable requests - doing what is asked of you or that you are directed to do.
A big shout out and thank you to the parents who volunteered to participate in the Parent Advisory Committee. We are together reading a book title, A Good Time for the Truth, by Sun Yung Shin. Please know that anyone is welcome to join in and participate! Simply contact me and we'll get you on the list!
Jennie Kelly
STMA Middle School East
Behavior Expectations Video
In SEL this Thursday, students viewed the mid-year behavior expectations video from Mr. Holler, Mrs. Schleicher and Mrs. Kelly. Topics included positive language, following reasonable requests from staff and keeping hands and feet to yourself. Please take time to watch the video and connect with your child about it. We continue to actively talk, teach and coach students about basic expectations of being back in school. We so appreciate your active engagement in helping students get back into "school shape."
Testing Update
This week, students completed the NWEA Math test within their Math classes. Students completed the English test last week in their Language Arts classes. Student NWEA MAP results for Reading and Math will be available in ParentVUE and scheduled to populate within two days of completing the assessment.
MN Student Survey
The Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) is one of the longest-running youth surveys in the nation. It is a triennial survey that began in 1989. The survey is an anonymous statewide school-based survey conducted to gain insights into the world of students and their experiences. Students in Grades 5 and 8 will have the opportunity to take the Minnesota Student Survey on February 18th at Middle School East.
The Minnesota Student Survey is the primary source of comprehensive data on youth at the state, county and local level in Minnesota. It provides valuable information about issues vital to the health, safety and academic success of young people. The survey results have proven to bring the youth voice into decisions made by youth programs, schools, communities and state agencies to implement school wide interventions and programming. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact either Mrs. Mesna or Mrs. Knudson to learn more about it.
Parent Advisory Committee
The building Parent Advisory Committee is a group of educators and parents that come together three times a school year to discuss a variety of topics. Please complete this form if you are interested in participating on this committee. We'd love to work with you! Our first meeting was held in January and was a great success! Please know you are more than welcome to join us at our upcoming meetings March 24th and May 26th both from 6-7 p.m. in the media center.
8th Grade Activity Night
5th Grade WEB Bingo
8th Grade WEB Leaders will be hosting a bingo event for all 5th graders on Friday, February 25th after school. Leaders are preparing for a fun afternoon of bingo, trivia and prizes! We hope all 5th graders will be able to attend this event. Stay tuned to the morning announcements for more details later this month.
Middle School East Winter Activities
District Spelling Bee
West 7th grader Frankie E. outspelled 21 students from East and West to win the STMA District Spelling Bee on January 13th. West 5th grader Thomas A. finished second. East 7th grader Ayah L. and 8th grader Ethan J. finished third and fourth respectively. All four spellers will continue to the Regional Spelling Bee on February 8th. We are so proud of all our spellers for carrying on the STMA tradition of excellence.
Activites Up and Running
- Destination Imagination is practicing at West this year with a new advisor, Jen Fischer, a Special Education teacher at Middle School East. The team is preparing for their competition on April 2nd.
- The Middle School MATHCOUNTS team is gearing up for their competition on February 8th at St. Cloud State University. The ten-person team is made up of students from both East and West.
- Boys Basketball is competing weekly. This week they played Becker and MSW.
8th Grade Boys Basketball Players in Action
Looking for an Afterschool Activity?
- MSE Art Club starts on Wednesday, February 2nd in Mrs. Iverson's room and will run for four weeks. Contact Community Education to sign up. There will be another session in April.
- Math Masters is an after-school Math competition activity for 5th grade students. It meets on Thursday afternoons in Mr. Daniels' room. Check in with Mr. Daniels to sign up.
Upcoming Music Concerts
Our Band and Choir students are hard at work preparing for their upcoming performances!
CHOIR -- Monday, February 28, 2022
5th/6th Grade Concert at 6:00 pm
7th/8th Grade Concert at 7:30 pm
Location: High School Performing Arts Center
5th GRADE BAND -- Thursday, February 10, 2022
Mr. Olson's students at 6:00 pm
Mr. Jordheim's students at 7:00 pm
Location: Middle School West Auditorium
6th-8th GRADE BAND -- Tuesday, March 1, 2022
6th Grade Concert at 6:00 pm
7th Grade Concert at 7:00 pm
8th Grade Concert at 8:00 pm
Location: Middle School West Auditorium
Congratulations to our January 2022 Star Students!
Front Row: Rylan M (6B), David O (8B), Macy W (7A), Serenity S (6ALB), Claire M (7B)
Back Row: Jason S (5B), Wesley H (5A), Johnny P (5-8 RH), Brooklyn B (5ALB), Brynn K (7ALB), Emily C (8A)
Not pictured: Allie R (8ALB), Henry P (6A)
What's Happening at Middle School East?!
6th grades on Team B are using crayons to model different processes of the rock cycle. In groups, they are using different materials to recreate sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock.
School Day
MSE Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Classes In Session from: 8:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Students may begin to arrive at school when the school doors open at 8:00 a.m.
It's COLD outside!
As the weather is getting colder, we want to remind families to make sure that children are dressed appropriately before heading to school each day. Our Minnesota weather can change at a moment’s notice, and students need to be prepared for the changes. At the middle school level, students will be sent outside for a 20 minute recess during their lunch period each day unless;
- The outside temperature and/or wind chill is 5 degrees or below.
- It is pouring rain.
- It is snowing heavily.
5th grade students have a 10 minute recess later in the day as well. Please help your child remember to wear a coat, hat, and gloves so they can be comfortable and enjoy their time outside at recess during the cold weather. Our hope is that every student at Middle School East will be prepared for the cold winter ahead, and we thank you for doing your part at home to make sure that happens.
Counseling Corner
Our counseling team would like to share with you a resource that they have found to be helpful. Providing tangible resources for students, parents and staff is an important part of our mission to supporting student and families. We hope that you find this to be helpful. Click here for resource.
Please know that your school counselors are here to support you!
Last names A-L please contact Mrs. Knudson juliek@mystma.org
Last names M-Z please contact Mrs. Mesna jessicame@mystma.org
School Social Worker please contact Mrs. Buskey jessicab@mystma.org
Need a break? Not sure how to quiet your mind? Check out STMA's Virtual Calming Room. Between journaling, coloring, mindfulness and mind games, you can find an activity to calm your mind and body. Use these tools to manage your emotions and find new ways to cope with the stress and anxiety of everyday life.